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Resplendent Air the 17th, 768

Today in art class all the girls were whispering about one of th e students in the class with us. They think that the big scary guy thats always sitting by himself is actually one of the freshmen Dragonblooded! I cant believe that no one really noticed until now but a couple of girls are sure they saw him coming out of the Len Occam palace grounds.

I think I remember that his name was Judas. I remember some people saying that one of the Dragonblooded freshmen was kind of scary looking and hes looks like he fits that part perfect. If thats true then I cant believe that I am actually in the same class with one of the Dragonbloods! I bet Big Brother would be jealous when I tell him about that.

Resplendent Air the 20th, 768

I told Big Brother that I was in a class with a Dragonblood today and he started choking on his milk. I knew he was going to be suprised!

I described Judas to him and he said that was a Dragonblood alright. I was really suprised that Big Brother sounded so certain so I asked him how he knew and he choked on his milk again and said that he was in another class with him so he knew. I cant believe he never told me about that! I hate my Big Brother!

Okay I dont really hate him.

Big Brother hasnt looked to tired this whole week so Im glad that it looks like he has not been working to hard. He still hasnt said anything about the work that he is doing but I know when he is ready he will tell me all about it. I can tell he really likes what he is doing so I am not going to push him about it.

Resplendent Air the 28th, 768

Everyone at school is talking about a transfer student coming in to the special class tomorrow. Everyone is saying that she is an honest to goodness princess of a whole kingdom! Royalty and a Princess of the Earth and everything! She has everything going for her Im really jealous!

I bet she is really pretty and really refined to. I wish I could have a chance to meet and talk to her. I think that would be so awesome. I wanted to see if I could watch her procession as she came to the campus but there is a Lower Deliberative meeting early tomorrow and I might miss the chance. I will try to go right after the meeting ends.

Big Brother says he is going to be busy tomorrow to so he cant go to watch either and all the other guys are just really lazy they didnt want to waste the day off for some princess and Chisato said she wanted to study. I guess I will just have to go there alone tomorrow to see her for myself.

Descendant Air the 1st, 768

I snuck out of the meeting a little bit early to see if I could see the wagon that is carrying the princess to campus. I had to skip breakfast to so I was really hungry! But when I got to the street it was already really crowded with students who were all trying to see the princess. It was hard for me to get a good spot to see since I had to go down the street far from the gates of the Palace of Len Occam. The Black Helms kept anyone from getting to close anyway.

I expected to see a fancy wagon but it was even better than that! It was three whole carriages with all these servants and pretty horses and everything and so much luggage! I know when the princess stepped out of the carriage because of all the cheering but I could not see her over all of the servants that were standing around her but I was looking at the horses and carriages anyway since they looked really pretty. The feathers they put on the horses heads were really cute!

But omigosh I almost missed dinner because I was staring at the horses so much and I totally lost track of time. Almost everyone already left so I was just standing there almost by myself but I did notice one person standing guard at the carriages as I was leaving. I kind of wanted to go wave but I didnt want to get in trouble so I left to go eat with the guys. Big Brother didnt make it to dinner tho.

Descendant Air the 2nd, 768

Big Brother was really spacing out at breakfast today. I dont remember ever seeing him like this like deep in thought and everything. When I asked him what was wrong he just smiled and said nothing was wrong but there was a kind of sadness in his eyes that told me there was definitely something wrong. The guys tried to cheer him up by sticking straws in their nose and drinking their juice like that but that only ended up with Okagura choking and going to the infirmiry. The whole time Big Brother didnt even noticed and he just looked outside the window and stared at his necklace charm.

Thats right! That is the first time I ever remember seeing that necklace. It looks kind of pointy like an arrowhead or something but it also has a ribbon attached to it. I tried to change the subject and asked Big Brother about the charm and he just kind of smiled slightly though it was not a happy smile. It was a sad smile. He said that it was a protection charm that he got for his new job but he said I did not have to worry because he would use its magic to protect me and all his friends to. He also said it was definitely not something he would ever hurt his friends with.

I wonder what happened to make Big Brother think about stuff like that. I know that he would never hurt any of us. I wanted to ask more but I didnt want to upset him any more.

Descendant Air the 4th, 768

Whatever was bothering Big Brother earlier this week looks like has passed. He was so hungry at breakfast that he was going back for fourths when the cafeteria ladies said there was no more food cuz he ate it all. Today is the day I have my one class with him to but he slept in it as normal so that has not changed.

That nite I heard noises coming from Big Brothers room when I stopped by to hang out for a little bit. When I opened the door all the guys were having some crazy pillow fight and Big Brother was knocking everyone down with his pillow even Daihama. They were all laughing and having lots of fun so I went and dragged Chisato along and we all really got into it until the dorm supervisor and asked us to please stop. Its funny cuz he didnt threaten us with suspension this time he just got really nervous and apologized a lot and said a lot of others were trying to sleep so we stopped but I was glad to see Big Brother really smiling again.

Descendant Air the 7th, 768

Big Brother was busy again all day today. Its to bad that he has to work when we have a day off but I am getting used to him being out all the time. All of the other guys keep saying he is abandoning them but I know they do not really mean it. They just miss all of the time the used to spend hanging out together and having fun.

