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Battle against the Kung-Fu Zombie Dojo

It's been three whole weeks since the cleansing at Dunleavy, and it's about time for Dragonblooded kids to kick some zombie butt. Saiki has confirmed both the location of the Pulse Fist dojo and the presence of its master. The group that Kazuki has recruited gathers for a confrontation of not-quite-epic proportions – present are the entire freshman class, Saiki, The Three Stooges, and Unrepentant Jade.

The students are somewhat disturbed to learn that the route they are taking is directly linked to a door in the Palace of Len Occam and other than a 40 ft precipice, not much separates their home from potential badness coming up at them.

After an hour of trekking through the undercity, they come across a pagoda where there are obvious sounds of training occurring behind the wall surrounding its courtyard. Rather than knocking on the front door, Kazuki suggests breaking through the wall. As the group is planning their attack, Judas spots a corpse lying in a nook that is a prime sentry position. After repeatedly insisting on the presence of the sentry, he convinces the others of its importance, and Moro is able to confirm that it is indeed an undead.

The group finalizes their plan: Kira and Miyako will engage the sentry – one arrow to the head, one to the chest – while Kazuki and Saiki weaken the wall for a Reflections-sized breaching charge to break through. The remainder of the group will rush in to engage the enemies within, with Ranka opening with a burst of flame to catch as many zombies as possible.

The initiation of the plan goes off without a hitch. The sentry is quickly dispatched and Saiki damages the wall enough to cause it to fall in without Reflections needing to knock it down; by a stroke of luck, several racks of weapons are buried under the rubble. Inside, a group of quite-obviously undead students are arranged in rank and file to train kata, while an elderly human stands at the head of the class demonstrating form and technique. Unrepentant Jade and Judas advance on the master, while everyone else engages the students.

As planned, Ranka opens with a fiery blast that incinerates an entire column of kung-fu zombies. Jahanna leaps over the wall, activating her fire aspect anima and armor powers to appear as a ball of flaming pitch as she lands in the midst of the zombie horde.

The inscrutable old master drops into a defensive stance and declares, "Foolish scions of the Earth, you will feel the pain of the Pulse Fist. Get them, my minions!" As one, the remaining zombies in the yard raise their fists, which are promptly encased in the ugly, green aura. There is a crashing sound from within the pagoda as a gigantic amalgam of animal bits and parts sewn together crawls out, its fists also aglow with the evil green light.

Mizugami and Reflections move to defend Ranka's blindside, while she attacks the giant with another blast of fire. She manages to destroy its head and a couple of other zombies as collateral. Other zombies swarm around her guards, but Mizugami blocks most of the attacks directed at him while Reflections sucks up the hits but doesn't appear to get hurt.

Unrepentant Jade and Judas flail ineffectually at the old Master, and Jade is wounded by a strike. Kazuki and Saiki glance at each other and confirm the Master as their target. They activate their combat powers and leap into the fray together, launching a series of attacks that push the old man back, but even they can't quite penetrate his formidable defenses. The old master counters with a furious flurry of attacks that sweeps across all of his attackers. He manages to injure Jade with another strike, but cannot do anything to the others. Additional zombies come to his aid and surround the students.

Kira and Miyako have managed to gain an elevated position and they rain arrows down on the giant zombie pincushion. Meanwhile, Ranka slips between its legs and torches it from crotch to stump. Mizugami drop kicks it and succeeds in knocking it over, and it doesn't move again.

The four battling the old master are finally managing to wear him down. Unrepentant Jade is seriously hurt but is reluctant to leave the fight until Judas finally picks him up and throws him safely out of the melee. Saiki delivers a blow that staggers the old man, and Kazuki immediately takes advantage of the opening, springing off one of the zombies behind him and using it as a springboard to propel him lance-first into the old man. Kazuki destroys the master's upper torso with his explosive attack, and impales the lifeless body against the far wall. Kazuki announces the defeat of the master and uses it as a rallying cry to encourage his teammates.

With the two greatest threats eliminated, all that remains is to clean up the mooks. Jahanna uses her flaring anima to destroy zombies, while Moro deftly uses her barbed chain-whip to fling them into Jahanna's aura. One zombie manages to daze Reflections with a severe blow, and Judas picks her up to shield her while absorbing attacks himself. Mizugami continues to guard Ranka as best as he can while the rest of the group slowly whittles down the undead population. After a little more than a minute of intense fighting, only the Dragonblooded remain.

Zombie Dojo Aftermath

As the victors mill about waiting for their anima flares to burn out, they examine the bodies strewn about the courtyard for some clues. Jahanna notices a vial lodged in the abdominal cavity of one of the normal zombies, which happened to be the most resilient and skilled throughout the combat, and asks Unrepentant Jade to pull it out before she destroys the corpse. Ranka identifies it as a Soul Jar, normally used to trap ghosts, and she recognizes that it is currently occupied.

