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[10:05] <onine> The sun breaks over the city, the rays of warm morning light chasing away the fog and rainclouds. The sunlight shines through the silken drapes of Juno's hall, spraying a cascade of rich colour across the elaborately crafted pillars and supports. Gold and silver trims of pillows gleam brightly, their surfaces eternally polished. [10:06] *** Yengo has left #oninegame [10:06] *** Yengo has joined #oninegame [10:07] <onine> Juno leads you through one of the side corridors, yet another masterful and elaborately crafted feature of the home. On the left, gradens and flowering plants hang, illuminated by the light from the high windows which flows in, colouring everything in vibrant shades. [10:08] <onine> Mistral follows up behind you, ensuring both that no one gets lost, and that no one 'straggles' in the home for explorative purposes. Yes you know who he's watching dammit. [10:09] <onine> Juno along the way explain some of the engineering features of the massive structure, but there is a certain sense of excitement in his voice, he seems very drivenand convinced that something grand is about to unfold. [10:11] <onine> The Imperial City looms from the windows, the Manse takes up many of the enourmous windows. With careful observation one can see tiny people on the massive fortress balconies. [10:11] * Magpie doesn't even notice Mistral keeping an eye on her. Temporarily, legendary magic swords have her in a noose, and her eyes gleam with excitement. She hops from one foot to the other when people walk too slow. [10:13] * Yengo walks along quietly, as usual trying not to goggle and mostly failing. [10:14] <onine> The empire of the Dragonblooded is made to impress! [10:15] * Anona is steadily refusing to be impressed. Well, trying to. [10:16] *** Kraken is now known as Beetle [10:16] * Yengo remembers looking at this place from the slums when he was a child... IT sure hasn't gotten any smaller. Even then, with considerably more imagination, he never would've thought it looked like this... [10:19] <onine> "Most of my observation rooms and studies face the Imperial Palace." Juno explains. "It is a reminder to me of what the Dragonblooded stand for, or what they did at least - what they should once more. The chaos of the modern day is an insult to the bravery of those that created the empire as it was." [10:22] <Magpie> "You mean the Scarlet Empress?" Magpie pipes in, so show willingness. [10:23] * Yengo nods dully, at the same time wondering what Juno might put in her place. [10:25] <onine> "Indeed. The rule of an empire is like a living body, when the various parts of the body do not work in unison, the body crumbles and dies - as the Realm is doing now." [10:27] <Anona> "True. Although it may remain moving for some time afterward, as we've found out." [10:28] <onine> "Quite right." He chuckes. Juno leads you down a windowless corridor, lit only by lanterns which cast a pale orange glow on the surroundings. At last he turns to a pair of enormours wooden doors with brass rings that Magpie could probably fit around her head. [10:29] <onine> "And here we are..." Juno says quietly and takes both rings in his hands, pulling the doors wide, the sudden onrush of morning light nearly blinds as it seems to rush hungrily into the darkness of the hall beyond to devour the shadows. [10:31] <onine> When your eyes adjust to the light you are standing at the entrance way to a massive circular domed hall. Windows stretch all the way to the domed ceiling high above, the upper panes of beautiful stained glass in intricate designs signifigant to the Dragons and the dragonblooded. [10:32] * Magpie stares into the huge gallery, and says "oh" softly, her eyes wide. She holds tighter to Crow. She didn't want him to get lost in there. [10:33] <onine> Held on spires that sprout around the center of the room are massive mirrors, shaped to focus light and beam it into the central circle of the room, by their look they are artifacts or are sorcerously enchanted to move with the sun to maintain the light in the heart of the room. [10:33] * Yengo follows the windows up, and up, and up... and then back down to the focus of the beam. [10:34] <onine> Juno smiles and leads you down one of the two sloped walkways that curcumvent the room. In the center of the massive place where the lights are focused you can see a white-clad