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Cerulean Lute Of Harmony Style

By Falcon, and you must know what that means by now.


Those sidereal exalts who are Chosen of Venus are generally regarded as noncombatants. Of course, some can fight, and some of those can fight extremely well, but there is still the perception that they are focussed on the more peaceful aspects of life. One notable exception is the elder exalt Choyo-Sen, one of the most respected martial artists in Yu-Shan. It so happened that he was assigned the newly exalted Kestrel to train in combat, probably, as he darkly muttered at the time, as a punishment for something he hadn't done yet. Kestrel showed no inclination to learn martial arts beyond the mortal styles, preferring instead to hone her social skills, and this frustrated Choyo-Sen no end.

Eventually, in an attempt to interest his wayward pupil in martial arts, he likened it to the way she manipulated social events. In an instant, he was enlightened, and began to create a martial arts style for society. The first techniques teach the student to perceive social interactions the same way they would perceive physical ones on a battlefield, and the style builds from there, allowing them to block and redirect social attacks just as they would physical ones.

Unfortunately, by the time he was finished, Kestrel had entered Creation, and was quickly far too entangled in schemes to return and learn martial arts, so Choyo-Sen is left teaching his new style to other fresh sidereals.

This style uses martial arts principles to manipulate social events. Because of this, you can combo other martial arts charms to enhance charms of this style, but you cannot enhance physical martial arts with Cerulean Lute Of Harmony charms. This style is not compatible with weapons or armour - what kind of courtier wears superheavy plate and carries a daiklave?

Oh yes, and GM discretion is needed with a lot of these charms. They're vague as only social mechanics can be. In many cases, the effect of 'social attacks' is determined entirely by the GM, so keep it fair.


Untouchably Virtuous Stance</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

When the student perceives all social interactions as moving objects, avoiding the insults and insinuations of one's enemies becomes as easy as dodging the fists and feet of coarser opponents.

When insulted or slighted in some kind of social setting, the character may activate this charm to roll their full Manipulation + Martial Arts pool as a 'social parry'. Successes on this roll subtract from successes on the social roll of their opponent (usually Charisma or Manipulation + Socialise) when determining how insulted, upstaged or slighted they are.

Words As Weapons Practice</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

With only a little study, a martial artist can learn to apply the principles of his combat techniques to social settings. At its most basic - attack your opponent where they are weak, and ensure every strike serves a purpose.

The character picks a single target for his venom, and rolls Manipulation + Martial Arts. The results on the target are entirely at the GM's discretion, but generally include increased amounts of abuse and/or snide muttering, reduction in social status, or being hung out to dry by some or all of their allies. One success is enough to have an inconsequential noble laughed out of court, but to remove an Eclipse power broker from his throne in the court of thieves would be impossible in a single use of this charm.

Falcon - I could really use some less vague mechanics for this charm, like maybe a table of effects like you have for the abilities in the main Exalted book. You know, ordinary, cool and legendary, or something.

Steel Chains Of False Manners</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

By drawing attention to his victim's slips of etiquette, the social martial artist may use court gossip as others would use a fighting chain - to trip up and entangle his opponent, preventing attacks before they occur.

Roll Manipulation + Martial Arts, with a difficulty of your opponent's Charisma. Every two successes on your roll gives them a -1 die penalty to all social rolls for the rest of the scene. This charm stacks with itself, but the penalty can never be greater than your Manipulation.

Falcon - Just as a note, someone using Mastery Of Small Manners should probably be immune to this charm. Defence always wins, etc.

Excessive Awareness Of Position</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Words As Weapons Practice, Steel Chains Of False Manners

With practice, a martial socialite may cause his words to strike as precisely as his fingertips, jarring his opponent's soul as surely as his attacks would jar their body.

The character activates this charm and rolls Manipulation + Martial Arts with a difficulty of his target's Essence. Every success drains two motes of essence from the target. If the target is not an essence-user, then they lose one Willpower for every five successes (or fraction thereof).

Blighted Words Strike Elsewhere</b>

<b>Cost: 6 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 3
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Steel Chains Of False Manners, Untouchably Virtuous Stance

Refining the techniques he uses to become Untouchably Virtuous, the martial artist may now cause attacks on his good name to strike inadvertent targets and invite unlooked for retribution.

When insulted, impugned or otherwise slandered in a social situation, the character may activate this charm along with some subtle banter to make the deprecations appear to target someone else. You roll Manipulation + Martial Arts versus the insulter's Manipulation + Socialise (or other appropriate combination). If the person you intend to deflect the insults towards has any dots in appropriate Influence or Connections, add these as automatic successes to the insulter's roll.