Ranka also finds an unusual tattoo on the giant zombie as well as several of the other zombies; a maker's mark of sorts. It is of an altar with a shroud over it and a snake below it, but no one recognizes the symbol. Kazuki unceremoniously carves the tattoo out for Kira to identify later. The master also has a tattoo, but it is different from the others as it depicts a rose with a snake coiled around it, and the snake is pierced by its thorns.

In the meantime, Judas explores the pagoda. He finds a laboratory that was obviously used to create the large zombie and likely the smaller ones as well; a storage area loaded with a pile of inanimate corpses; and the Master's quarters containing scrolls written by the creator of the First Pulse style, Toradin Cran, many of which describe the techniques and secrets of the martial art. He also learns from one of the scrolls that the giant zombie is referred to as The Collus. Judas decides to take the scrolls, but does not tell anyone about them.

The bodies of the zombies are eventually destroyed, though Kazuki keeps the master's head for someone to positively identify later. Ranka and Kira investigate the lab after receiving Judas' report, and discover first age artifacts etched with necromantic runes that suggest it may have been modified by an abyssal servant of the Darklord the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible. The students decide that now's a good time to go.

At this point, Mizugami suggests razing the pagoda, but Judas and Kira want to preserve the site to let experts examine it. After a brief discussion, it is decided that the fastest members, Kira and Miyako, will go to fetch Crow while the others remain to stand guard. Judas and Jade each wish to return to the surface for different reasons that neither reveals, and they separate from the group. Jade is in actuality heading to pay Incomparable Ebony Comet to get his wounds taken care of, while Judas is casing the entrance to see if any suspicious activity occurs topside.

Kira and Miyako quickly reach Crow and Kira rattles off the things that they discovered in the undercity, explains her suspicions about the zombies' origin, and displays the slab of tattoo for emphasis. For the first time since Kira started studying under her, Crow reveals that she really cannot see, and asks Kira to describe the mark. Crow remains impassionate in response to the news, but sends Kira to fetch Incomparable Ebony Comet while Crow goes to get Virtuous Cloud and Miyako is sent to call on Abbot Cynis Takgana. Kira, Crow, and their respective charges meet back at the library to head for the site.

While they are waiting for the others to return, the group at the temple are doing final cleanup of the site. Kazuki salvages the several buff jackets and a bundle of the weapons that survived the assault. Mizugami joins Kazuki as he is gathering his trophies to have a frank discussion about Kazuki's doomed-to-fail plans to keep his identity secret and of the dangers he faces in light of his status. He tells Kazuki of the enemies that he is bound to face, but Kazuki denies the presence of enemies.

~~Cutscene~~ A beautiful man sits in an opulent and smoky room when a winged reptilian humanoid coalesces from the haze and flutters to perch on the man's shoulders, whispering something into his ears. The man says, "Oh really? Eleven of them? Send me Red Fist Hayoo." ~~End Cutscene~~

Kira returns to the pagoda after about an hour with Miyako and the Abbot arriving shortly thereafter, and everyone is briefed on the situation. There is some obvious concern about the implications of the situation as the adults display an unusual amount of activity.

The Abbot takes control of the scene and indicates that it might be time to call for a Wild Hunt. Virtuous Cloud assumes ownership of the Soul Jar after an argument with the Abbot. They probably don't like each other anymore.

Incomparable Ebony Comet erects a kekkai to seal the area off from other zombies. It should be able to prevent other undead from returning to the pagoda, but it won't do anything if the abyssals or darklords involved return.

Crow recognizes the description of the martial arts style and its master, and the head is identified as that of Toradin Cran, once the leader of the Bright Morning Association, a criminal enterprise that went underground and disappeared several years ago.

The students are sent back to the surface while the adults take things from there.

The Third Meeting of the Higher Deliberative

The Higher Deliberative holds its next meeting on the morning after the fall of the Pulse Fist dojo. One of the first orders of business is the decision on administrative pay raises. Jahanna sees to it that at least one "no" vote goes on record for every name that is brought up, that is until Moro tricks her into abstaining on one vote. The major point of discussion, however, is the decision on the theme for the impending school festival. Since the vote was postponed from the last meeting, all five topics are still on the table: Foods of the North, The Haunted Campus, Heroes of The Colleges of the Fivefold Paths, Delights of the North, and The Haunted Foods of the North. However, because of recent events and the mounds of zombie goo he had to wade through, Kazuki elects to withdraw his suggestion.

