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7th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

Rector Kasif sat in on today’s Greater Deliberative session. He suggested we read something official into the record here in the Deliberative regarding Research Station 17. I’d already been preparing a report, but it hadn’t occurred to me to get it on record here. So I formed a subcommittee to go over what I’d written and take suggestions for revision. We’re gathering tomorrow and with any luck I’ll read the final version before we end the meeting. That’ll make it official enough until the next full session of the Deliberative.

8th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

Report completed with only a few updates.

10th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

Ranka approached me about the school trip today. Ferem Lasha believes she has discovered a First Age library in Whitewall. She encouraged Ranka to try and sway the Greater Deliberative to make the school trip to Whitewall so they could investigate it. As usual, there are a few catches. First, the library is in a forbidden zone within the city. So short of breaking the law, we would need to convince the Syndics to allow us to investigate it. Second, Lasha and Ranka are of the belief that letting Haining explore this library would be an extraordinarily bad idea. I have to say I’m in agreement.

11th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

It seems House Ragara is getting cozier with the Guild and advancing their position in Cherak. I found out from Moro that there’s a Ragara trade delegation in town and did some investigation. I also warned Tegraat on the off chance he was unaware. The only possible good thing about this is that it’s not a military move to take the satrap. It’s going to complicate things in the future, that’s for sure.

This all came up because Miyako is in town with the Ragara delegation. I think nearly everyone ended up visiting her. I ended up going alone to undo Judas’ advice. It seems they keep her in a gilded cage and she’s miserable with it. Judas suggested she become a pest and try to get fired. I had to go explain what a terrible idea that was. I also encouraged her to write to us all, every chance she got.

Reflections stopped by my quarters tonight. She visited Miyako, too, and was worried about also getting a job she wouldn’t like. I explained that with the small number of Terrestrials among the Haslanti, she can probably pick her job once she’s old enough.

12th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

Saiki approached us today with a problem. She’s heard about a small god near an island village a few days’ sail away. The god has convinced the locals to worship him. In particular, he’s convinced them to always walk barefoot in his river’s waters. Rightly enough, she thinks it’s only a matter of time before the Immaculate Order hears about it and then the village and that god will pay the price. It seems like a small enough issue that we can probably handle it and save the Immaculate Order some time and effort.

And I don’t really need an excuse to take the Sable Dragon sailing.

17th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

That went remarkably well. I showed the god, Wukai, more deference than was his due, but it was worth it to keep Fishwalker Village out of trouble. With luck, now when the Immaculate Order shows up, it will only be to remind the villagers of the proper way of things.

18th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

Dammit. We’ve attracted enough attention that an Anathema or servant thereof has decided to start playing games with us. A kidnapped fae-blooded slave and a First Age artifact were waiting beneath our regular hangout this evening. A powerful illusion of a twisted, evil Crow and a horde of scaled creatures hurt quite a few people and caused one hell of a panic. It also did some damage to us before Ranka figured out what was going on and Kira was able to turn the artifact off. Winglord Meladus and a surgeon were able to disconnect the slave after several hours of work but even off the machine, she remained catatonic.

I need to alert Ferem Malkator so he won’t be surprised by more Anathema activity. If anything else like this happens, though, I’m not sure there will be any way to avoid bringing in the Wyld Hunt.

20th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

The slave regained consciousness today. Winglord Meladus invited us to attend the interrogation. She is Mirage of the Crystal Sands, a slave in the entourage of Deadly Rose Lord from the South. Because of her fae blood, she can create illusions based on the thoughts of others. The First Age table she was wired to amplified her abilities and keyed them to our thoughts. The last thing she remembered before waking up today was returning to Deadly Rose Lord’s estate after a party. Partway there all her senses went foggy and she froze up. I hate to jump to conclusions, but it certainly sounds like Preceptor Cimo’s little friend, doesn’t it? If that’s true, then the Fae and Anathema are working together against us.

We just keep racking up the powerful enemies…

26th Day of Ascending Water, RY 769

Aunt Elana was nearly killed while tracking Hero of the White Forge. Crow summoned me to her office this afternoon to deliver the news. It seems that Hero has Anathema support of some variety. She got away, but Crow says she’s going to be convalescing on the Blessed Isle for quite some time.

Ranka did me a favor and let me contact her via Infallible Messenger. I’m going to have to be her proxy now. Thank the Dragons we both put our cards on the table at our last dinner. In the morning I need to visit her estate and get things rolling.