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== Solid Jade ==
Solid Jade is a Dragon-Blooded Chronicle that takes place in the Hundred Kingdoms region of the Scavenger Lands. It focuses mostly on the events in and around the kingdom of Ivalice in the Shonmin region. As the story opens King Gaelyn Leodore, the current, mortal king of Ivalice has uncovered a First Age War-Strider. With the aid of the savant Serges Ruthven, head of the archaeological organization known as the Sapphire Libram, King Leodore has decided to hold a tournament to find a pilot for this War-Strider to be his champion.
Those entering the tournament know nothing about the War-Strider, all anyone knows is that King Leodore his holding a massive tournament the winner of which will be named Champion of Ivalice along with receiving a generous cash prize and a legendary jade daiklaive known as the Vander Sky, once wielded in battle by King Leodore's ancestors.
== Protagonists ==
<b>[[Prax/Raesyl|Cathak Mae Raesyl]]</b>
; :<b>Aspect:</b> Air, <b>Age:</b> ???
; :<b>Complexion:</b> Pale White, <b>Hair:</b> Black with blue highlights, <b>Eyes:</b> Blue
; :<b>Height:</b> 5'4", <b>Weight:</b> 98lbs
; :<b>Nationality:</b> Realm Born, <b>Birthplace:</b> Tuchara, Arjuf Dominion
; :<b>Combat Speciality:</b> Javelins
; :<b>Brief Bio:</b> Raesyl was once a promising young soldier in the legions who achieved renown and distinction as a tactical savant. Her swift rise through the ranks of the Legion eventually put her in command of a Wing of House Tepet's 11th Legion as it prepared to embark upon its campaign against the Bull of the North. Managing to survive the devastation with the aid of the sorcerer Tepet Coran Rainer and realizing that she was betrayed by her superiors Raesyl now seeks to find a new place for herself in the world.
; :<b>Description:</b> Raesyl appears to be a slim, almost spritely young woman with a pale complexion, dark blue-black hair and bright blue eyes. Despite her slight frame and unimposing height, Raesyl carries herself with great confidence and presence, such that she seems quite the equal of even much larger, more potent men. Athletic and lean, her body has been sculpted by years of soldiering and she is deceptively strong for such a slender figure, even if raw force is not her particular forte.
; :Raesyl wears her blue-black hair jaw length except for two long tendrils of hair that fall down her back to her waist, which are wrapped in white linen and weighted with brass rings. Her eyes are blue as ice and set nicely in an attractive but unyielding face.  Determined and tenacious, she often grits her teeth or scowls when faced with adversity or something she holds in distain. She keeps a small trinket: a small red ring linked and affixed to a larger blue ring, which in turn dangles from a leather strap around her neck.  The rings themselves are usually not visible as she keeps them tucked beneath her clothing.
; :Even when not prepared for battle, Raesyl wears clothing appropriate for fighting.  She chooses items that are forgiving, will stand up to a considerable amount of abuse, and do not restrict her ease of movement. She most often wears a sleeveless, backless black cotton gi that ties around her neck and meets again in the back near her mid-section. Loose fitting black cotton pants resembling a split hakama billow out past her narrow thighs and taper off and tie at her ankles so as to not snag on anything when she leaps or dodges. The two pieces meet in the middle at a thick yellow or blue sash, tied firmly about her waist. She often wears separate thin, black sleeves that begin halfway up her upper arm and end just past her wrists. Her feet are adorned with lightweight slippers, also black, with hardened leather soles that let her move quietly and feel the earth or grip a tree branch or similar object, even while protecting her foot from heavy terrain or rough bark. At times she will also go barefoot.
<b>[[Prax/Shry|Cynis Belar Shry]]</b>
; :<b>Aspect:</b> Wood, <b>Age:</b> ???
; :<b>Complexion:</b> ???, <b>Hair:</b> Pale Red, <b>Eyes:</b> Green
; :<b>Height:</b> ???, <b>Weight:</b> ???