woman and two assistants studying an array of artifacts which gleam almost too bright in the focused illumination. [10:35] <onine> She paces back and forth with a few scrolls issueing a few commands here and there. [10:36] <onine> The items are all confined within what Epheri and Anona can easily tell is a stone circle for sorcerous rituals. Demon and elemental summoning would be a simple matter within such a well crafted and engineered circle, and safe (As it can get with beings inhuman) [10:36] * Magpie 's head cranes back and twists around like an absurd bird, as she drinks in all the details of the room. [10:37] * Anona exerts a noticable air of professional awe. And envy. [10:38] <onine> There is actually a 'walk' between the door and the circle! The room is nearly 70 meters wide and quite possibly that tall as well. In the very center of the room opposite the door looms the golden walls of the Imperial Palace. [10:39] <onine> The woman looks up as the entourage approaches and quickly glides over to Juno who wraps her up in an loving embrace. They share a kiss that bears more passion than most truly ever experience in their lifetimes. [10:39] <onine> Mortals be jealous, this is exalted love! [10:40] * Magpie tugs on Tara's robes, and whispers a question that makes her blush, and refuse to answer. [10:40] * Yengo raises an eyebrow at the display but says nothing. [10:41] <onine> She is a beautiful woman, clad in flowing white wraps and peticoats that both hide and exentuate her figure. Her hair is wrapped likewise and a veil hangs from one corner, away from her enchanting face. Even her hands are gloved, only the fingers of her right hand are bare, the rest is completely covered. [10:44] <onine> Much jade and gold jewelery hang from various chains that seem to drape a little haphazard from her clothing, but works in unison nonetheless. She glances over at Juno's guests with dark rimmed amber eyes - she smiles when she sees the sorceresses, however it is a smile that doesnt entirely fill the youn Dragonbloods with warmth. [10:45] <Anona> "So... is this it?" [10:45] <Magpie> "Hello," Magpie says bravely. "Uh, you like your husband a lot, I guess." [10:45] <onine> Alphaeios seems to bear little resemblance to his father, but you can plainly see his features came from his mother's side. [10:47] <onine> "Greetings." She says, her voice commanding and flighty at the same time. [10:47] * Yengo bites his tongue to keep from laughing at Magpie's remark. You could say that, apparently. He keeps silent. [10:47] <onine> Juno caresses her cheek and releases her. "Is there progress my love?" [10:49] <onine> She jingles as his arms brush her jewelery. On closer inspection, the Exalts can see no less than seven possible hearthstones in plain show on her jewelery. "Almost, we are still waiting on a few components..." She scolds playfully before turning to the 'Archons', most notably the Sorceresses. She unlike her husband seems to look past the mortals as most Dragonbloods. [10:50] <onine> She glides over like an autumn zephyr and takes Anona's hands (provided Anona allows this without a burnination) "Tepet Anona. I am so very glad to meet you." [10:51] <onine> From her eyes she is both sincere and overpowering. Remember, I sense your talent, but you are still a child in my eyes, she seems to say without a single word. [10:52] <Anona> (Sure, why burninate Juno's woman until later, when I can more easily kill her and take her stuff?) [10:53] <Anona> "I am glad you are glad." [10:55] <onine> She laughs a little at your response. "I have been observing your career closely since your name started surfacing in our circles - such a pity that no society will take you. For someone to have mastered the summoning powers so swiftly is almost unheard of since Cathack Jorick." [10:55] * Anona mutters... "... not that I ever get the CHANCE, nowadays..." [10:55] <onine> Cathack Jorick is one of the most infamous dragonblood sorcerers that focused on the Summoning elements. He caused quite a bit of calamity with his 'boys' from Malfeus. [10:59] *** Magpie has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer�) [11:00] *** Sura has joined #oninegame [11:00] *** Sura is now known as Magpie [11:02] <onine> "And this is...? she prompts you, looking at Epheri [11:03] *** Magpie has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer�) [11:03] *** Sura has joined #oninegame [11:04] *** Sura is now known as Magpie [11:04] <onine> Mistral in the mean time is reading over one of the papers that have been piled on a small temporary table. [11:06] * Yengo fidgets, uncomfortable around so many obviously magical things and people. [11:12] * Magpie fidgets over to Mistral's side to peek around his elbow. [11:13] <onine> Whilst Lady Aria and the Sorceresses talk, Juno smiles warmly at the mortal crew. "Well, we shall leave them be, now as I promised," he gestures Yengo, Magpie and Tara to step into the circle. "This is Dragonwrath, what we have of it thus far." [11:13] * Yengo looks back at the Dragonbloods uncertainly for a moment before stepping forward. [11:14] <onine> Arrayed on the stone, with numerous little monitoring crystals and lore papers are the portions of the sword - the hilt, a strange ring of various jades, and the massive blade made by the looks of things, purely of steel. [11:14] <onine> (I'll send pics after this session, I dont have time to draw it now) [11:15] * Yengo looks over it, breathing in. Before he can stop himself, he blurts "But the Anathema took the hilt-" [11:15] * Anona looks over the hilt, to see if it matches her memory, [11:15] <onine> The weapon appears to be quite frankly, enourmous. The kind that is hard to believe that attuned exalts can even lift. The blade alone is nearly five feet long, and strangely has an empty center that stretches from the base to halfway along the blade's length. [11:15] <onine> (sure does) [11:16] <onine> "I certainly did not expect Dragonwrath to look as such, in all the tales it is revered to in the spirit of a simple, yet well crafted longsword." Juno comments, picking up one of many texts of the Kreites myth. [11:17] <onine> "Thankfully, the Hilt was recovered - the anathema abandoned it in one of her many cowardly retreats." Aria explains for your benefit. [11:18] * Magpie takes in a deep breath, and lets it out explosively. She dances up to the stone, and leans over the arranged fragments, locking her hands together behind her back to avoid temptation. "Maybe it changes?" She hazards a guess. "Maybe, the person now destined to wield Dragonwrath is �really tall�." [11:18] <onine> Mistral crouches down and shows Magpie the sheet he was examining. It shows a trio of progressively smaller rings, that connect to eachother and can turn. [11:19] <Magpie> "What are those?" Magpie points to the rings. [11:19] * Yengo marvels at the way the woman answers his question by talking to Anona. The smoothness of these Dynast types. "Hmm." He grunts. [11:19] <onine> "Perhaps, though I expect that all the stories try to portray an idealistic nobility to Kreites." Juno says. [11:20] <onine> Mistral smiles and chuckles in a friendly way. "We aren't really sure yet, we believe that they are special mechanisms that unlock powers in the Dragonwrath." He explains smoothly. [11:21] <Anona> "Have you any idea what those powers might *be*?" [11:23] <onine> "Kreites was spoken of as a dragonblood that united the slaves of the Anathema under one purpose with the blessings of the Dragons themselves to be a leader in the strife. There are many such heroes in our myths and legends, however few are spoken of as frequently and with the same accuracy across texts as Kreites." [11:24] <onine> "It is said that the Immaculate Dragons sacrificed portions of their souls to make Dragonwrath for the Dragonblooded, it is an icon that is literally the beating hearts and wills of the Dragons themselves. [11:24] <onine> " [11:25] <Yengo> "And you think having it will win over the Realm?" [11:28] <onine> "Yes." Juno replies simply. "After the uprising and dragonblooded victory, the five Dragons elected their sages to seperate the blade and spirit its elements to the five corners of the world where it would remain hidden and safe untill its power was needed by the Dragons' children again." [11:29] <onine> "...And in their time of dire need, the righteous will find the path to the uniting will of the Immaculate Dragons." Mistral finishes the verse with a smile. [11:30] * Magpie looks up from a short fit of abstraction she had fallen into. The Crow stirs from his perch on her head. "That's why it's broken?" She wrinkles her nose, and considers doubtfully, "I mean, it seems like a theological symbol that the Dragonblooded are all fighting each other instead of Anathema." Magpie believed in theology, but she believed