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Welcome to Xaoc's Nocturnal Exalted.

I have high hopes for my little project. Here is what I have so far...

When Nox was invited to create an Exalted type with the other Incarnate who planned to rebel, he took the chance to prove that he was on the side of the Incarnate, and so he could understand the plan and tell his masters. He then saw how useful the Exalted could be. Tools for the Maidens. Weapons for the Sun and Luna. He decided he would make his to take his job over. This would fool Auto into thinking that he was really on the side of the rebels. He could then leave his Exalted to watch creation, and he could take his slaves of Sisters away and use them as he wished. Then both his job would be done, and he would have plenty of free time for his sisters. So he spoke to Auto about creating a Exalted type that could work in his stead and aide him in his work. From this the 5 caste of Nocturnal were created. ________________ Nocturnal Anima Effect Rule- When Nocturnals activate their Anima effect they do not give out any outwardly sign. Even if Peripheral mote is spent, activating the Anima effect will not add to the Anima banner. All Nocturnal effects last for 1 Scene. The effect cost 10m, and makes the entire world seem darker. There is no direct link to the Nocturnal. The darkness is slight and often unknoticed. ____________________- Aether , The Eyes of the Night Sky. Created to watch Creation for threats. http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z287/CeresEternity/Oberon.png Anima Banner - Blues, shiny white flecks, and wisp of grey. Anima Effect - The Aether can see more clearly. They add Ess to all perception rolls and can mentally speak with any other nocturnal within Essx10 Yards. The Nocturnals can speak back. This can not be used to read minds, only talk silently. _________________________ Lyssa, The Mind of the Night Sky. Created to destroy the mind of threats. http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z287/CeresEternity/Umbriel.png Anima Banner - Green and Yellows. Mixing both Dark colors and Extremely bright colors Lyssa Anima Effect - A strong bloodlust fills the air. Friends turn on friends and foes are often forgotten. All beings around Lyssa gain Valor = to Lyssa's Essence. All beings must then roll Valor on every action. Success means they attack the Nearest valid target. Failure means they are now immune to this effect. The immunity wears off when the Anima effect stops. The Lyssa can not pick and chose who is effected by this. _________________________ Charon, The Guide of the Night Sky. Created to guide the fallen away so they could never come back. http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z287/CeresEternity/Miranda.png Anima Banner - Black, grey, and white. Charon Anima Effect- Charon can make sure the fallen never arise again. Anyone within essx2 yards struck down automatically enters the cycle of Leath. They leave no ghost. The Charon may spend 1wp when this effect is active to banish a struck demon, elemental, or spirt to home(Malfens, or Sactum for demons and Spirts. Elements get sent Essx10 miles towards the correct elemental pole. Both parties roll Essence+Willpower. If the Charon wins the foe is banished. ______________________________ Oizys, The Hate of the Night Sky. Created to cause threats fight themselves rather than band together. http://i28.tinypic.com/2vmjbc4.png Anima Banner - When they spend mote they glow with flickering colors seeming to be a mix of all Nocturnal colors Oizys Anima Effect -Oizys can change the colors of their anima and the shape of the Caste mark to appear as any type of exalted. All Obvious charms of the Nocturnal cost 2xMote to keep this effect from disrupting. The Oizys does not get the Anima effect or any other advantage of the mimicked Exalted. They can mimic Iconic Banner as well. ______________________________ Nemesis, The Justice of the Night Sky. Created to find and destroy decent. http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z287/CeresEternity/Titania.png Anima Banner - When they spend mote they glow with Purple and Red Nemesis Anima Effect - When a Oath of Loyalty is spoke and the Nemesis is witness he can make the Oath law. If the person under the Oath breaks it of his own free will, they take 1L HL. A Caste Mark appears in them, A Black spiral going around any existing Caste Mark. If the users Caste mark glows, so does this mark. If the user does not have a Caste mark, or no essence pool, this mark is permeate. This simply marks them a Oath breakers. Attacks made by the Nemesis that witnessed the Oath gain +1 success when attacking that person _____________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pattern Bending Effects - Shifts

Lunars have Knacks. Effects that allow them to change their form and body to that of others.

Nocturnal have Shifts, effects that allow them to change the world around them to aid them. These effect work by causing the threads of fate to vibrate and attach to other threads. Pattern Spiders often fix these quick, so the effect fade after a scene.

Dice- When performing any Shift the Nocturnal must roll Ess+Will, with a diff based on 4+. Each Shift will state the additional diff. Any failure automatically counts as a Botch. They cost Willpower based on the additional Diff added ranging from 1-6. They cost Mote based on total Diff. 5-10. Charms may NOT be used to aid in this roll. These effects to not count as charm use for the turn.

Shift Types -

Item Shift - These shift make items appear in locations they do not belong, or make items behave like other items.