; :<b>Nationality:</b> Realm Born, <b>Birthplace:</b> The Jade Coast
; :<b>Combat Speciality:</b> Archery
; :<b>Brief Bio:</b> Shry is a brilliant graduate of the Heptagram, though she specializes in botany and alchemy rather then sorcery. The product of an extremely potent and carefully managed bloodline, Shry was engaged to marry Cathak Renault a highly promising and well respected officer within the Legions of equally good breeding. However, finding she wanted more out of life Shry decided to run away with a soldier in Renault's retinue named Kang Wukong. Together Shry and Wukong have run to the Scavenger Lands to build a new life together.
; :<b>Description:</b> ???
<b>[[Prax/Pente|Gauvain Pente]]</b> -
; :<b>Aspect:</b> Air, <b>Age:</b> 35
; :<b>Complexion:</b> ???, <b>Hair:</b> Blue, <b>Eyes:</b> ???
; :<b>Height:</b> 6'2", <b>Weight:</b> ???
; :<b>Nationality:</b> The Wind Fang Clan, <b>Birthplace:</b> Silver Leaf Village
; :<b>Combat Speciality:</b> Thrown
; :<b>Brief Bio:</b> Pente is an agent of the elusive Wind Fang Clan of Dragon-Blooded who operate within the Scavenger Lands fulfilling their own private agendas. Hiring themselves out as mercenaries to local kingdoms, the clan members bring both information and resources into the clan. After over a decade of service Pente has been assigned to watch over and mentor his younger sister, Kisa. Together, along with their uncle, Hakkon, they are attempting to discover what King Leodore is up to.
; :<b>Description:</b> Pente appears to be a tall young man with a thin, but tightly muscled build. His long arms taper gracefully into dexterous hands with long nimble fingers. His thick blue hair has a constant swept back look as if he just came in from facing gale force winds.
; :Pente typically dresses in loose, billowing clothes of deep indigo and a matte black, metallic mask that covers the lower half of his face.
<b>[[Prax/Kalus|Karal Kalus]]</b> -
; :<b>Aspect:</b> Water, <b>Age:</b> 23
; :<b>Complexion:</b> Tan with a faint bluish tint, <b>Hair:</b> Black, <b>Eyes:</b> Dark Blue
; :<b>Height:</b> 6'3", <b>Weight:</b> 200lbs.
; :<b>Nationality:</b> Lookshy, <b>Birthplace:</b> Lookshy
; :<b>Combat Speciality:</b> Swords
; :<b>Brief Bio:</b> Kalus was born and raised as a loyal citizen, then groomed and trained to oversee the bureaucracy managing supply lists, keeping lines of communication open and basically ensuring that everything functioned so his brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles could continue effectively fighting the good fight. However, Kalus desired more then just a life of numbers, tallies and endless meetings with officials. So, against his family's wishes he left to pursue life as a mercenary, spurred on by the tales of one of his distant cousins. Now he seeks to make a name for himself and prove his worth in the field.
; :<b>Description:</b> Kalus carries himself with the studied confidence of a competent military officer. He never slouches or shows the least sign of fatigue. His eyes always sparkle with confidence and his tone of voice always carries the ring of command within it, even if he should be speaking of something as trivial as the weather.
; :Kalus wears a heavy breastplate of reinforced black jade with matching shoulder guards, greaves, bracers and a mailed skirt of jade rings woven between plates of leather and steel. His armor bears no ornamentation beyond suggestions of the scuplted musculate protected by the jade and steel plates. Kalus' black jade daiklaive is another matter. The weapon's large size and intricate designs make it seem almost garish in comparison to the simple design of Kalus' armor. Runes in Old Realm wrap around the blade, appearing to tell the story of a young monk who seeks enlightenment, armed only with the single blade of truth. The crossguard curls around the blade, decorated in such a way as to suggest that the blade is thrusting forth from dark water, while the hilt extends gracefully downward in a gentle curve, wrapped with alternating black and white swaths of sharkskin. The pommel ends in a simple orb of white jade, hung with two black jade bells upon strings woven of starmetal and jade.