in evil-doers with adamanite fists �more�. "Maybe the splitting-up �on purpose� is just a legend." [11:31] <Anona> "... I hope you're right. Assuming we go along with you." Anona's resolve is beginning to wear away, ever-so-slightly; legendary artifacts do that. [11:31] <Magpie> A cackling madman with magic fists would make a better story. [11:32] <onine> Juno chuckles sadly. "Anona, I hope we are right as well, the Realm cannot last long in the state that it is in for much longer." [11:33] * Yengo frowns. Yes, that is the question raised by Anona, isn't it? "What would you want us to do?" He grunts. "I'm not exactly a Scavenger Lord." [11:34] <onine> "To be archons if my fears are confirmed." Juno says nebulously. "Which I certainly hope are not. You will of course be duly compensated." [11:38] <onine> Aria elaborates. "We have expedition teams all around creation seeking the three remaining portions of the Dragonwrath. They have been combing over ruins of signifigance for the last six years and have thus far collected the greater portions of the sword. However recently the Anathema - has taken particular interest in our expeditions. The Snapdragon was returning from one such site." [11:39] <Anona> "Ah. Since, I take it, she is ALSO very interested in this.. even if she left the one piece behind." [11:40] *** Beetle is now known as Kraken|Sleeping [11:42] <onine> "The anathema will abandon even things of the highest value to protect their lives." Mistral says. "After all, they abandoned their Forsaken kin in the face of the Dragonblooded armies during the great rebellion." [11:48] * Yengo bites his lip for a minute. One way or the other, Juno was determined to do this, and the only way he could think of to be in a position to stop it was... "I guess you have a point, Tepet Juno. And no one else seems to have a plan." And I don't want what's left of the bureaucracy hanging all of us. "I'll go along if the others will." [11:48] <Magpie> As Yengo speaks, his words are punctuated a hideous, eardrum-shattering CAAAW noise, as Crow starts suddenly, fluttering from his perch atop her head. Any pinch Magpie may or may not have given him at just that moment was purely coincidental. [11:48] <Anona> "... I suppose we don't have much of a choice, really..." [11:49] <Magpie> He caws again, and this time the sound is reproachful. He swoops around the huge domed room, circling it twice before he lands at last atop the table Mistral had found his papers, digging his claws into the wood. He cocks his head speculatively at the bright shiny objects arranged on a stone nearby. [11:49] <Magpie> Deaf to matters of greater importance occurring around her, Magpie holds out her cupped hands, and says coaxingly, "Here boy. Come here." Crow's small beady eyes roll back to her, and hops back several inches. [11:49] <Magpie> "Crow!" She shouts in exasperation. "Crow you have to come back. You're being *rude.*" It is clear that this behavior beyond the pale for Magpie's pet. Crow flutters his wings at her, and remains obstinate. [11:50] <Magpie> "Crow!" Magpie growls, and runs to grab him. For a few moments an entertaining chase is initiated. [11:50] <Magpie> [11:50] <Magpie> Alas, she had not counted on the slickness of the floors beneath her feet, and she slides several feet further than had intended. With a triumphant yell, she at last grabs hold of one of Crow's feet before colliding into the unfortunate Mistral. They both wind up in a heap, Magpie still struggling to get a firmer hold on her bird. [11:50] <onine> The two assistants move in on the table on Lady Aria's behest. "Don't allow it to damage the lore!" [11:51] * Yengo swallows and watches the chaos, used to it by now, just hoping it covered up his own nervousness. [11:52] <Magpie> Any groping/impromptu search of Mistral for hidden animals up his robes that would naturally occur in the course of Magpie's duel with Crow can be chalked up to the rigors of battle. [11:52] <onine> Mistral goes down with a shout of surprise, entangling with Magpie in a heap of feathers and robes on the ground. A 'bubble' of movement races through his robes and a small shape pokes its little head out of the neck of Mistral's mantle and shrieks. [11:53] * Yengo puts his face in his hands. Maybe they won't have to deal with the moral quandaries of being hired. [11:53] <onine> The small grey and white monkey leaps out of his robes and races around the pile of bodies, its squeeking cries joining the cacophany of Magpie's yells and Crows squawking. [11:54] <Magpie> "Ah hah!" Magpie shouts at last, emerging sweaty and triumphant from the heap, curiousity satisfied - �subtely!