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Old Scratch

One of my entrants in the NC_17 Exalted Competition...

“Old man Cynis had a Pynis, That he had to scratch.

With a bucket of pitch he burned away the itch, And gave himself a bald patch.”

The Lunar known as Old Scratch exalted during the chaos of the Great Contagion and the fall of the Shogunate. He had been a rakish soldier, in love with the prestige of serving under the mighty Dragon-Blooded, and all associated benefits. In numerous campaigns across Creation he tallied more victories in bed than on the battlefield. He seduced who he could with tales of exotic places, heroism, danger and glory. When the legion moved on the village invariably found some new pregnancies among the womenfolk and broken hearts a-plenty. As he rose in rank he found that his skills at seduction and bed-play were useful for getting the best out of his troops, and his superiors.

“Make love, not war,” was his motto.

When the contagion struck he was sent with the legion to the borders of Creation. Screaming hordes of hobgoblins would batter them by day, and by night the fair folk tempters would steal amongst the weary troops and drink their souls by luring them into carnal action with promises of respite from the day’s horrors and bliss forever more.

It was during one of these nightly raids that Old Scratch exalted. Luna found favour with this mortal man. The otherworldly paramour that lay over him found that his soul was not so easy to steal. He fought back with his most practised techniques and countered the Fair One’s every trick with one of his own. Just before dawn, still entwined with the beauteous creature, he felt his flagging strength resurge and a smiling woman bathed in silver light appeared naked beside them. Her hands and lips goaded and encouraged him until with a mighty shout he threw off the Fair One. As he rose to meet the day ahead the Silver Lady winked at him and whispered “well done, lover!” before vanishing with a rapturous moan.

Unfortunately, it took many months before he was found by Lunars of the Silver Pact. His exaltation had served him well in the battle to save Creation but the Wyld had left its mark on his body and mind. Still, there was only a little debate before the Elders of the Pact decreed that he should be Tattooed as a Changing Moon for his time battling the enemies of Creation. Despite a fearsome appearance and some odd personality quirks he found himself initiated into Lunar society and learned of many different ideals and philosophies amongst the Stewards of Creation. They named him “Sees-The-Day” in honour of his exaltation.

Then one day he disappeared.

He knew Creation was smaller than it once was. He knew that it could not sustain the population in once had unless it grew again. He knew he did not have the power to extend it as in the First Age. So he chose a different path.

He knew humanity was not strong enough to defend itself from the Wyld. He knew part of the reason the Fair Folk were able to invade was the loss of human populations after the Great Contagion. He knew that humanity needed to breed faster to recover from future disasters. So he conceived a plan.

Over the centuries since, his plans have been gaining momentum. He has tribes of tough beastmen hidden within the Realm, at times quite literally beneath the noses of the Dragon-Blooded.

Old Scratch uses self taught knacks to become smaller than a flea and breed with the parasites that infect humanity. He uses the sexual fluids from his host to help humanise his tribes. The more promiscuous the person the more desirable for Old Scratch’s plans. He requires his tribes to breed fast, breed strong, adapt and evolve. Now his beastmen are more populous than humanity itself. Each generation living, breeding and dying within a small span of years. Each tribe worshipping their god and all-father, Sees-The-Day.

Their great tribal taboo is a migration after every seventh Calibration. In preparation of the event festivals are held which invariably arouse the host, driving them to distraction. Lesser festivals are held more often with less dramatic results. House Cynis has been an unwitting champion of this Lunar’s plans, helping to spread his tribes far and wide. Though the constant itching has caused many hosts to go mad and attempt drastic measures to soothe their inflamed and sensitive genitals. Shaving is the most popular method, but urban legends abound of those driven to extremes – usually with humorous results.

Those of a more inquisitive nature might wonder about the hairlessness of the Immaculate Order. Those with access to the proper records may wonder just exactly why abstinence is extolled as a virtue when fully one fifth of the Bronze Faction is exalted under the Maiden of Serenity. The most cynical would swear that Chejop Kejack was shuffling in some discomfort while over-seeing the construction of the Cloister of Wisdom…

Old Scratch is an imposing Changing Moon Lunar when visible. Piercing blue eyes are set deep into the ruddy skin of his face. His skin is typically quite red and crusty, though of course covered with the silver tattoos of his Caste. He has two extra arms, each set with large claws instead of hands as his Tell. A mop of black hair clings to his scalp and back.

He has several custom Knacks and Charms which aid his plans: He can shape-change into forms smaller than a flea; he can capture and store the sexual fluids of other creatures to use instead of his own when breeding; he can cause those around him to feel lustful; and he has a precognitive sense of when exalted level healing charms are about to be used against him and can defend against them (often by seducing the doctor).

Pre-writing notes:

Chimera Lunar. Saw Great contagion at least, maybe older. Driven mad by Wyld. Needs Hive form type Knacks, Charms and Mutations. Needs ability to become tiny. Despairing at loss of such large amounts of Creation to the Wyld, no longer believing humanity as it currently exists is able to defend Creation. Becomes a Sexually Transmitted Parasite a la Crabs. The most sexually active humans are likely to gain his attention and he uses his small form to gather the procreative juices. He uses the most sexually active people because he knows that a successful population must be able to breed fast in order to sustain losses and adapt to different environments fast through generations of breeding. Believes that Creation can be maintained by his tiny 'beastmen', and that because they are tiny that Creation is sufficiently large enough in comparison that the Fae can be placated by not needing to extend Creation past its current boundaries again. Needs some kind of awareness of danger charm to avoid Exalted level medicinal effects applied to the infected people. Is willing to breed Terrestrial bloodlines into his beastmen and thus is fond of House Cynis, to the point of Aiding the House with it's orgies - but is wary of the higher proportion of Exalts who may be able to 'cure' the infected. Believes his Beastmen can also survive contact with Fae who desire physical initmacy and can thus be infected...