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== First Edition write-up.  Revised and rewritten write up soon to come. ==
<b>Name:</b> Toni Blue Evening Sky<br>
<b>Name:</b> Toni Blue Evening Sky<br>
<b>Caste:</b> Twilight<br>
<b>Caste:</b> Twilight<br>

Latest revision as of 06:18, 15 October 2007

First Edition write-up. Revised and rewritten write up soon to come.

Name: Toni Blue Evening Sky
Caste: Twilight
Nature: Gallant
Anima: Blazing Phoenix
Concept: Occultist For Hire

Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4

Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Dodge 3, Endurance 2, Investigation 3, Larceny 2, Linguistics 2 (Riverspeak, Old Realm, Skytongue), Lore 3, Martial Arts 4, Occult 4, Resistance 3,

Artifact 2 (Plasma tongue repeater.)
Contacts 3 (Minor ones all over Scavenger Lands)
Resources 4 (Big stash over in Great Forks.)

Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Virtue Flaw:
Foolhardy Contempt

Willpower: 5
Health: -0,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 14/33(35)


  • Dodge

Reed in the Wind
Shadow Over Water

  • Endurance

Ox-Blody Technique

  • Investigation

Ten Magistrate Eyes
Crafty Observation Method

  • Martial Arts

Kiss of the Sun Concentration
Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique
Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation

  • Occult

Spirit-Detecting Glance
Spirit-Cutting Attack


Sun Devil Style
Shadow Over Water (2 motes)
Reflexive Dodge - Reflexive, Instant
Kiss of the Sun Concentration (1 mote per die)
Flame weapon Martial Arts dice-adder - Supplemental, Instant
Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique (3 motes)
Flame weapon extra success doubler - Supplemental, Instant


Arts: Exorcism
Formulas - Ghosts in the East, Demons in the East

Merits and Flaws

  • Merits

Signature Style (Acrobatic) (2-point Supernatrual Merit)

  • Flaws

Greater Curse (3-point Supernatural Flaw)
Wanted (Stole from some clients in the Hundred Kingdoms) (2-point Social Flaw)
Known Anathema (Has been seen flaring in some areas in the East.) (1-point Social Flaw)
Diciple (Caretaker for useless, naive, and self-destructive God-Blood) (4-point Social Flaw)

Equipment: Backpack filled with travel gear and rations; exceptional buff jacket; various occult books; -3 dice wards against demons, fey, and ghosts; firewand; two flame pieces; box with twelve firedust weapon shots; plasma tongue repeater (Name-Taker); 3 releads worth of repeater rounds; irritating cat girl

Base Initiative: 7
Soak: 8B/5L/4A (Exceptional Buff Jacket: 5B/4L, Mobility Penalty 0, Fatigue 1)
Dodge: 9
Name-Taker: Spd 7, Acc 9, Dmg 10L, Range 20*, Rate 1
Firewand: Spd 7, Acc 8, Dmg 12L*, Range 10, Rate 1/2
Flame Piece: Spd 7, Acc 7, Dmg 8L, Range 8, Rate 1/2
Punch: Spd 7, Acc 8, Dmg 5B, Def 9, Rate 5
Kick: Spd 4, Acc 7, Dmg 6B, Def 3, Rate 3

  • Usually has Blessing of Solar Spark Meditation casted on it.


Toni Blue Evening Sky is the child of a the famous master thaumaturgist Cameron Blue Evening Sky. Having been a very successful savant, he made a good living for himself and retired in Great Forks by the age of 35, having made much of his money from working across the River Province as a exorcist, ward specialist, and treasure hunter. Toni grew-up hearing of her father's adventures and deeds, ranging from something minor like getting rid of an annoying ancestor spirit, to hwo he and her mother met. Cameron trained his daughter in the Art of Exorcism and other important Occult fields, and the girl soon set off on her own to find her own fame and fortuen at the age of eighteen.

Within a few years, her family's talent quickly manifested itself in her adventures. She learned the arts of flame-dispersal weapons in combat, becoming quite fond of her firewands and flame pieces. However, not all was well and good for the girl. She also partook in some of the more sneaky aspects of being an occultist, and while often got away with it, eventually was caught when she sold some fake talismans of ghost-warding to a noble in the Hundred Kingdoms. This noble then decided that it was a good idea to go hungry ghost hunting on his own. Apparently he had friends in lots of place sint he Scavenger Lands, and as such, Toni often finds herself being persued by authorities.

Toni Exalted when she was in a bit more honest of work. A Guild merchant had contracted her to loot a First Age tomb. While dangerous and risky, it paid well enought o possibly allow her to work towards an early retirement. Taking the opportunity, Toni entered the Anathema's tomb, armed with genuine wards she bought in Great Forks and a good set of firedust weapons. In the dark domb, she found many an items which made her a pretty penny. While most of the items were simple books, clockwork amusements, and automated games, one thing struck Toni as particulerly interesting; a plasma tongue repeater with the words "Name-Taker" inscribed on its side in Old Realm. Pocketing this, she gathered the items she thought the merchant might like and tried heading out.