� - and Crow reacqiured. [11:54] <onine> The little monkey races across the stone floor dipping between legs and artifacts, and races up Yengo's leg screeching in fear, gripping against Yengo's armoured thigh. [11:55] <onine> Mistral struggles to a sitting position and yells at the monkey in a deep voiced scolding "Yu-yu!" [11:55] <onine> *Screeeeeee!* [11:55] * Yengo takes a step back, looking down at the thing in alarm, barely able to keep himself from reflexively hitting it. "H-hey! Get off!' [11:56] <onine> The monkey looks up at the owner of its leg-perch. It has four eyes. [11:56] <onine> It wraps its long curly tail around Yengo's leg. [11:57] <Yengo> "GAH!" He shakes his leg. "What IS this thing?" [11:57] <onine> "Yu-yu you will release that man this instant." Mistral scolds, trying to stand. [11:58] <Magpie> "It think it's Yu-yu," Magpie replies, taking a wild guess. She looks perfectly composed, and only a little dishelved from her recent travails. She has both arms wrapped around Crow, though he seems disinclined to rush for freedom at the moment. "Is it your monkey?" [11:58] <onine> "Really Mistral, must you keep that thing around you constantly?" Aria grumbles with a certain degree of frustration. [11:58] * Yengo is still staring down at it. Some kind of Wyld mutation? It wouldn't be the weirdest one he'd seen, but the rest hadn't been clutching his leg. [11:59] <Yengo> "Just... get... it... off... of... me." [11:59] <onine> The four-eyed monkey reluctantly releases its hold on Yengo's leg and scampers quickly back to the now-standing Mistral, leaping from his hand to shoulder in two simple jumps. [12:00] * Magpie notices the extra eyes with a start. "What is it?" she asks Mistral curiously. [12:01] * Yengo lets out his breath, patting his thigh to make sure it's all intact. He looks over at Anona and Epheri with a shrug. [12:02] <onine> "Yu-yu is..." Mistral begins, considering. "A long story. In short he is something of a friend I picked up along the way that I was never able to make leave." [12:02] <onine> Amazingly the monkey looks hurt. [12:03] <onine> "In any case." Juno says, changing the subject. "Now you see what drives me." [12:04] * Yengo nods. "In any case... what I said still stands, but only if the rest of you... are with me." [12:07] <Anona> "I'll follow along... for the moment. But don't think I won't change my mind if I suspect a single unworthy thing from you, Juno." [12:08] * Magpie stares at them both. She'd never expected the two of them to �agree�! A look of unease comes over her face as she glances at Juno. [12:11] <onine> "And I would expect you to, should I act in a duplicitous fashion." Juno agrees with a smile. [12:12] * Yengo nods. "Then... it's agreed. Unless... the rest of you...?" [12:16] * Magpie looks a bit queasy, and, unusually, does not rush to offer her opinion. [12:18] <onine> There is a booming echo as the main doors of the chamber is opened once more. The door admits a dragonblood clad in white, and a pair of mortal assistants that carry a large mahogany box between them. [12:20] <onine> The dragonblood pushes the doors aside and walks down the sloped walkway then crosses the distance to where you stand in the center of the room. He wears a silken tunic that looks like it has had armour over it recently. He is handsome, with dark hair and eyes. He carries himself haughtilly with his nose in the air and walks with the gait of a career soldier. Make that 'career officer.' [12:20] <onine> He has a small scar from his upper lip to just under his sharp nose. His gaze passes over the mortals as if they are not there. [12:21] <onine> "Greetings uncle." He addresses Juno directly and sniffs at the exalted archons. [12:22] <onine> "Quintus, my sister's son." Juno explains. "What news?" [12:23] <onine> "The southern expedition after the Mineral Hare went extremely well, no casulties on our side at least." The young dragonblood responds. "We were successful." [12:23] <onine> "You have it?" Aria asks eagerly. [12:24] <onine> "Indeed." He replies and gestures to the assistants who lower the box carefully onto the stone. Quintus kicks the lid open with a white booted foot. [12:27] * Anona