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Cry In Solitude

Day Caste Abyssal Boy.

Born in a village within sight of the great Ice Wall some 16 years ago. His tribe was strong, and able to defend itself against Fae raids and occasional rival tribes. The child grew strong and in time sat at the knee of the Village Shaman to learn the history of his people. His voice was admired by the Shaman, and he was often told he could appease the ancestors with his songs. By his 15th Calibration, the boy was strong and tough; a proficient hunter and well versed in the Shaman's songs of Spirit Honouring.

Then the end came.

A Tear-Eater Warband followed a successful mamoth hunt home to the village. They attacked during the post-hunt festivities and caught the Village unawares. The Village faought well, but not well enough. A small band of survivors fled into nearby hills and scrubland to regroup. The Tear Eaters Warband encamped in the Village became to a series of small ambushes and raids. The boy's skill with a bow took it's toll as he chanted hymns of vengeance during every attack but each raid also found more of the tribe dead by it's end.

After four days of harrassment, the Tear Eaters withdrew from the Village, but not before building a huge bonfire from the torn down remains of everything in the Village. Standing before the flames, the boy vowed vengeance upon the Tear Eaters, and with the pitiful remains of his Tribe around him he swore upon his Ancestors to hunt down the Warband and slay them all, and not to rest until it was done.

He began a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the retreating Warband. Over the course of a week he managed to track down, ambush and slay twenty-one warriors. But then his luck ran out. He laid another ambush, only to discover they were expecting him. He attempted to flee and hide but was cut down by their brutal axes.

He lay in the cold expecting death and the bitterness of failing his vow filled his mind.

The She came to him. She had watched this boy with the beautiful voice everytime he had sung to the dead. And She had heard his vow. And She had seen him fall. And She heard his call to oblivion.

She granted his wish.

The remnants of the Warband died that night. A ghost in the darkness slew them all and feasted on their blood. That night a mighty blizzard arose and a ghostly horse appeared from out of the storm and took shelter with him in the Warband's Camp. The horse's eyes were like fire and it's hooves were sharp as blades. And by the Storm's end it was the ghost's mount.

The nameless ghost travelled south, away from it's former homelands. It could hear Her voice in it's mind, calling constantly, and it answered in kind with sorrowful paeans.

When it finally arrived and the gates of Her Palace of Crimson Ice, it was brought before Her wondrous form and made to sing for her pleasure. At the end of the song Her words rang out, "You shall serve me as Cry-in-Solitude."

Since then, Cry-in-Solitude has been granted freedom and status within Her court. He acts as her Hunter, Scout and Messenger. And She has enjoyed perverting his youthful innocence with the debaucheries of her court.

Name:    Cry-In-Solitude
Caste:   Day
Nature:  Conniver???
Anima:   A writhing snake with shadowy wings
Concept: Scout
XP: Left/Total: 0/75


Strength: 3, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 3
Charisma: 2, Manipulation: 3, Appearance: 3
Perception: 4, Intelligence: 2, Wits: 3


Archery: 5, Athletics: 3, Awareness: 4, Brawl: 2, Dodge: 4, Endurance: 1, Investigation: 2, Linguistics: 2, Melee: 1, Occult: 3, Performance: 3, Ride: 3, Stealth: 3, Survival: 5.


Artifact: 3, Familiar: 3, Liege: 4, Manse: 3?, Spies: 1?,Underworld Manse: 1?.


Compassion: 2, Conviction: 3, Temperance: 3, Valor 2.
Virtue Flaw: Screw You Guys, I'm going away!

Willpower: 6
Essence: 3
Essence pool: 15 Personal / 36 Peripheral / 10 Bloodfeast

Health Levels -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap


Pulse of the Prey
Bloodthirsty Arrow
Flawless Archer Discipline
Raiton's Nimble Perch
Uncanny Impulse Evasion
Flitting Shadow Technique
Fivefold Shadow Form
Fivefold Sensory Exercise
Superior Sight Technique
Soul Reins
Essence Engorgement Technique
Enduring Huntsman Method
Infallible Barghest Mien
Haunting Inflection Trick
Spirit Sensing Technique
Concealing Distraction Discipline
Ox-Body Technique (-1,-2,-2)


Combo Name
Combo Charms


Enchanting Voice (2)


Enemy (Lunar) (2)
Eternal Vow (Lunar) (1)
Eternal Child (3)


Equipment here


Base init: 9
Soak: 3B/1L/0A (4B/4L/0A)
Dodge: 9
Soulsteel Short Powerbow Spd: 9 Acc: 11? Dam: 2(+Ess Drain?) Def: 0 Rate: 3 Range: 250

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