First up, Lasha introduces the names of a number of great diplomats that are alumni of the school. Mizugami also contributes a few notable names, and there is a good argument for Heroes as the festival's theme. Judas' rebuttal, however, is that this is a festival that is supposed to be enjoyed by the whole school, including the mortal students, and that mortal heroes should also be recognized. When no one can name any great mortals, he continues with his argument, but only succeeds in alienating a number of the students due to the insinuations he makes to dragonblooded treatment of mortals.

A vote is called before matters can get out of hand, and Delights of the North barely manages to win. The decision is now ready to be sent to the Lower Deliberative for committees to be formed.

Judas recommends that Kazuki's "friend," the one in his art class that wears the badge of the Lower Deliberative, is elected as the committee leader. Kazuki is a little confused since he still has not learned that his sister is a member of the Lower Deliberative. Elin seconds the recommendation to Mizugami that will be presented to the Lower Deliberative.

Time Passes...

With all mundane affairs out of the way, the story switches to montage mode. In the weeks that pass: Jahanna continues to try to convince the others to practice for the tournament, and tries to involve herself more in training and studying.

Judas leaves a present for Kira in the form of one of the scrolls he picked up, wrapped in a cute ribbon. It is the scroll with notes on the Collus and information that there had been plans to build an army of them at some point. Kira mistakes the scroll as a gift from Saiki.

Crow discusses the strategy and planning that went into the zombie dojo incursion with Kira.

Pimp Rector Cynis approaches Kira and also compliments her for the successful mission. He restates his offer to train her, and while trying to think of excuses to decline, she accidentally includes a number of other female students in the mix, for which Norrin is exceedingly pleased. He looks forward to training with this potential harem.

Danic separately reviews the tactics used the dojo attack. The students mostly did well, though their lack of scouting and intelligence could have been disastrous. If the abyssal or the Darklord had been present, they would all probably have been killed. Since Saiki will not always be around, Kira is the next-best alternative as the group's scout.

Cynis Elin invites Mizugami to dinner with Ferem Malkator Yesihau, Commander of the Cheraki Guard. He is curious as to the events of what happened in the undercity and is wondering whether it is true that the Wild Hunt coming to Cherak. The dinner is informal and Mizugami presents himself to the commander cordially, helping to secure him a powerful contact for the future.

Mizugami later invites Elin to dinner as a thank you for introducing Yesihau to him.

Quintero approaches Jahanna during lunch one afternoon… and asks her if she has plans Friday night. Kazuki is not present to witness the flaming wreckage that results as she cruelly shoots him down and he transforms into Quint-emo for a while.

The Hit

Tevaned sits down across from Judas during lunch on another day, and informs him that someone from the old city is interested in meeting with "one of you guys." It turns out that the interested party is Cynis Yorake, crime lord of the city.

Judas reasons that where he goes to enjoy his meals would be a good, neutral meeting ground – never mind that all the patrons could very well be Yorake's supporters – and that a prompt reply would impress Judas' sincerity upon the crime lord. They go to meet Yorake at a café for lunch where he discloses his intrigue of the freshman class, namely Kazuki, since they were able to eliminate Cran. He'd been looking for Cran for a while, so his death was a significant convenience to him. Now he wants to bring Kazuki, and anyone else who might be interested, in for some occasional "side jobs."

When asked, Judas presents himself as Kazuki's intermediary and equal. He will present the job to Kazuki, but if he says no, the deal's off. Yorake seems to be amenable to that, and describes the situation. It turns out that there is a Ravisher that has been annoying Yorake, and he wants him to "not become his problem anymore." Even if Judas and Kazuki don't take this job, someone else will. Judas returns to the campus to perform a little research and to inform Kazuki of the deal.

On the way back, he asks Tevaned about his level of involvement. Tevaned admits that he will probably become much more deeply involved after this; it seems he has enough respect not to approach Kazuki on his own and manipulate him into performing the job, but Judas reinforces that idea with an idle threat.

First, Judas finds Mahiro in art class and asks her where Kazuki might be, she is taken aback by the unexpected question, and nervously reveals that he is likely in Civics studies. Judas finds Kazuki in the class with Mizugami, and they go to Kazuki's dorm room to talk.

Judas discovers how much of a moron Kazuki really is.

Kazuki agrees to the job, provided they eventually take out all badguys with equal prejudice, including Yorake. He schedules a meeting on the roof of the dorm that night. Judas goes to the library to collect more information, and Kazuki conveniently forgets to return to class.

Judas learns that Ravishers are fae-blooded mortals who have the power to consume peoples' dreams. Those whose dreams are taken become weak-willed servants to the Ravisher, and become exceptionally vulnerable to suggestion. Their personality and individuality are practically destroyed. He decides that this information is adequate reason to action against the Ravisher.