eagerly peers at what is revealed. [12:27] <onine> The focussed light gleams brightly from the contents inside, an elaborately carved sliver of ice white crystal two feet long and half a foot wide. Abstract patterns shimer in the changing light, refracting through and playing coloured shafts of rainbow against the faces of those present. [12:29] <Magpie> "That's part of a �sword�?" Magpie asks, astonished, from her spot at Anona's side. [12:31] <onine> Reverently Juno kneeks and picks the crystal slowly from the purple velvet cushion. He holds it in his hands and by his perplexed and excited eyes, he is only just controlling his shaking hands. "The Crystal Reticula!" He breathes. By the shape, it looks as if this is the missing 'heart' heart of the blade, it would fit perfectly in the hollow portion of the steel. [12:31] <onine> "Yes." He murmers. "This is part!" [12:34] * Magpie looks skeptically at it. It looked like something you could pick up in a any glass-worker's shop to her. Charitably, she keeps this thought to herself. [12:34] <onine> "The Dios Triad warstriders that you were able to secure for our forces were instrumental - as per the agreement we were able to bring them back to the Ledaals without damage. That Lookshy girl was some pilot." Quintus breaks Juno's fascination with the crystal. "Too bad she had no killer instinct. I had to dispose of Jackrabbit myself." [12:34] * Yengo wonders if Juno being a step further on his plan could possibly be a good thing. [12:37] <Magpie> "Lookshy girl?" Magpie's voice is soft and tenative. [12:38] <onine> Quintus glances and ignores you. "We had some trouble with her when we attempted to smoke Jackrabbit out of Marragest. She walked off shortly after we destroyed the Mineral Hare." [12:38] * Yengo looks back at her briefly, wondering the same thing. It couldn't be... [12:39] <onine> "You destroyed it?" Juno reacts with bitter annoyance. [12:39] <onine> "We were forced to!" Quintus whines. "Taking a Noble class intact isn't easy... Uncle." [12:41] * Yengo is surprised at this sudden outburst of whining. [12:41] <Magpie> "Who is the Lookshy girl?" Magpie asks, speaking more loudly. Her look at Juno is piercing. [12:42] <Yengo> "Yes, who is she?" He coughs. "We may have worked with her before." [12:43] <onine> "Some Teresu." Quintus snaps. "Walked right in off the streets of Arjuf askin to join the Legion as a footsoldier. Idiot." [12:44] <Magpie> "She's not an idiot!" Magpie flares, glaring at him. "I bet she's lots smarter than �you�!" [12:44] <onine> Juno halts the young officer with a warning hand. "Tact, Quintus." [12:45] * Yengo stops. Something about the sentence he just spoke... something... familiar. But... well, snobby Dragonbloods like this one weren't exactly a rarity. [12:45] <onine> "I do not have to take this kind of pretentious disrespect from a *mortal*!" Quintus growls. [12:45] <Magpie> "�You� couldn't even do your job properly," Magpie adds, warming up to this Quintus-is-an-idiot, "And, and...you're ugly! So there!" [12:45] <Magpie> Obviously, to Magpie, a survival instinct is something that happened to other mortals. [12:45] <Yengo> "�Magpie�." [12:46] * Anona duplicates it, with more of a threat of third-degree burning. "Magpie..." [12:46] * Yengo looks back at her with a warning glance. You didn't provoke this type. [12:47] <onine> Quintus lifts his hand up to strike the girl, but he is halted by a simple touch from Mistral. "Let her be, she is under my charge, Quintus." [12:47] <onine> "So be it Savant." Quintus grins savagely. I only let you do that because you are my uncle's ally. [12:48] * Yengo glares at the officer. He'd better be very glad Mistral stopped him. [12:48] <onine> Mistral's look seems to say Remember that I am. [12:48] * Magpie subsides, but the glare she levels at Quntius that would have started fires...if Magpie had an essence to speak of. It is probably well for Creation that she does not. [12:50] <onine> "Enough, both of you." Juno says with commanding quiet. [12:50] <onine> "Forgive me, my lord." Mistral steps back and bows low from the waist, the monkey on his shoulder remaining perched perfectly. [12:51] <onine> "Hrmph." Quintus grumbles and forges on to other topics. "Also Uncle, the report has returned from Tenahn." [12:52] <onine> Juno halts as he places the crystal back in the box. "And?" [12:52] <onine> "Wiped out. No survivors." [12:52] * Yengo lets