We went out to the town today to look at the stuff in the shops. Since Big Brother was wearing that protection charm I was thinking of going to the temple to find some kind of study charm for him to or maybe just something else he can wear and keep with him so that he can always think about all of us. I told that to the others and they all thought it was a great idea and they even patted me on the head. We didnt have much money but we were all going to save up a little for next week and buy something for him. We looked around for a long time and I think I found something perfect. It was a little bit expensive but the spending money Big Brother gives to me is a lot more than usual so I think we can afford it next time.

I bet Big Brother will be so suprised!

Descendant Air the 8th, 768

Something really crazy happened at lunch today. While we were having lunch and the guys were having a food fight one of the Dragonblooded came right up behind Big Brother and stood there and watched him for a little bit while they were goofing off. I was sure it was the exchange student princess since she looks a lot like the pictures I saw in the school announcements. But she just stood there quietly for a while until the other guys noticed her and just stopped what they were doing and the sandwich fell out of Chisatos hands. Then Big Brother noticed and then he spit his milk out and got it all over Okagura. I would have laughed except that the Dragonblood princess was standing right there and almost everyone in the whole cafeteria got really quiet.

Big Brother panicked and jumped up and pulled the princess away and it looked like he was bowing and apologizing and stuff to her but I couldnt hear what they were saying. He even pulled a piece of bread off his shirt and held it out for her but I think that kind of upset her because she later pushed him away and left.

Big Brother came back all embarrassed and he said that because of his work he had to be a servant for the princess to. I was kind of shocked that Big Brother never mentioned that he had to work for the princess to and every body was really curious about what she was like and he started to tell so many stories about her. We were all really impressed.

I was right when I thought that the princess would be really pretty tho.

I also got a message that there was going to be a Lower Deliberative meeting tomorrow.

Later tonite Chisato said that she knew Big Brother was hiding something because it just didnt seem right. I told her she was being silly but she pushed her eyeglasses up like she does when she gets really interested in something and wants to investigate it further. I wonder if Chisato likes Big Brother?

She hit me when I suggested that.

Descendant Air the 9th, 768

Okagura keeps complaining at breakfast about somebodys wind chimes waking him up sometimes in the middle of the nite but he can never find them when he looks outside in the morning. He thinks theres someone trying to play a prank on him.

Today at the Lower Deliberative meeting the speaker Mizugami told us that the higher Deliberative has decided to go in and purge Dunleavy once and for all. He described what the Dragonblood students were going to do that they were going to go in and destroy some anchors to free the worst of the spirits and then it would be up to the future generations to rebuild the dorms and make everything all better again. It would actually take many years but in the end it would get rid of all the ghosts without ever actually having to knock down the building.

It was hard to tell how they wanted us to vote but since they already went in once I thought that it would be a good idea and that it wasnt to dangerous like everyone thought it was. I voted for the resolution to pass and it looked like the majority of the others voted that way to.

He also mentioned that the planning for the festival at the end of summer will be coming up to so we can expect something fun next time. Im so excited! I always loved the festivals!

I told Chisato about Dunleavy and she looked really excited. She is going to try to go to see what she can but since the rest of us are going to go shopping we wouldnt be able to join her. She promised to give me a little money the day before and she will tell me all about what she sees when we get back.

Descendant Air the 12th, 768

During breakfast Big Brother had a really strange request. He wanted us to help him study and he said that it was because he didnt want to fail another year. Of course Okagura would not be much help but I think maybe if we all chipped in a little bit we might be able to do something. We talked about it all through breakfast lunch and dinner so that we could try to come up with some ideas of how to do it and when would be the best times. We wanted to set up a regular study session but with Big Brother working so much and everyones schedule being slightly different we werent sure we could do this easily. We finally decided we would just wing it.

It seems kind of strange that Big Brother would be more interested in his studies although he fell asleep in class again yesterday.

Descendant Air the 14th, 768

We went shopping for Big Brothers present today while Chisato went to Dunleavy to see what happens there. We went back to the shop where we found the brooch from last time and we were glad that it was still there. It looks like a shield with the design of a lion and dragon on it and its mostly gold around the edges with lots of pretty flowers and vines and the middle is painted in red and white and its kind of big but we knew it was something that Big Brother would think is really cool. We picked it up and the shopkeeper was looking at us kind of suspiciously but we waved the money at him while we looked at it a little closer and he seemed satisfied by that. It was a little bit strange looking since we werent sure how to put it on since it was not like a pin but it had a double sided clasp.

We bought it anyway even though we still didnt know how to put it on or anything and we asked the shopkeeper to wrap it in a box or something. He seemed a little bit suprised that we had the money for it and he was even more suprised at one of the coins I handed to him but he did as we asked and he didnt even charge extra for it. He was kind of mean looking at first but he was much kinder after we paid him.

It was still kind of early when we were done so we walked around town a little more before heading back to the dorms. By the time we got back Chisato was already there and she was really excited about something she saw at Dunleavy. Even though she did not get to see much action she was sure that she saw Big Brother coming out of the building with the rest of the Dragonblooded! That story sounded pretty crazy and we asked if she was certain and she wasnt completely sure since she was standing far away and there was a pretty big crowd but it looked a lot like him.

Now we ar e all really curious about what Big Brother is really up to. I think that he was probably there because he had to serve the Princess and maybe even one of the other Dragonblooded there and maybe thats the noble family he has been working for. Most of the other guys agree except Rokumasu didnt say anything.

We all really wanted to ask him and also give him his gift at the same time but Big Brother didnt come back for dinner tonite. In fact he didnt come back at all even after we all went to sleep...