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If the Solars show humanity the heights they might reach, the Infernals represent the depths to which they can sink. Infernals are picked from those who were at the bottom of their lives, depressed, sick, ruined.

Concept: Infernals are frequently chosen from those who have been somehow ruined or laid low. "Former" and "Fallen" are recuring motifs in Infernals concepts: Former soldier, fallen Priest, and so forth. Sometimes though, they are just people who never really had a chance. The homeless, the insane, and the merely unlucky all make good concepts for Infernals. Simply look at the "Concepts" under each Solar caste, and invert it somehow.

Infernals have inherited a Caste from their Corrupted Essence. There are five, and the are twisted version of the Solar Castes: The Afflicted

the Wretched: Those whose bodies have been destroyed by disease or war are sometimes said to be Afflicted. Afflicted are Chosen from among the ranks of the sick, the weak, and the miserable. Soldiers maimed in battle or people with birth defects are frequently chosen as Afflicted. The Afflicted hold the ruined Essences of Dawn Caste Solars.

The Forgotton: The Forgotton are emotionally wounded. Perhaps they loved a world that did not love them back: Streetside prophets, preaching ruin to a world that didn't have time to listen. Romantics who never found love, not due to unlucky fate or great obstacles, but because they simply wern't very nice, or very attractive, or very smart. Talentless poets, priests of false gods, and so forth. Or perhaps they could never gain control their emotions: abusive husbands, drug addicts, and the depressed all make 'good' Forgotton. The Forgotton hold the runied Essence of Zenith caste Solars.

The Demented: All Infernals suffer from magical Madness, but the Demented have their own, all too mundane flaws. They are mentally wounded. Some are literally insane, but they are more commonly those whose ideas crossed the line from "creative" to "stupid" sometime ago. Bigots, quacks, fools, and ignorant make up the ranks of the Demented. The Demented hold the ruined Essence of Twilight caste Solars.

The Worthless: Some people don't need to fall to find misery and pointlessness. Most criminals are already there. Even in a world of great heroes, most criminals are petty, cruel, and poor. Where a slave merchant earns great wealth from his cruelty, the average criminal barely earns a living from his. The Worthless are Chosen from among all those who make a miserable living through dishonesty or violence. Most of these are petty criminals: brigands, pimps, con artists, loan sharks, and so forth. A few are guards of slave caravans, dishonest merchants, or something similiar. The Worthless hold the ruined Essence of Night caste Solars.

The Miserable: Where the Forgotton are merely ignoed, the Despised are hated out right. The Miesrable are drawn from the ranks of those who society has injured, frequently through poverty. Ruined merchants, homeless, members of hated minorities, and other such make up the ranks of the Miserable. The Miserable hold the ruined Essence of Eclipse caste Solars.

Before their Exaltation, Infernals were non-heroic mortals. Like most normal mortals (see page 103, Exalted Core Book), Infernals recieve 4/3/3 attributes.

Infernals have ten favored abilities, chosen as per Solars. They start with 16 dots of Abilities, of which 8 must be favored.

Infernals start with five dots to distribute among their four virtues. However, they do not recieve one free dot in every virtue, as all other characters do. They must leave at least one Virtue at zero. This is the virtue that will be tied to their Madness. (TBW)

Infernals start with one lonely background dot. They may buy more with freebies.

Infernals start with Essence 2. Their Essence pools are calculated as per Solars.

Infernals start with 10 Charms.