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The Sword of Whimsical Lizard

In the First Age, there was a Solar who was the finest weaponsmith from all of the Exalted. This smith was dissatisfied by the lack of tasks worthy of his skills; even daiklaives are but huge chunks of metal that are deadly because of their size, not any inherent skill in the making of them. The smith sought to perfect his craft in plain steel, to create great weapons without the advantages of a Magical Material, but even this was a momentary diversion for him.

So, this smith journeyed beyond the borders of the world. With nothing but his willpower, he forged the ideal sword; light weight, quick, with an edge that could cut the rays of the rising sun. A work that spoke of skill, not gross mass. He succeeded, but ideals are tricky things that do not last long in the hard certainty of Creation.

The smith turned to his hands once again, caging the dream-sword with a blade of iron such as the Fair Folk hate. When his work was done and the weapon fit to enter Creation, the smith did not name it; it was the Sword, and that was enough, for all other blades were mere sharpened sticks before it.

In the Usurpation, the smith was tricked by one of fellows with the promise of sanctuary against the Dragon-Blooded, but found only death as the Sword was taken from him.

Mechanically, the Sword is (original combat system stats) a perfect slashing sword, Spd +5, Acc +2, Dmg +3L, Defense +1. It looks like a crudely-forged iron scimitar most of the time, but in the presence of a Solar who bears the original smith's spark the deadly beauty within is unveiled: the "soul" appears as a scimitar of golden light with Old Realm markings covering the whole of the blade. When the Sword's soul is awakened it gains the ability to cut through any substance lesser than the Five Magical Materials (or other things of a similar quality, such as adamant). This does not apply to something being worn as armor, however; the Sword is an abstract ideal, not a true blade, and respects the intention of armor in turn. Thus, the Sword deals aggravated damage, ignoring natural soak but not armor-based soak. Even if not awake, the physical blade is iron, with predictible effects against the Fair Folk.

The Sword is tied to its smith, and so it counts as the "personal" weapon of the current incarnation for purposes of weapon-retrieval charms, and cannot be stolen by any form of magic while he wields it, nor can it be broken.

The downside of wielding an abstract concept born from the Wyld as a weapon is that it doesn't, technically speaking, exist; the iron blade works as a focus for the soul. As a result, travelling into the Wyld without protective magic will cause the blade to rapidly dissolve back into dreamstuff. (Chaos-Resistance Preparation offers no help, as only the inital application of this Charm allowed the Sword to exist long enough for the iron blade to be made in the first place. The Solar Lore-tree charms work fine.)