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Revised Power Combat

Reach: How big a weapon is. Adds to Initative
Rate: How many actions you can take with a weapon in a turn, or how fast the weapon is to move.
Evasion: How many times you can dodge in a turn.

Initative: Dexterity + Reach
Rate: Lower of Wits or Rate
Evasion: Higher of Dexterity or Wits

New Rules and Actions
NOTE: I haven't playtested these rules yet. The numbers are, quite likely, off by a bit.

Parry: Roll your Dexterity + (Ability) + (Modifiers). Modifiers include things like weapon defense, specialities, and so on. If unarmed and using Brawl or Martial Arts, you can only Parry an attack that does Lethal damage by using a Stunt.
Dodge: Roll your Dexterity + Dodge + Essence.
Full Parry: All you may do is Parry this turn. Each Parry looses one die from the pool. You may not make more than your Rate in Parries.
Full Dodge: All you may do is Dodge this turn. Each Dodge looses one die from the pool. You may not make more than your Evasion in Dodges.


Parry-Riposte: Make a Parry. Raise the difficulty of your defense by 2. If you successfully defend the attack, you may take an attack against the person who attacked you with a dicepool equal to your margin of success. This does not count against your Rate for a Full Parry.
Dodge In: Make a Dodge. Raise the difficulty of your defense by 2. If you successfully dodge the attack, you may take an attack against the person.
Parry-Disarm: Make a Parry. Raise your difficulty by the relevant Ability of the attacker (usually Melee or Martial Arts). If you successfully defend the attack, you may make a disarm attempt as per normal, with dice equal to your margin of success. This does not count against your Rate for a Full Parry.
Dance Away: Make a Dodge. Raise your difficulty by the Attacker's Dexterity. If you are successful, you move the margin of success away from the attacker in yards, to a maximum of your Dexterity x3.
Weapon Lock: Make a Parry. Raise your difficulty by the weapon's Damage. You may substitute Strength for Dexterity when making a Weapon Lock. If you are successful, then both you and your attacker are in a Weapon Lock. This is resolved exactly as grappling, except for two things. Both parties may add the weapon's Damage to the roll to control the Lock, and whomever is in control of the lock has only the following options- maintain lock, push opponent back Strength in yards, knock opponent prone, or make a Brawl attack with your margin of success (to a maximum dicepool of your Dexterity + Brawl + (modifiers)).

Revised Power Combat Weapon Stats

Material	Bonus
Jade		+2 Rate
Moonsilver	+1 Accuracy, +2 Reach (the weapon tends to extend suddenly)
Orihalcum	+1 Accuracy, Defense, Rate
Soulsteel	+1 Accuracy, Drains Essence
Starmetal	+2 Damage

Reach Acc Dam Def Rate Str Dex MA Cost Notes

Cestus..................+1	+1	
Clinch..................+0	+0	+0B
Gauntlet................+1	+2	+2L
Iron Boots..............+2	+2	+4L
Khatar..................+2	+2	+3L	-2	3	
Kick....................+2	+1	+3B	-2	3	**	**	-	-	-
Pankrator's Cestus......+0	-1	+3B	-1	1	*	*	-	*	P,C
Punch...................+1	+1	+0B	+0	5	*	*	-	-	-
Razor Harness...........+0	-1	+3L	-1	1	*	*	-	***	P,C
Tiger Claws.............+2	+1	+3L	+0	3	**	*	-	**	-
Axe / Hatchet...........+3
Batton / Club...........+4
Three Section Staff.....+3
Wind Fire Wheels / .....+2
War Fan 
Chopping Sword..........+4
Great Axe...............+4
Hook Sword..............+5
Mace / Hammer...........+4
Short Spear.............+6
Short Sword.............+4
Short Tiger Fork........+5
Straight Sword..........+6
Fighting Chain..........+7
Great Sword.............+8
Slashing Sword..........+6
Sledge (Tetsubo)........+6
Tiger Fork..............+7