<b>[[Prax/Hoto|Prince Kiri Hoto]]</b>
; :<b>Aspect:</b> Fire, <b>Age:</b> 25
; :<b>Complexion:</b> Dark, well tanned, <b>Hair:</b> Black streaked with white, <b>Eyes:</b> Blue
; :<b>Height:</b> 6'2", <b>Weight:</b> 275lbs
; :<b>Nationality:</b> Kirin, <b>Birthplace:</b> Kir
; :<b>Combat Speciality:</b> Swords
; :<b>Brief Bio:</b> Prince Hoto of Kir is the eldest son of Shogun Kiri Saimon, ruler of the Exalted Shogunate of Kir. A medium sized kingdom within the Hundred Kingdoms region of the Scavenger Lands. Raised from birth to be a commanding officer, Hoto now travels the Scavenger Lands with a small retinue of soldiers to not only prove his worth to his father, but bring glory to Kir.
; :<b>Description:</b> Hoto is tall for a Kirin, but still fairly stocky with broad shoulders and a torso like an iron-gate. he has black hair streaked with swatches of shocking white, as if his mixed blood couldnt agree and both sides of his families genes forced themselves to be seen. Hoto keeps his hair in the traditional style for kirin royalty, about 2" long all around and treated daily with an oil and fragrant sawdust, that makes his hair stick straight out from his head all around, and gives a soft, smell of burning cedar as the oils are consumed by the heat from his anima.
; :Hoto's armor is a traditional set of heavy lamellar plate, primarily red, with golden inlays and accents in places and black trim. His helm has a great, dislike top, with lamellar plates hanging off the back and a face mask shaped in the visage of a vicious, horned black dragon. Hoto's weapon is an ancient masterwork katana, the grip wrapped in red cloth, and trimmed in gold, made of fine folded steel, with a black and a white tassle hanging from the pommel,and a black leather sheath wrapped in red leather from some local reptilian beast.
<b>[[Prax/Shaleena|Shaleena, the Jade-Fisted]]</b>
; :<b>Aspect:</b> Earth, <b>Age:</b> 19
; :<b>Complexion:</b> Dark Cocoa, <b>Hair:</b> Straight, Jet Black, <b>Eyes:</b> Gold
; :<b>Height:</b> 5'11", <b>Weight:</b> 157 lbs.
; :<b>Nationality:</b> Nexus, <b>Birthplace:</b> Nexus
; :<b>Combat Speciality:</b> Fists
; :<b>Brief Bio:</b> Shaleena was born and raised in a Nexus mercenary camp. Her first twelve years until her Exaltation she faithfully served as a camp follower, learning how to fight from a series of older 'brothers.' After her Exaltation as an Ivory Dragon she began receiving more specialized training, but continued to work as a mercenary the only trade she has ever known. She now seeks greater glory as well as the chance to further test her own strength and endurance in the Ivalice tournament.
; :<b>Description:</b> Shaleena is a powerfully built, athletic young woman with dark cocoa skin and expressive eyes that gleam like golden chalcedony. She wears her silky, straight, jet black hair tied back in a single elegant ponytail to keep it out of her way, while her bangs hang free to frame her face. Standing at just under 6 feet tall, she is very, very tall for a young woman. Her build is not the bulky, exaggerated form of a bodybuilder, but rather the deceptively smooth and sleek sculpted frame of a powerlifter, toned and taut. With the face of a model and a friendly, earthy personality, she gets more than her share of admiring glances and seems quite approachable.
; :Shaleena typically wears a set of armor made on the pattern of plate-and chain, forged out of gleaming white jade. On each hand she wears the massive fighting gauntlets of an Exalted brawler, reinforced with plates of white jade. They look like they replace the standard gauntlets her medium armor would otherwise have been equipped with. Combined with her fresh-turned soil complexion and powerful yet graceful build, she is every inch the Chosen of Pasiap. She wears sturdy leather boots, black cloth pants held in place with a faux gold cord, a somewhat baggy black sleeveless shirt with a white butterfly design on the front and sometimes, a cream-colored cloth wrap at the throat. Her armor covers most of this. Her only other weapon is a simple knife, worn at her belt. Her armor, weapons and field gear all show signs of use, but are very well-maintained. Completing the outfit is a duffel slung casually over her shoulder containing her meager possessions and a soldier's field kit.
== Comments ==
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Latest revision as of 16:07, 2 October 2007