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Dragon-Blooded Animas

Rate of Glowiness

Something out of place with Dragon-Blooded is that of all the Exalt types, they are the only one truely lacking a real anima chart. Seeting this as a bit unacceptable, I decided to post my own. The general idea I see with Terrestrial animas is that unlike the banners of the Celestials, they do a lot more in the way of non-visual effects such as smells, sounds, and altering the environment. They actually damage things with their environment after all, so more then simple bleaching, rotting, or dewing shows on the environment afterwards.

As such, the following is the rate of Terrestrial animas used in my games:

  • 1-3 - Small elemental effects begin to emit from or form around the Terrestrial. An Aspect of Air might have a soft breaze, the smell of ozone, or a cooling sensaiton around him. An Aspect of Earth might begin to leave sand where he walks, cause the Eartht o rumble softly as he steps, or have a small jewel-like shimmer to his flesh. An Aspect of Fire may emit sparks as he speaks, cause small mirage ripples in the air around him, or small trails of smoke. Aspects of Water may cause dew to form in the area, a small raising of the himidity, or wet footprints in his wake. Aspects of wood create the smell of plants, small flower petals might appear to fall in his wake now and again, or birds might begin sounding nearaby. The Exalt's skin also seems to blush slightly towards his Aspect's color, though its still coverable with things like clothing, make-up, or a dark room, and if concealed, are as hard to find as the Castemark of a Solar of this level of their animal.
  • 4-7 - The elemental effects of this level of Essence expenditure becomes quite a ways more impressive. Winds strengthen, sparks crackle, smoke rises, sand begins to gust, things become noticably wet, and cherry blossom-shaped motes follow in an Exalt's path. The character's skin begins to deepen even more of the character's Aspect's colors, and even glows slightly. Though it doesn't shine through everything, light still pierces through every opening it finds, thus adding +2 to the difficulty of all Stealth rolls.
  • 8-10 - At this point, the Chosen's body luminessous with the power of the Dragons, and his Essence swirls as a vortex of power around him. The elemental effects at this point become quite obvious and real. What were sparks become archs of electricity. What were mere bits of sand-shaped motes become pounding glowing sandblast. Animas which merely felt hot now burst into true burning fury, with sparks and burning smoke left in the Terrestrial's wake. The room may feel as if it is in a monsoon, or the preassure of the Depths might fill the air. Needles, petals, and leaves fly throug hthe air, or vines grow from the Exalt's wake, tangling and stabbing prepared targets. In addition to this, the Exalt's body is enveloped in a flowing glow of their element, radiating to about a hard above the Terrestrial's head. Unlike the constant glow of the Celestial Bodies that the higher Exalts have, the Dragon-Blooded anima banner ebs, and flows, a churning of raw Terrestrial power in relation to the already powerful elemental effects around him. Obviously, Stealth is impossible at this point, and all Stealth Charms automatically fail.
  • 11-15 - The effects of the Dragon-Blooded's elemental might can be seen and heard for miles around, the bonfire of elemental Essence hard to look at sometimes. At this point, the elemental effects heighten to cracks of lightning, the Earth itself bleching stone spires, bonfires of immense heat, tsunami-force waves, and fields of entangling plant needles. The Exalt will leave a lasting mark on all things not already-protected, and may very well begin destroying architecture and the environment in more ways then burning or scraping, as his anima tears the Aspected element from the world around him.
  • 16+ - At this point, the anima flares into a totemic shape, much like that of the other Exalted. However, these tend to comprise a relationship with the element of the Exalt, often relfecting things such as dragons, animals of the element, inanimate objects, buildings, or other effects. The elemental effects of previous levels expand to unnaturally brilliant levels; charring, electricuting, flooding, and shredding all that lay in its wake.

The rates at which Terrestrial anima die-down is just like that of other sorts of Exalted, with the 16+ level of things lasting a turn unless more motes are spent the proceeding round of of time.

Anima Flux

Anima flux works as written in Exalted: the Dragon-Blooded, with the following notes for Power Combat:

  • Hardness of any sort negates anima flux.
  • The amount of damage from anima flux is always a single die. It does not count towards the Essence-ping rule of PC.

Anima Banners

The follwoing clear up, or change some animas, since I think some clarifacation is needed and al that.

Aspects of Earth

The Earth anima seems a bit on the weak side to me. Especially sue to the fact that so many effects easiliy available to Terrestrials or other Exalts do this anyways. The anima instead grants the Terrestrial a natural hardness equal to his Stamina, as well as the ability to soak lethal with his full soak. This has no effect on aggrivated damage.

Aspects of Fire

The Fire anima is rolled and soaked seperately from the attack it is attached to if used for such, meaning that it is counted on its own for determining the effects of hardness. It is liable to the Essence ping rule in PC.

Aspects of Wood

The Wood Dodge effect is a Charm-like modifier. As such, it is after the equipment modifier that the Essence-Dodge adds, and so Essence is only rolled once if the anima is used for such.

And stuff.
