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Latest revision as of 02:53, 9 April 2009

The actual steps I went through to get the Vermillion and Tepet Legions moved to Cherak.

  1. Elana has left something for me in case of her death, but not her sustained absence.
    1. She had gotten Tepet Deramol Kelis, captain of the realm troops in Wallport, to convince Mnemon Napel, the Prefect, to turn control of that city over to a Legion, should one show up. I convinced Kelis that this wasn't necessary and Napel should remain in charge of Wallport.
  2. Opened conversation with the Roseblack via an Infallible Messenger from Ranka. Continued the conversation via the Roseblack's sorcerer only at night to avoid being easily overheard.
    1. I wanted assurances that she wouldn't conquer Cherak or launch an attack on the Realm.
    2. She wanted assurances that she wouldn't have to conquer Cherak.
    3. She also says that with some naval support she can wipe out the Abalone Island pirates, thus completing her official mission for having been sent West anyway.
    4. I had to explain some of the plan to Ranka and she offered the full economic support of Gem to Cherak should there be any economic consequences from the Realm.
  3. I sold Ferem Amosa on the idea and had her talk to the Roseblack so they could assure each other of intentions. Amosa wouldn't agree to the use of her navy unless other protection could be provided. She suggested talking to Tegraat and getting the Merchant Fleet to guard Cherak.
  4. I sold Tegraat on the idea but he wanted Deliberative blessing of the action.
  5. I took the plan to Rector Danic, who suggested that she be the one to go to the Deliberative and get it blessed. Since I couldn't very well do it, I agreed. Though I sent her on my ship, with my bodyguard, so anyone paying attention on the Isle would know she was representing me.
  6. I took the plan to Crow because Danic wouldn't leave us for the estimated 2 months it would take unless Crow agreed to handle her Rector duties during that time. Crow agreed.
  7. Danic went off to the Blessed Isle.
  8. I went to Kira to see if she'd forward a letter to her father for me. I explained what I was trying and she wrote a note to her dad to try and help, too.
  9. At the end of Ascending Wood, the Cheraki Navy sailed West.