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The followers of Han Tha have developed their own twisted Path of Enlightenment revolving around the canabalistic practices Han tha has shared with them. Through coonsuming the dead these dragon kings gain power.

*Life Through Death

Cost: 6 motes
Duration: instant
Type: simple

The Dragon Kings of Han-tha's cult become carrions, healing and drawing strength from the flesh of the dead. Each health level of flesh consumed heals one level of lethal or bashing damage. Aggravated damage may not be healed in this manor.

**Consume the Mind

Cost: 2 motes per dot, 3 motes per language.
Duration: permanent essence in days/permanent.
Type: Simple

The carrion feeders have learned to harvest the flesh of the brain to reap the spoils of the mind. The servant of decay may feed on the brains of the dead to draw the mental strengths of a sentient creature out of the consumed flesh. He may spend 2 motes to aquire dots of abilities. Abilities may only be increased up to their standard maximum rating. Abilities thus aquired last a number of days equal to the user's permanent essance. If used to aquire a language, the feeder spends 3 motes and permanently aquires the language. it does not add to the character's rating in linguistics. He or she simply knows the language.

***Consume the body

Cost: 3 motes per dot
Duration: Essence Days
Type: Simple

Refining the arts of canabalism, the Stalker may feast on the flesh of a more powerfull entity and increase his own powers. The character may spend 3 motes per dot of improvement up to the limits of the consumed being's limit in life. The character may choose not to increase his attributes to maximum allowee but may not exceed the peramiters of the corpse. for example, a character with Strength 3, Dexterity 3, and stamina 4 may consume a barbarian with Strength 4, Dexterity 4 and stamina 4 to increase his strength to 4 and dexterity to 4 but may not increase his stamina. This would cost 6 motes to perform.

****Consume the Soul

Cost: 1 willpower
Duration: instant
Type: Simple

The servant now learns to feast on the essence of the soul locked in the flesh. For each health level eaten, the charater gains 2 essence. The body must be fed upon while alive.

*****Consume the Form

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 3x current rating experience, 4 for the first dot
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple

The Stalkers take a page from the chosen of luna and learn to feast upon the heart's blood to gain the form of a creature. The character may gain 3 forms of heart's blood: animal forms are 2 per dot, humans are 1 per dot and a third rating for the other 3 breeds of Dragon kings and 2 extra for other reptilian like creatures at a rate of 2 per dot. this may only be used for 2 dots. 3 must be set aside for the 3 breeds. A chosen of han tha must spend the 10 motes and 1 willpower when aquiring a form. All exp must be spent at this time as well. The targets are sacrificed in a manor simular to the ancient rituals offered to the unconquered sun. THey can not be aquired in impromtu manors such as on a battle field. Upon aquiring the form, the dragon blooded may shift form for 5 motes and it is indefenite. they may spend 1 mote to return to their base form. they must return to their base form before assuming another form.

***** *Feast of the Dead

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower per use
Duration: instant
Type: Simple

The pinalce of the path of Glorious consumption is long, tedious ritual of consuming flesh to enhance the traits of the character permantly. He may consume a number of bodies equal to a trait. Each corpse must have possessed an equal or greater level than the character's in life in the trait in question. Each consumption of a corpse is a seperate use of the power. After the requirements of consumption are met, t he dragon blooded may spend the experience and negate training times for the increase. for example, the High Priest wishes to raise his Essence from 4 to 5. To this end, he must consume 4 creatures with 4 or more permantnent essence each and spend the required experience. if done in one glutonous feast, the character must spend 40 motes and then the experience to gain the new level. Only one trait may be improved at a time, once the process is finished a new trait may be worked on. for example, if the Priest had consumed 2 corpses towards getting essence 5, he would need to consume the other 2 before he could use the power to, say, increase stamina from 3 to 4 with the power.