Low power example - A Nocturnal removes his sock and reaches in to pull out lock picks. Just what he needs. (Fail - A small crystal ball covered in spikes lies in wait instead. As the nocturnal touches it shatters and imbeds many glass shards into his flesh.) High power Example - A nocturnal is trapped, he swings the vase near him and as he does it reshapes into a sword, able to cut like steel but looks like the vase glass reshaped. (Fail - the vase forms in the wrong direction, the holder Literally stabbing himself instead. The weapon then forms back into a vase.)

Location Shift- These shifts make locations come closer or overlap.

Low Power example - The Nocturnal opens a door and it leads into a room a few doors away instead. (Fail- The door opens to a stone wall, slowing the Nocturnal down, or the door opens to a bee hive tent. Angry bees swarm out.) High Power Example - The Nocturnal stands at an open pit, leaping in he falls out several miles away, on a roof top no less. (Fail - The pit drops into the labyrinth instead. The Nocturnal is now trapped in the underworld.)

Social Shifts- Theses shifts make Social situations change or effect the memories of people. Low Power Example - The Nocturnal walks into the shop and greets the owner like an old friend. The owner seems to remember him from someplace. (Fail - the owner recalls a disliked or hated person, driving the Nocturnal away) High Power Example - The Nocturnal walks into the party uninvited and unknown. Everyone in the room seems to recall him in good light. (Fail- The entire party thinks of the Nocturnal as a criminal. They secretly call the Dragon Blooded to deal with him.)

Life Shifts- These shifts make living creatures behave like other creatures or become other creatures. Low Power Example - The Nocturnal reaches down towards the dead fish. Normal this fish is deadly, the Nocturnal eats it safely, it taste like salmon not deadly Wooperfish. (Fail- The deadly fish taste like Yozi Venom!) High Power Example - The Nocturnal reaches down, the cow giving live birth to a lamb. a very strange event indeed. (Fail- The Cow gives birth to a very pissed wyld mutant, or a demon!)

The Shifts are created to be backups to charms. While useful and varied in effect each one is dangerous to fail and are difficult to do. A Good substitution when a useful charm is not available.

___________________- Ok, so you all seem to say, drop the Botch bit. That’s acceptable. I wanted it to prevent over use but eh will cost does that already. High Conviction for the Win!.... On to Trees.

Due to the massive work in progress, this is not a full tree. Just a good idea. This is also only 1 tree.

The Shift of Objects: Shifts of Valor

The every ready tool - Essence 2 Valor 2 The Fluff The power of the nocturnal calls forth tools when every they might be needed. No Nocturnal is ever lacking when they need something to aide. The Crunch The Nocturnal can call up any tool fitting its desire. For basic tools call from a suitable location (A lock pick from a pocket, a pen from a box) the cost is 1 WP. The greater the cost, the more likely it is not be noticed missing, costing the Nocturnal more effort. Fine Tools cost +1WP, Exceptional +2, Perfect +3.

Blades and battle- Essence 2 Valor 3 - Prerequisite Shifts- The every ready tool The Fluff Normally a tool is all that is needed but at times a weapon can be more useful. During these time the Nocturnal may call up a weapon. The Crunch Any non-magical weapon can be called up. The cost is 1WP per a dot of resources the weapon cost.

Form of many - Essence 3 Valor 3 - Prerequisite Shifts- Blades and battle The Fluff Sometimes a single object is useless and many objects are needed. Arrows, caltrops, or other such items. The Crunch This allows object shifts to be used to create a large number of small objects. This is limited to Essx5 objects. This comes at no additional cost.

1000 tools within a box- Essence 3 Valor 4 - The Fluff No matter what the problems facing the Nocturnal, no matter what limits are placed on them. The treads of fate seem to create mistakes to aide them. The Crunch This shift adds to all other Item Shifts. The Nocturnal may now pull objects out from unsuitable locations. A torch from a pocket or a lock pick from a thimble. This adds +2WP to the cost of the Shift.

7 deadly devices - Essence 4 Valor 4 -1000 tools within a box The Fluff At times, a device is needed to last longer than the short time the loom of fate allows. In times like this the Nocturnal found a way to make the item last. It was hard but the Nocturnals can make it happen. The Crunch This shift can be used to aide in any other object shift. It can be used to reshape objects into other objects. This only works of the first object is made of the same material as the object seeking form. This adds -1WP to any Object shift. for +1WP the change will last an additional scene.

Calling All Shapes - Valor 5 Essence 5 - Prerequisite Shifts- 7 deadly devices The Fluff A Nocturnal may create anything. They need no forge nor tool, just an iron will and force. The Crunch This allows the Nocturnal to shape objects from anything. A Vase to a sword or a bar to a gate. This allows a shift to create any object from any other object. This returns to normal if removed from the grip of the Nocturnal. Other than that this shift is permeate. This adds +2 to the WP cost.