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Motivation: Use his genius and experience to preserve Creation from supernatural threats and fools alike

Caste: Chosen of the Maiden of Secrets

Appearance: Alan Rickman made up as Professor Snape, right down to the mannerisms and the sarcastic drawl, but carrying a slender 5' staff tipped in starmetal with thousands of tiny labyrinthine etchings all along its length.

Galian is a terribly brilliant Sidereal of about seven hundred years of age, and the primary scholar and adviser of the Gold Faction. He is directly responsible for the young Chosen of Serenity Tenkaze Ina, and indirectly for the slightly older Chosen of Secrets Verity Black. Despite this position and the rumors that fly like mad in Yu-Shan, neither of them has anything to do with him on a personal level- not only is he in fact firmly homosexual (which mightn't necessarily preclude such abuses of power among many aged Sidereals stuck in the politics of Yu-Shan) but he also has had a steady boyfriend (Fan Lung, Minister of International Espionage) for the past several hundred years. He has recently taken the Solar Exalt named Bec as a student of Ebon Shadow Style, and while Bec's good looks and bisexuality might make him doubt his loyalty to Fan Lung, Bec's personality generally sends Galian running for headache-soothing tea. Personally, Galian is a fundamentally cynical fellow who thinks nothing of using other people and their emotional attachments if they further his agenda, which he has the nasty habit of mistaking for the only viable agenda. He is scathing in his sarcasm and his criticism, bored by other people's excessive emotionality, and frustrated by the interference of clearly lesser intellects, and worst of all, he flaunts these sentiments in speech and mannerism.