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Resplendant Earth, 768

  • 1st :
    • After failing miserably to raise any real support for his cause, Prince Till leaves Nexus with a restock of provisions only.
    • The Circle begin travel to Great Forks to avoid Immaculates and Realm troops now alert to the presence of Anathema.
    • Soulban joins the Circle as life in Nexus was about to become very difficult.
  • 2nd - 5th :
    • Arrival in a Shadowland (apparently contested by two Deathlords?).
      • The war in the Shadowlands is between Watcher-Who-Stands-In-The-Visible-Tower and the owner of this land, Walker-In-Darkness. [Leath]
    • The Circle investigates a deserted village and are attacked by a hundred or so Zombies.
    • The Zombies are destroyed with a bit of effort (and mainly with thanks to Kalara's flame aura!).
    • Mettan'Aku discovers the Zombies were the Village defenders - the local ghosts were now forced to flee from He-Who-Watches-In-The-Visible-Tower.
    • Metan'Aku swears to help them (and manages to get the Circle to help as well).
    • The Circle accompanies the ghostly villagers to the other Deathlord (Walker-In-Darkness?) whereupon they meet Kiss-Of-Winter.
    • After a brief stay, enjoying the hospitality of the Deathlord and his Abyssals the Circle retreats back to Great Forks with Kiss-Of-Winter who has joined with them for some reason that escapes me...
      • Kiss of Winter joined because Walker in Darkness asked him to, to learn about the Solars [Leath]
    • The Circle is attacked by some strange creatures apparently sent by Watcher-Who-Stands-In-The-Visible-Tower, but manage to drive them off and escape without serious injury.
  • 6th-9th :
    • Arrival at Great Forks.
    • "Naz'Shiar", "Breath-Of-Judgment" and Soulban's Daiklave are stolen by a Water Immaculate.
    • Prince Till learns that it will take three days to get his troops across the river.
    • Mettan'Aku and Scar manage to get them back by negotiating with a local Water Elemental, and Fish-Spirit. In return for a donation of Essence through prayer at the Little-God's temple, the Artefacts are retrieved from the bottom of the river where the Immaculate had hidden them.
    • A large force of Immaculates lead by three Immaculates of Dana'ad arrive at Great Forks.
    • Scar, reunited with "Naz'Shiar", meets the Immaculates outside the City Gates and takes them all on by himself.
    • Mettan'Aku comes to help, and ends up about half a mile out of the City trying to take down four Monks (including one Dragon-Blooded - who made a great impression of an Echidna by the end of it!).
    • Kiss-Of-Winter Obsidian-Butterflies most of the Monks, Till eventually lays some smackdown, and finally, Scar is the only one left standing.
    • The Circle destroys the Imaculate encampment, Mettan'Aku throws away the Hearthstone he found (just to piss them off really), and flees, leaving behind a field of sharp glass, padded here and there with Monk-bits...
  • 10th :
    • The Circle travels onward, finally veering towards the Fae attacked Village (Mr Mook Villager is acting as a guide, but seems a little fatalistic about the odds of his Village surviving for this long!).
  • 20th-28th :
    • Somewhere around this time, the Circle enters a patch of Wyld.
    • Soulban sees a small gold and silver flower and casually hacks at it - it grows into a mighty 50' tall gold and silver flower - he backs away slowly.
    • The Circle meets a strange wanderer, named Yari, and another named Light-Into-Darkness.
    • They find the Golden City of Albin'Shar.
    • Within it's walls, Mettan'Aku and Scar have flashbacks of the First Age, and Scar first become aware that "Naz'Shiar" may not have been his back then.
    • Mettan'Aku discovers the Manse at the centre of the city is where his First Age Incarnation died. His skeleton, and those of his betrayers, lie within. Yari puts the Hungry Ghosts of the Dragon-Blooded to rest. There are no ghosts of the Sidereal or Nilus. Mettan'Aku arranges for all of the skeletal remains to be entombed.
    • Kiss-Of-Winter discovers the means to bring the city out of the Wyld, and after many arguments with the Circle, it is done.
    • Jocelyn Exalts during the ritual.
    • Mettan'Aku distributes the Jade Artifacts of his betrayers amongst the Circle, and keeps the bits no-one wanted safely stored away.
    • Till takes up "Devil-Hammer", Kalara takes "Feathered-Ruin", Soulban takes "Invincible-Breath". Everything else is unwanted by the Circle. I think.
    • The Realm troops following get closer.
