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Elliander the Architect

Elliander appears as a human male standing around five and a half feet tall. In this form he has dark hair, which he wears long and tied back in a ponytail and a tanned complexion. The spirit’s face is always covered in a blue mask with vulpine features and he is typically attired in pale blue robes decorated with dark blue geometric patterns and trimmed with silver fur about the neck and sleeves. Where his bare skin is visible, one can usually see intricate blue runes along his arms and the back of his hands. The eyes of his mask tend to glow bright blue and a faint blue corona surrounds his entire body. Most of the time, Elliander also carries an ornate blue staff made of steel and blue jade topped with a heavy blue-steel ring and a wicked looking spear point.

Elliander rarely speaks in public, but when he does his voice tends to be soft. Those mortals who work with him describe his personality as friendly, but guarded. His orders are almost always framed in the form of a request and he rarely shouts or displays anger. Instead he briefly expresses disappointment at unfortunate turn of events, but quickly moves along towards working out solutions to a problem rather then dwelling on its effects or causes.


Elliander is a god of architecture and civic work projects. It is believed that the Council petitioned the spirit centuries ago to help Nexus restore many of its First Age buildings destroyed by time and the Fair Folk. Part of the bargain struck with the spirit is believed to have been granting the god control of the Manse now known as the House of the Blue Fox in Nine Fountains Square. What other concessions were made to secure the spirit’s aid is unknown, but he has been a part of Nexus life as long as anyone can remember.

Elliander personally oversees all major architectural restoration projects within the city. He is directly responsible for the majority of Nexus’ modern layout. He had a direct hand in the restoration and redesign of both Lower and Upper Bastion. He also designed the Council Tower, restored Nine Fountains Square and all of the building’s within it and restored many of the buildings in Sunhawk Square. Elliander also handled the design of the Sentinel’s Wall including the wards placed upon it that drive back the influence of the Wyld. Elliander’s current project is the restructuring of the Cinnabar District, which is being met with resistance by many of the cities mercenary companies who object to his plans to tear up and rebuild entire blocks of the district so that he might replace them with parks and gardens. However, in addition to the Cinnabar redevelopment he is also overseeing numerous smaller projects throughout the entire city, including the continued maintenance and upkeep of the city’s manses and First Age structures.

Elliander makes regular visits to all project sites to check progress and make sure his laborers are following the instructions outlined in his plans. When he is not overseeing his projects he can often be found wandering Lower and Upper Bastion, enjoying the fruits of his labor and what he personally believes to be his greatest accomplishments to date. On these excursions he occasionally stops passersby to ask them what they think of a particular detail about the landscape. Most folks take the time to stop and answer him politely when he does this, though he seems to take no offense no matter what is said.