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'''Prerequisite Charms: ''' Hunting Shadow Speed<br> | '''Prerequisite Charms: ''' Hunting Shadow Speed<br> | ||
The character’s mount moves through the battlefield with the swiftness of the reaper's own horse, allowing it to deftly avoid the Exalt's foes and strike down with terror! For the remainder of the scene, the character’s mount may dodge attacks directed at itself or the Abyssal using the character’s Dexterity + Ride rating. It may only do so while the character is mounted, and only during a turn in which it is moving at least half of its maximum speed. | The character’s mount moves through the battlefield with the swiftness of the reaper's own horse, allowing it to deftly avoid the Exalt's foes and strike down with terror! For the remainder of the scene, the character’s mount may dodge attacks directed at itself or the Abyssal using the character’s Dexterity + Ride rating. It may only do so while the character is mounted, and only during a turn in which it is moving at least half of its maximum speed. | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Perfect Deathknight Stance'''<br> | ||
+ | '''Cost: ''' None<br> | ||
+ | '''Duration: ''' Permanent<br> | ||
+ | '''Type: ''' Special<br> | ||
+ | '''Minimum Ride: ''' 5<br> | ||
+ | '''Minimum Essence: ''' 3<br> | ||
+ | '''Prerequisite Charms: ''' Balance in Wrath<br> | ||
+ | Above his mount, the Abyssal becomes like the Malfeans on their tombs, untouchable by those beneath! He seems farther and farther away, harder and harder to be touched! After the Abyssal learns this Charm he sets the difficulty for non-mounted attackers to strike at him to his Permanent Essence, and increases the difficulty by 1 even when attacked by ranged weapons or those whose reach compensates for mounted defenders. | ||
'''Pale Sun Pyre'''<br> | '''Pale Sun Pyre'''<br> |
Revision as of 03:30, 24 June 2008
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Some of those Charms are updated from the Abyssal book ones. Names remain the same for better conversion.
Ghost Riders
Soul Reins
Cost: 2 motes per die, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
A character with this Charm can subdue a mount with his supernatural will, allowing himself to ride to perfection! For the remainder of the scene the Abyssal increases his Ride pool in regard to one mount by one die for every 2 motes spent, to a maximum of his Dexterity+Ride in dice. The Control Rating of his mount is also lowered by an ammount equal to his Permanent Essence in regards to himself - all other characters must contend with the Beast's normal Control Rating. Should the Mount's Control Rating be reduced to zero the mount obeys unhesitantly and will jump to its death if so commanded. This Charm allows the Abyssal to instantly take control of even wild beasts for the Scene.
Mount-Breaking Method
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Reins
Similar to Soul Reins, this Charm allows a deathknight to dominate a steed and subsume its will to her own. Unlike
the lesser Charm, however, the effects of Mount-Breaking Method are permanent. The character's player rolls Strength
+ Ride against a difficulty of the animal's Control Rating. Each success permanently reduces the mount's Control Rating in regards to the Abyssal by one point. If the Abyssal’s player actually rolls enough successes to reduce a Control Rating to zero, the beast gains immunity to terror when ridden by the Exalt. Although the final outcome is a foregone conclusion based on the results of the roll, the character must still spend the rest of the scene aggressively taming her steed. Unless this roll is botched, the Exalt will not suffer injury during the training session, but the mount will take levels of lethal damage equal to the Abyssal's Permanent Essence rating(it will never bring the mount past Incapacitated, however, allowing stronger Abyssals to keep said mounts alive via medicine until they recover). The steed will be just as headstrong with other riders, however, its Control Rating remaining, in truth, as it always was. The character may apply this Charm again to prepare the mount for another, however, and if successful the Mount will proceed to treat this other character as it does the Exalted herself. Mount-Breaking Method affects any animal that can possibly be ridden, and most of the ones that cannot.
Tireless Charger Technique
Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Mount-Breaking Method
The neverborn cannot wait. The neverborn cannot tire. That which is dead may never rest, to remain in eternal suffering, is the lesson that the Abyssal teaches his mount. Charging it with the void itself, the Abyssal makes his mount ride as death itself! Enchanted steeds have boundless energy and never need to stop for food or water, and have their movement speeds multiplied by the Abyssal's Essence rating. However, the necrotic Essence powering this Charm also eats at the animal’s life force. After this Charm is maintained for a number of hours equal to the Exalt's Essence, the horse suffers one level of unsoakable lethal damage. This damage is deferred until the Charm ends, which occurs whenever the character dismounts. After a horse suffers injury from this Charm, it cannot be safely re-enchanted with this Charm until it fully heals its wounds. Doing otherwise allows the horse to act at full strength again, but immediately kills the mount when the forced march ends.