out a shuddering breath. [12:53] <onine> "She's been there too? There's no telling how many of our expeditions are in peril." Aria says with a sense of urgency. [12:55] <onine> "I've recieved word from Palas, Grey-falls and Bullhorn Ridge, however Six-Birds site and the Scorpion Canyon sites have not responded." Quintus reveals. [12:57] <onine> "The city of Tenahn is the coordination point for most of our sites in the far East." Juno explains to you before returning his attention to Quintus. "Have you sent our troops to these areas yet?" [12:58] <onine> "Partly." Quintus explains. "We simply do not have enough men. Our cavalry is limited, so I have sent them to the Scorpion Canyon camps. They'll be there within a week. However the terrain is too rough to sent a signifigant force to the Six-Birds ruins. We simply do not have enough men - this is an Anathema, and I wont split my men in the face of such a threat." [12:59] <onine> "What about the heavy-foot troops I routed to Tenhan?" Juno offers. [12:59] * Yengo is aware his head is buzzing. This is a lot bigger than he'd thought. [12:59] <onine> "A portion are dead, the other unit is on standby, but it would take six weeks marching to reach Six-Birds on foot." [13:01] <onine> "Six-Birds is a signifigant site, my lord." Mistral murmers. [13:02] * Magpie listens, even as she still glares at Quintus. She is a fierce, small thing, and she should have looked ridiculous, her arms wrapped around an ugly black bird. "I guess it's too bad you don't have any more airships," [13:03] <Anona> "Yes. There's no way you'll get there soon. And from what you say, if you aren't there soon, it won't be any good to you." [13:12] <onine> . [13:12] <onine> Juno blinks and smiles. "The Snapdragon will fly." He rubs his chin. [13:13] <Anona> "how? the thing was totally busted last time WE saw it..." [13:14] <onine> "Most of the damage is superficial as a matter of fact." Juno explains. "I must leave you for the moment, I need to coordinate the repair of the ship's engines - the considerable damage to the cargo bay must wait." [13:15] <Magpie> Leaving them all alone with the Sword! Except for the inconvenient presence of Mistral, Aria, and Quintus, there were possibilities. [13:16] <onine> Juno turns to leave, but Quintus halts him. "Also, there is someone here to see you...er... a man. From the Immaculate order... I think." He looks a little confused and rubs his hand through his hair. [13:16] <onine> "From the order?" Juno echoes. "Who is he?" [13:17] <onine> "He said uh... I dont recall if he told me his name. Wait, he did... I dont recall. In any case he's waiting in your study anyway." Quintus seems a little disturbed. [13:18] <onine> "Well I'll have to see to him first." Juno walks off to one of the side doors. He turns a short distance away and bows slightly at the waist. "Thank you, archons, for your time." [13:18] <Magpie> Immaculates? Magpie looks distrustfully at Juno and Quintus. She edges nearer to Anona and Yengo, and whispers up to them "Maybe we should go..." [13:19] * Yengo clears his throat. "Yes... in any case... is that... all?" [13:19] <Anona> "maybe..." [13:20] <onine> "No, stay." Lady Aria takes Anona by the arm. "We have so much to discuss!" [13:20] <onine> She seems to be refering more to the dragonbloods than to the mortals. [13:21] * Yengo puts an uncertain hand on Magpie's shoulder. "Well... I suppose we could go and the two of you could stay." [13:21] <Anona> "Um... if you say so..." Anona seems, for once, at a loss for words. [13:22] <onine> Quintus 'hmphs' at Mistral and walks away, his assistants following in his wake. He pauses at Yengo with a 'dont I know you from somewhere?' frown, but decides that remembering a mortal was not work his time and walks briskly away instead. [13:23] * Yengo looks after him for a minute, shakes it off. [13:23] <onine> "I do." Aria says, uncomfortably hugging Anona's arm a little closer. "Are you hungry? You do not look as if you have had a 'proper' meal in some time." [13:24] * Magpie can't help but observe that the sword room will soon empty of all be she and Yengo. [13:24] <onine> Epheri is rapidly thrown to the background as Aria begins to wholely focus on Tepet Anona. [13:24] <onine> ...And Mistral. And the sorceress' assitants. [13:24] <Anona> "Er... well, there was that one meal awhile back, but yes, it's mostly been your usual travelling rations..." [13:25] <onine> And