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Latest revision as of 19:55, 26 July 2004

Hasan Laughing Typhoon, son of Mahiya-Varsha, the Cyclone Puppeteer, Goddess of Tropical Storms and Taisho of Resplendent Water, at your service.

Predisposed as he is to jollity even in adversity, Hasan seems a man capable of contending adequately with any situation; his only cause for sadness would seem to be his own tendency to believe this.

Like his mother, his eyes are a sparkling storm of iridescent raindrops, his long hair a shawl of jungle mist, and condensation drips from beneath his fingertips; all of this clashes with his otherwise unappealing seeming of a swarthy Varang mortal. Even lacking his mother's beauty, however, there is a certain easy confidence to him that some find appealing, and when together, the pair are unholy terrors to Yu-Shan's many smaller gambling and gaming houses.

Of course, with such overconfidence as they both possess, they are a quiet joke to those more prestigious venues they frequent, where more skilled clientele make a sport of preying on the two; always they come away from these establishments feeling cruel fate has robbed them, for they were oh-so-close to winning every time.

And so it goes, with Hasan and Mahiya-Varsha supplementing their own resources with quintessence and favours from minor gods, and inadvertently trading those favours and sometimes even pledging their own in payment to gamblers more savvy than they.

While gambling is the preferred occupation of Mahiya-Varsha while shirking her duties, it is not her sole vice; whimsical as the sudden rainstorms she throws at southern jungles, she is prone to staging elaborate parties she can barely afford and overindulging in all manner of intoxicants - most deities of entertainment and artistry know her well, and Burning Feather in particular views her with a sense of pitying fondness... and though he shows it not, Hasan has a certain sadness within him when he finds that same pity for her, though only in his rarest moments of reflection, as he has been gradually realising that she is almost entirely lost to her dissolute existence; it now falls to him to tie up any loose ends so that she does not unravel them both on her way down.


Anyhow, that's what flowed from the initial flurry of inspiration. Should fit easily with the other two characters mentioned on the Wiki, though I'm still unclear on what skillset I really ought to be covering stats-wise. In addition to the obvious - and perhaps least useful, depending on storyline - above-average ability at gambling, gaming and suchlike, I can see him from a few other angles.

First, given his mother's inability to do her job properly, and how close they are, it's probable he's learnt to cover for her, though given the Bureau of Seasons' confused structure I'd imagine the directional Arbiters of Storms pick up most of the slack due to overlap. Moderate organisational skill would follow from this, as well as from tracking all their winnings and losses - and it's likely some considerable insight into politics might have been gleaned from watching those favours being called on.

It's not hard to suspect knowledge of Manse-craft (Architecture, Lore, and Occult being key, if I'm not mistaken) is likely to be handy too, as someone's gotta direct the workers; if nobody else is covering it, then it's quite quite possible that Hasan has developed an interest from studying and improving his mother's Manse design and decorations.

Given that I'm still stuck with the thematic of forming little elemental homunculi as special effects to an element-manipulation charm, I'd quite like an excuse to find points for Affinity Element Control (Air and Water in this case, I'd guess) and working that together with a general fondness for improbable decorative water-features would give a decent angle on high Manse-design/restoration skills.

Personality-wise, I'm thinking of Hasan as quite stable at heart, when he needs to be; he's calming down his lifestyle gradually even as his mother's goes more out of control, but he still knows how to have a good time, and needs to do so now and again to forget worrying about his mother... other things he might deal with, but he really can't make himself look at that issue directly.

Some ability to fend off hordes of ninja saboteurs is easily justified, I suppose, given that Mahiya-Varsha's direct superior would be Nasri, and if the General of the Aerial Legion isn't an excuse for martial aspect I don't know what is. But it won't be a major thing, really, in any case.

So. I'd better stop typing now, lest you drown in my ramblings. What'd'you think?