Path of Tenebrous Hooves
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Reins
Nothing can stop a death. No obstacles of earthly life may bar its way, for it is destined to come, bringing the ultimate end to all. Infused with Essence, the Abyssal's steed runs as if in a dream. For the remainder of the scene it is unnaffected by any effects which would reduce its movement rate or physical attributes or prevent it from moving as long as it would be otherwise possible - it ignores briars, underbrush and magical miasmas, but not doors, walls, or giant trees.
Ghost Lion Step
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Ride: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Path of Tenebrous Hooves
Abyssals are not of this world, and cannot be daunted or constrained by material things! For are they not champions of the Neverborn? Are they not death itself, which strikes through walls, through planes, through reality itself to the heart of Creation? Charging, mount and rider become like ghosts! This Charm may only be used when the character is mounted, and during a turn in which she moves at least half her mount's maximum speed - but from the moment it is activated to the end of the turn or until the character decides to lift its effects his mount and himself remain immaterial, passing through any material obstacles and attacks against them. Wards against the dead may still bar their passage, however. This Charm can explicitly be activated in response to an attack, as long as the mount fulfills its movement requirement.
Void-Eyed Torment Ride
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Ghost Lion Step
Abyssals are agents of the ultimate end, and their mounts should be no less! The Abyssal infuses his mount with the Essence of the Void itself, making its every movement blasphemy against the living, its every step terrifying to all who watch. This divinity coalesces into its eyes, which become like deep pools of void, gossamer incense smoke rising from it as the pyres of Dead Gods!(or a symbol such as a caste mark, or pure incense coalescing around the mount, always a manifestation of pure Void surging through the creature!) For the remainder of the scene all living beings(such as Humans and Animals and Exalted, but not Spirits or Raksha) who so much as gaze into the terrible void of those eyes must suceed in a Valor roll or lose their action. Rain, fire and even the wards of heaven itself are ripped open in terrifying conflagrations as it passes, as neither mount nor rider can be harmed by indirect damaging or warding effects originated by beings or natural elements of Creation or Heaven. Finally, the steed may always step out of a Shadowland and into the Underworld, no matter what time of day. The mount receives a number of unsoakable dice of aggravated damage equal to the Abyssal's Essence as this Charm ends, which may result on its death - the touch of the Void is not a gentle thing.
Spectral Steed
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Reins
With this Charm, a character may summon a ghost horse from the Essence of the Underworld. Materializing out of dusky smoke, the beast appears dusky, with glossy skin and smouldering coal eyes, but may take the form of any real or imagined creature of the appropriate size — often the Exalt's totem animal. When this Charm is purchased, the character must defi ne the statistics of their mount. She divides 8 + (2 x Permanent Essence) points each among the steed’s Physical Attributes, its Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Dodge, and Intimidation abilities, and the Speed, Accuracy, and Damage of its primary attack. It is utterly tireless, fearless and does not need food or drink, but enjoy the taste of human flesh and blood. If a character uses this Charm again before its duration expires, a new horse appears, and the old one dissolves with a screaming whinny.
Perfect Void Steed
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Spectral Steed
The character’s spiritual mount becomes terrifying almost beyond imagining; no mortal steed can even begin to compare. The character receives an additional number of points equal to her Ride rating that she may distribute to each of the categories defined by Spirit Steed. In addition, the character may choose a number of Nightmares for it equal to his own Essence rating.
Pale Riders
Pale Rider's Harvest
Cost: 4 mote
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Ride: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
With the assurance of the reaper over his Pale Horse, the Abyssal brings about the end of all beneath his mount, each step of roof and swing of weapon marking the harvest of souls! Upon activating this Charm, the Abyssal adds his Ride rating in dice and his mount's strength in damage to a single attack. This attack must be made from the back of a mount. This Charm may explicitly be placed on Combos with Charms of other Abilities.
Hunting Shadow Speed
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Ride: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Pale Rider's Harvest
The character’s mount is so swift that she is upon her enemy before there is a chance to respond. The character using this Charm automatically wins initiative over a single opponent she can reach within a turn's movement. This Charm may only be used when the character is mounted, and during a turn in which she moves at least half her mount’s
maximum speed.