It was at this point that she encountered the hungry ghost of the ancient Solar's tomb. It was dematerialized at first, but Toni noticed that she could see it as if it were a ghostly image, and that she could also see a soft blue light beginning to fill the room. She quickly realized that it was her, and that the dematerial spirit wasn't so dematerial anymore. In one quick motion, she withdrew her firewand, and felt mote sof Essence seep into it. The vicous spectre then attacked her, and in a fluid motion, she felt herself following the whisps of Essence to avoid the attack, and as she pulled the trigger of her firewand, she felt felt the motes course through her body, through the metal tube, and out into the gout of flame. Granted, the ghost was none too happy abou tany of this.

Not much is to be said about what happened afterwords. THe ghost destroyed, Toni gathered what she could and left the tomb, her Twilight brilliance fading as she remanuevered through the various traps of the tomb. The raid indeed proved successful, and Toni found herself quite rich for someone her age. But instead of retiring and settling down in Great Forks, she decided she had better things to do. So gathering her wands, pieces, and repeater, some ammo, and a nice buff jacket, she hit the road, out to see what now lay out in the world for her as a Descending Sun.


A slight speed-bump in Toni's road to fame and fortune came after she had been Exalted for about a year or so. While she had some brief run-ins with the authorites still, a few rather angry ghost cults, and a flaring of her anima in Nexus, she so far had evaded too much trouble. But while on the road, she saw what at first looked like a Wyld mutant running in the opposite direction along the road she walked on. As the girl passed her, Toni looked foward to see what looked like a small group of mounted soldiers chasing her on horseback approaching. They were using what looked like hounds to aide in their persuit, and were probably some random noblemen who felt like a bit more sadistic a game.

Toni, not usually the overly compasionate sort, decided that it would be worth helping out htis once. Holding her hand out to stop the nobles, they circled her and threatened her. After smirking calmly, she then proceeded to to attempt to bring the men on horseback down using her skills in martial arts and her Righteous Devil style. Of course, it was at this point that the Fey decided that they were done wit their glamours and revealed their true form. Confronted with the new situation, Toni did the most logical and calculated response. Run like hell.

As Toni raced down the road, the rather feline-featured girl beckoned her into the woods to the side of the road. Hopping in, Toni suddenly found herself not in the bushes like she had previously thought she'd be, but instead inside what looked like a large garden, with an elegant fountain in the center, a plethora of flowers and fruit trees, and the girl hugging a rather exotic woman who looked to be of Far Eastern appearance and dreased in elegant First Age style robes, with printings of cats and cheetahs all over it.

The lady explained the situation to Toni, revealing that she was the goddess of domesticated cats in the East. The girl was her God-Blooded daughter, who had wandered outside the sanctum to explore, and apparently had cuaght the fancy of some Fair Folk nobles outside. And that Toni's distracting them had allowed her to scape to the sanctum they were now inside.

As a result, Toni was given a great of honors...according to the cat goddess. She was to take care of Kisha, the God-Blooded who nearly got her killed just a few moments before, so that she may see what life is liek otuside of the sanctum and Yu-Shan. In exchange, Toni woudl be "Greatly honored and respected by me. With enough time and service, I shall make sure to award you in the future. Maybe in a decade or so, you shall recieve payment," she said. "Of course you can always refuse...though, I don't think those nobles are quite all that far away yet."

Toni, of course, accepted the task, and now finds her hopes for her future starting to slowly edge away. While Kisha is atleast decent in subterfuge and healing, she lacks any real combat ability, is overly naive when ti comes to demons, traps, ghosts, and various sorts of monsters. Life is not good for Toni. And it might just get worse as time goes on if she doesn't force that kid to straighten-up.


While her father was Eastern, Toni's mother was Murukani, and she shows a lot of that in her features. Her long black hair often is tied into a tight braid that hangs to her lower back. Her skin is tanned from her time on the road, and just as a general trait of the features of her mother's homeland. She often wears a simple shirt, with a pair of tough leather pants, or sometimes a skirt that goes to her mid-calf. She wears a pair of high-top boots that looked weathered with time, and over all this, a custom-made buff macket helps show off some of her figure. Hanging on a leather strap from her shoulder is a firewand, which she keeps loaded. And on the inside of her jacket, she hodls atleast two loaded flame pieces and her plasma tongue repeater, Name-Taker.

Toni's facial expression usually shows a sly grin, or some sense of humor to it. However, she also will give looks of disgust or irritation when around Kisha. She tries her best to hide this, but her temper sometimes gets the best of her. She's rather prideful and will boast and whatnot, but if she's overly offended, she'll just plot the person's demise or a way to screw 'em later.


"Shoulda stayed dead. The nemissary thing ain't working out for you."