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Character Seeds from the South

Golden Saddle -- CrownedSun
Orkhan of one of the larger groups of Delzahn Nomads in the South, and a prominent Warleader, Golden Saddle comes from a long and illustrious line of leaders within the Horde, which some claim stretches back into the dim times of the First Age before the great diasters that drove them down the songlines with their leaders. Golden Saddle is one of the strongest voices calling out against the soft and weak lifestyles of the Delzahn Nobility in Chiaroscuro, and their assocation with the Realm -- known for launching a number of raids on the outlying towns and villages near Chiaroscuro, he has not yet united a great enough group of warriors to actually assault Chiaroscuro itself.

Yet, while his lineage is certainly impressive, the Delzahn are not ones to measure ones worth solely by ones parents. Golden Saddle has lived a life of hardship and prowess, proving himself time and again in battle and leadership. When he was 12, he rescued his beloved Maria from a Guild Slave Citadel when she had been captured -- taking her as his first and favorite wife, afterwards. At 17, he fought off three Chiaroscuran Noble youths by himself, sparing their lives upon their surrender and taking them as his bodyguard. He distinguished himself in a number of raids througout his adulthood, until the death of his father when he was 27 -- passing the rites of leadership, he took up leadership of the sept by becoming the Orkhan. Since then, he has tempered his youthful battle-rage with wisdom and cunning -- saving the tribe from calamities ranging from Rogue Gods to Dragon-Blooded Outcastes.

With the illness of the current Khan, Golden Saddle has the most support as the replacement for the aging leader. This support has only grown as Golden Saddle has acquired a honor-guard of Dhole Beastmen -- a sure sign of favor from the shapeshifting Lunar Gods of the Horde. Some even say that the Orkhan's infrequent trips out into the desert have been pilgrimages seeking for the favor of one of his long-lost Lunar ancestors...favor that, apparently, he has gained.