Pale Riders on the Sun
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Hunting Shadow Speed
The character’s mount moves through the battlefield with the swiftness of the reaper's own horse, allowing it to deftly avoid the Exalt's foes and strike down with terror! For the remainder of the scene, the character’s mount may dodge attacks directed at itself or the Abyssal using the character’s Dexterity + Ride rating. It may only do so while the character is mounted, and only during a turn in which it is moving at least half of its maximum speed.
Perfect Deathknight Stance
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Balance in Wrath
Above his mount, the Abyssal becomes like the Malfeans on their tombs, untouchable by those beneath! He seems farther and farther away, harder and harder to be touched! After the Abyssal learns this Charm he sets the difficulty for non-mounted attackers to strike at him to his Permanent Essence, and increases the difficulty by 1 even when attacked by ranged weapons or those whose reach compensates for mounted defenders.
Pale Sun Pyre
Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Pale Riders on the Sun
The mount's skin becomes glossy as a relic of the Underworld under the Pale Sun, incense playing in wisps out of its skin, as if it was burnt with terrors unseen. With its every strike, pale, colorless pyre-flame ignites in terrible sparks, maiming the beings of Creation with its terror! For the remainder of the scene the mount deals aggravated damage with its strikes, which have their damage increased by he Abyssal's Essence score. Any successful unarmed attack made against the mount deals a number of Aggravated damage dice equal to the Abyssal's Permanent Essence score to the attacker. At the end of the scene the mount takes one unsoakable level of aggravated damage per hour or fraction thereof this Charm remained active as the pyre-flame burns out of its body, oily smoking rising from its mouth and nostrils out of its burnt insides.
Soul Unity Strike
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Ride: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Hunting Shadow Speed, Tireless Charger Technique
Rider and Mount are as one. They are Hun and Po, the endless dance of savage and human, greater and lesser, dependent on each other and existing for each other. Existing only if they aid each other, and move as one greater whole of life... and death! As Hun and Po the Exalted strikes... and his Mount's life and spirit comes with it, blade striking with the power of a steed's hooves and a bow coming with the might of its flying mount's wings and beak. This Charm is activated as the rider makes an attack, allowing the mount to make an attack itself, adding the successes on its attack roll, and its base damage, to the rider's attack - in this Charm, two separate attacks become one! This applies even for Ranged Strikes - the mount's spirit shimmers out to accompany the strike. The mount's contribution to this Charm is reflexive and has no impact on its actions during the turn, and this Charm may explicitly be placed on Combos with Charms of other Abilities.
Unleash the Bestial Wrath
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Unity Strike
Uniting the beast's souls, the Abyssal fills it with the Malfean's wrath, rage against death itself which allows the mount to draw all those who dare stand against it into its own suffering! For the remainder of the Scene the mount may counterattack any attack made against itself or its Rider with its full dice pool, as long as the attacker is within its reach. This is a counterattack, and may not be used against counterattacks.
Mounted Massacre Method
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Actions
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Unity Strike
Blood on his eyes, the mount charges! Charges through the armies of man, bringing down the swift end to all who stand on its path, pale horse and swift scythe on the Abyssal's hand! On the turn this Charm is used, the mount may move up to the (Abyssal's Esence x10) yards on a straight line - any creature standing in front of this path or within the Abyssal's Essence in feet from it receives an attack from the Abyssal and one from the mount. The Abyssal and his mount may make as many attacks as there are enemies on their path. Briars, underbrush, trees and stands are ruined by this passage, dust and earth kicked aside and ripped in terrible patterns.
Hunt of Nightmares
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Hunting Shadow Speed, Ghost Lion Step
When the Abyssal activates this Charm, he must designate one person, within his sight at that time, as his target of pursuit. For the remainder of the pursuit, the Abyssal mount's movement rate is always one yard faster than his target’s last action, as a subtle colorless fire plays about its hooves. It doesn’t matter how the target moves: Move action, dashing, jumping, riding on a horse, transporting herself by spell… the Abyssal's mount always moves a little faster and can never be hid from or evaded. What’s more, no material barrier can stop the pursuit if the Abyssal's mount can pass it in one of its own movements. Even the ocean or the air does not impede his progress: He can walk on water just a little faster than his target’s ship or stalk along the clouds behind his target’s aerial steed. No matter where the Abyssal goes, however, he has time to move to safe footing before the Charm ends. The Charm’s effect also ends if he actually catches his target. If it can dash through the width of a wall, he passes through it as insubstantial as a ghost. This Charm is negated if the Abyssal loses the victim's trail, however - the Abyssal does not instinctly know where to go to follow his prey if it somehow vanishes from his sight and covers its tracks.
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