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(*Challenge numbah 3!)
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The Sky Runners and Nine Ravens are two tribes unsure of how to proceed in the new spiritual climate around Farhold. Grandfather Oak has abandoned them, leaving his former people at the mercy of the Fair Folk, the Dead, and rogue little gods. They need an intermediary.

River Walker is just that.

The son of a chief, the boy was clearly destined for greatness. The midwives who brought him into the world were awestruck by his beauty. It was whispered that his real father must have been some radiant divinity who had deigned to share a fragment of itself with mere mortals. Perhaps this was the case; it matters very little now.

In addition to being beautiful beyond measure, he was also strong and quick, with the natural charm of a born ruler. The older members of his tribe held their breath, hoping that perhaps this boy was sent by the gods to save them.

But he seemed otherwise unremarkable. He was more interested in pursuing the choicest young maidens and lads than in his studies. The chief despaired of the radiant boy, too love-addled to save his people, and prepared to pass on his regalia to the older son, who was not handsome but more devoted.

River Walker was blissfully oblivious to the resignation and disappointment that suffused his elders. It was not until one fateful night that he would become aware of it, along with his greater destiny.

On a hunt, River Walker became lost. He wasn’t sure how, as he was a talented tracker, but he was lost nonetheless. In the half-light of dusk, he fumbled through the forest, trying to find a river or other landmark. After a full six hours of frenzied searching, he collapsed on the banks of a slow-flowing river. When he awoke, he was not alone.

The moon rose, full and beautiful, casting dappled shadows through the forest canopy. River Walker sat near the water, next to a pale maiden with hair of silver and eyes that shone opalescent in the light. They touched hands tenderly, like children who had never touched another person before, although this was surely not the case. They murmured sweet nothings, content.

Smiling enigmatically, the maiden kissed him on the lips, stood up, and walked onto the water, her footfalls lighter than the kiss of the sky on the horizon. A beam of moonlight fell from the heavens, illuminating her form.

“Your people have need of you, little heron. Love will wait.”

In a rush of silver feathers, she was gone, leaving River Walker sitting on the bank, a brand of opalescent fire burning on his brow.

He was found by the Silver Pact and they tested him. He slew mighty beasts and drank their heart’s blood. He talked to the spirits and fought with those who would not listen to reason. He killed raksha and ghost alike, fervently atoning for his years of idleness.

Now he returns to his people, wise in the ways of the spirit courts and prepared to fight to keep the tribes free. Between educating the young shamans, he embarks on epic hunts for rogue little gods and ghosts who hunger for the lifeblood of the living.

Dark Eyes, Raksi’s emissary to the Ten Tribes, has been watching this talented young Lunar very carefully. What he and his mistress intend, can only be guessed at.

Description and Personality

River Walker throws himself into his new existence, desperately trying to make up for all the time he spent failing his tribe. He's a very serious young man, prepared to give almost anything to keep his people free, and will brook no insult against his family. He's naive yet, but quite efficent at what he does.

But aside from all that, the boy is beautiful. With high, aristocratic cheekbones and deep, blue eyes like a cool river on a sunny day, he has women and men falling head over heels for him. Add to that the fact that he is charming and likeable and you have a representation of what any pretentious Dynast would call a "noble savage." He laughs quickly and easily, but if a situation turns toward a hostile resolution he quickly draws himself up and prepares for either combat or serious negotiation.

His beastman form is tall and stately, covered in thick, silver feathers that provide a measure of protection against blows and the rigors of battle. He lacks the capability for flight, which embarasses him slightly, but can flutter he wing-like arms to increase his jumping distance and even glide for short periods of time. Each arm terminates in a gnarled hand tipped with wickedly curved talons of moonsilver, his vicious beak is of a similar material.

The Crunch

Name: River Walker
Caste: Full Moon
Totem: Heron
Concept: Shepherd of ghosts and gods
Nature: Paragon
Face: Nain-ya
Renown: 20
Anima: A totemic heron imposes itself over his features, rising into the air like a shamanic mask.

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 2

War: Athletics 2, *Brawl 4, Dodge 3 *Endurance 2
Life: Linguistics 2, *Presence 4, *Sail 2, *Survival 3
Wisdom: Lore 2, Occult 3

Cult 2
The Sky Runners worship River Walker as their spirit emissary and as a gift from the gods, while the Nine Ravens, who are not his birth tribe, treat him more coolly.

Heart's Blood 2
River Walker has sampled the blood of an elk, a raven, a panther, a dog, and a salmon.

Mentor 3
River Walker's mentor, a No Moon by the name of Harm of Will, is no friend of Raksi's and has no desire to see the Ten Tribes be subsumed into her shadow. Despite the fact that his pupil is a warrior, the old sorceror has nonetheless turored him in the occult and hopes to mold him into the savior of all the Ten Tribes. To this end, he is preparing to initiate Walker into the mystery of sorcery.

Shapechanging: Finding the Spirit’s Shape (131), Deadly Beastman Transformation x3 (124), Body Enhancement: Ox-Body Technique (132), Unarmed Combat: Body Weapon Technique (136), Sinuous Striking Grace (136), Defensive: Bowing Reed Technique (163), Spirit: Spirit-Scenting Technique (191)

Beastman form: Strength 5, Dexterity 7, Stamina 6
Gifts: Fluttering Wings, Rugged Hide, Terrible Beast Claws, Savage Moonsilver Talons (Claw: +6/+4/+5L/+4, Bite: +3/+2/+8L/+0)

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Willpower 6
Essence 3: Personal 15, Peripheral 36

Bonus point spread: essence – 10, caste/favored abilities – 2, virtues – 3