likely a great deal of observational devices, spirits and wards. [13:26] <onine> She leans in a little closer to Anona, she smells like a brisk seabreeze mixed with musky flowers. "Gastly." [13:27] <Magpie> "Actually, Tara makes a �very� good stew!" Magpie points out irritably. [13:28] * Yengo laughs shortly. "Well, _I_ think so," he says quietly. [13:28] <Anona> "That's true. As such things go, it's not bad." [13:30] <onine> "Come come," she says brushing off the recommendations of Tarastew(tm) and starts pulling Anona gently away. "It has been so long since I was a field sorcerer, I would so... *love* to hear how such a life has changed your outlook." [13:31] <onine> "Take care of the Reticula, Mistral!" She calls back as if bored with the sword already. [13:31] <onine> "Of course my Lady." He bows with a flourish at her retreating back. [13:32] * Yengo looks over at Epheri. "Are you... going with...?" He trails off, coughing awkwardly. [13:33] <Magpie> "I don't think she was invited," Magpie says quietly, looking at her sympathetically. "I think Lady Aria wants to look at Anona with her clothes off." [13:34] <onine> "I guess not." Epheri says, turning back. "I'm kind of glad however. I wouldnt be able to keep my head together around Aria. I hope Anona can..." [13:34] <onine> Epheri coughs a little at Magpie's statement. Strangely Tara does not scold. She just stares at the floor, tense. [13:35] * Yengo looks down at her. Who teaches her this stuff? "Uh... well. I... guess that's our cue, right?" [13:35] * Yengo takes Tara by the elbow. "Be good to get out of this place, huh?" [13:35] <onine> "You are of course, more than welcome to stay here for the time being, in the mansion." Mistral offers. [13:37] * Magpie looks at Yengo uncertainly. "Ol Gib's house is sort of crowded...." [13:37] <Yengo> "Ah, well... I guess we could..." He doesn't like the idea that they might be watched, but there doesn't seem to be any way to say that now. [13:39] <onine> Mistral rests the Crystal Reticula on a small, low stand covered in green velvet and stands, observing the sword componants. He smiles broadly and with pride, the smile of a very satisfied man. [13:39] * Magpie brightens suddenly. "I have an idea!" She is oblivious to looks of dismay scattered around the room. She whispers to the bird stiff in her arm. He cocks his head at her, and says "Quork?", which Magpie takes for consent. He flaps around the room for a few moments, then wings silently out the door Anona and Aria had left by. [13:40] <Magpie> "Crow can keep an eye on Anona," Magpie explains. "And make sure Aria doesn't eat her." [13:40] <Magpie> And, just possibly, steal some of the good stuff to bring back to a certain hungry girl. [13:41] <onine> OR get flash roasted by Terrestrial Circle Sorcery... [13:43] * Magpie had faith Crow was smarter than any flightly sorceress. [13:43] <Magpie> ...naming no names. [13:44] <onine> Mistral snaps out of his musings and turns to you. "I am your host here at the moment it seems. Are you hungry?" The monkey on his shoulder cheeps. "Hush, Yu-yu." [13:46] <Magpie> "Starving." Magpie replies at once. Free food! Maybe Yengo knew what he was doing. [13:47] * Yengo pats his stomach. "I could eat. Tara?" [13:47] <onine> *blank stare* [13:51] <Magpie> "Tara?" Magpie turns to look at her. Her stomach tightens when she sees the woman's expression, and a line appears between her eyes. "Tara are you...okay?" She steps over and takes Tara's hand. "I bet they have fruit!" Magpie says coaxingly, figuring no one could resist such incentive. [13:52] * Yengo looks between the two, uncertain. "Let's.. let's just go, okay?" [13:53] <onine> "Well come along then," Mistral smiles. "I'm certain we can find many things to discuss. Why don't we eat in the garden? I'll have the servitors bring us some chairs and tea while we wait?" [13:54] * Yengo follows him, looking back at the other two and frowning slightly. [13:55] <Magpie> "Sounds good!" Magpie's grasp tightens on Tara's hand, and she tugs her after Yengo. "Tara, what's wrong?" she whispers. [13:55] <onine> "..." [13:55] <onine> Mistral says a few words to an assistant and returns his attention to you. "This way, perhaps a little fresh air will help?" [13:56] <onine> Mistral leads you out of the main hall, and into the mansion beyond... [13:56] <onine> (and cut!_ [13:56] <onine> ---------------------------------------------