That evening they find the Ravisher, Lucius', home with little difficulty. They proceed with only a brief opposition from one individual, though he was allowed to leave without harm. Judas kicks down the door to the study and finds Lucius lounging in a robe with a glass of wine, surrounded by a half-dozen human puppets. Judas rips a hinge off the door frame and throws it at Lucius, embedding it into his chest and grievously wounding him before he can raise an alarm. Kazuki follows through by rushing into the room, and simply activating his Dire Lance to allow the tip to expand into Lucius' chest.

Kazuki displays some trepidation after the deed is done, but Judas demonstrates how deeply they are under Lucius' dominion and convinces Kazuki of the good of their actions.

Judas takes control of all the puppets in the house and suggests that Kazuki sets the home ablaze. Judas leads the puppets out of the building while Kazuki finds a few cool-looking things to take back with him before he sets fire to the mansion. Kazuki heads back to the dorms with his newfound loot.

Uncertain of the best course of action to take, Judas decides to lead the puppets to a Ferem mansion, where Ferem Havelock takes them into her care. He declines identifying himself.

Judas and Kazuki are paid a significant amount of cash, even for those as rich as Dragonblooded. Kazuki takes his share and uses it to buy the homes of the people who helped take care of him and his sister after his parents' disappearance, though it is Judas who handles the negotiations. Judas also convinces the slum lords to fix things they'd been putting off before handing over ownership. Kazuki now holds the deeds to their homes.

The Natives are Restless

Kira is summoned by Ferem Derson, Marcus' father. He recognizes her as the one responsible for setting his son's spirit free back at Dunleavy. Because of her reputation and obvious expertise in dealing with spirits, he asks her to speak with the citizens living in a remote village.

It turns out that the Third Wall that is being constructed will be going right over their cemetery. She needs to tell the residents that there will be no problems with the spirits for doing so.

She shares this information with the most of the rest of the class, though she takes on the bulk of the project on her own. Some research reveals that Derson has some money invested in the wall project and probably is only interested in saving money for the project. Armed with this knowledge, she schedules another meeting with Derson.

She meets with Derson and the engineer of the New Babylon Project: The Third Wall, Rotigahi Retichu. Kira strongly believes that spirit activity is inevitable, and when she learns of magical leylines passing through the courtyard, she realizes that the potential for an especially powerful spirit rising becomes exponentially more likely. She can think of a couple of ways to avoid the problems with building over the graveyard: The Immaculate Order can do a ritual cleansing, or the area can be purged with intense fire.

They opt to go with the ritual, though because Derson is on poor terms with the Abbot, Kira is asked to speak on behalf of the Project.

Kira gets an appointment to meet with the Abbot and shares her concerns with him. In the course of their discussion, he tells her that he finds her attitude and nonchalance "refreshing" and wishes she could visit more often.

Kazuki's Adoption into the Margard Family

During one otherwise normal evening, a stunningly attractive woman pays the mortal dorms a visit. Her sudden arrival and ethereal beauty earns the attention of all of the students, and they fight to catch a glimpse of her as she navigates the building towards her goal.

The noise from all the commotion travels far in front of her and draws Kazuki and the 4 Idiots' curiosity, even beyond their goofing around. They peek out the door and Kazuki realizes that the woman is coming for him. He asks his bewildered friends to tell her that he was never there, and proceeds to leap out the window and onto the roof.

Sure enough, the woman stops outside Kazuki's dorm room and asks the Idiots where Kazuki is. Dumbfounded, they all wordlessly point out the window.

Finally, the woman comes out onto the roof (which seems to see more action than even Len Occam these days), and Kazuki closes the door behind her, onto the faces of his friends and sister. She introduces herself as Margard Trevail, and she tells him that she has come to offer him protection. Kazuki seems a little taken aback, unsure about this sudden turn of events. He was certain that she was there because of Lucius' death… However, it is another incident that brought her here.

There is a price on Kazuki's head now that word's gotten out that he is the one most directly responsible for Cran's death. The House of Margard can no longer afford to leave him be, and wants to adopt him into the family right away, so that he at least has the power of the Margard name to protect him. His friends and sister are also at risk now as well, since they can be easily used against Kazuki. By accepting the adoption, the Margard family can protect them as well.

Kazuki doesn't need any convincing beyond the safety of his friends and family. He readily accepts the offer, and Trevail embraces him, welcoming him as her son. They need to hold the induction ceremony soon to reduce the risk that something happens in the interim, and Kazuki chooses to have the event take place that following Saturday.

Kazuki invites all of the Dragonblooded in the school except Tiger of the Heavens, who he honestly forgets about. He also invites Danic, the Idiots, and Crow. The ceremony is quick and mostly informal, and the students learn that most of the Margard family is as strange and off-kilter as all of the other Margards they know are. However, by the end of the day, Kazuki's family name is officially given to him, and the five-and-a-half members of the 4 Idiots all finally know of his one great secret.