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Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Style

By Thinker


Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Style is a standard Advanced Martial Art. It has a number of powerful applications before the Form Charm, a powerful Form Charm, and a good number of applications requiring Elder levels of Essence. Characters using any of the Charms in this style may treat attacks with Staves, Direlances and Spears as though they were barehanded. No Charm in the Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Style may be used while the character is wearing armor.


Wyld Warding Defense</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: None

Performing a brief kata the Sidereal touches the key charkas on her body that affirm its order, reinforcing her pattern for the rest of the scene. While under the effects of this Charm the Sidereal is treated as a Tattooed Lunar with respects to any effect that attempts to alter her shape, and effects of the Wyld.

Warping Body Strike</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: None

The Sidereal strikes her opponents in key chakras introducing unstable and tainted Essence into the body of their target. If the attack supplemented by this Charm is successful then the Sidereal's player rolls her Essence. Each success on the roll gives one point worth of Wyld mutations (See Exalted: The Lunars) of the Storyteller's choice to the target. Only debilitating Wyld mutations can be added this way. The points of mutation do not count against the character's permanent Essence like a natural mutation, however they are otherwise just like a mutation gained through Wyld exposure. This is considered an infectious Martial Arts attack (per Citrine Pox of Contagions style). Tattooed Lunars are immune to the effects of this Charm as they are all external attempts to change their Shape. Characters protected from Wyld Energies are similarly immune to the effects of this Charm.

Corrupting Essence Blow</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Warping Body Strike

Striking their opponent in the critical spot associated with one of the Wyld Mutations that the Sidereal has mastered and introduces the mutation into their targets Essence and Body. The player rolls Intelligence + Martial Arts against a difficulty equal to the points the mutation is worth (See Exalted the Lunars). If the roll succeeds the target gains the associated mutation, as if it were a normal mutation, possibly lowering their maximum permanent Essence, etc. When this Charm is learned the Sidereal learns two mutations of their choice that they can inflict, and may learn a new one as a reflexive action by spending an experience point. Sidereal can attempt to introduce a Mutation they have not mastered but the difficulty of the roll is doubled. This is considered an infectious Martial Arts attack (Per Citrine Pox of Contagions style). Tattooed Lunars are immune to the effects of this Charm as they are all external attempts to change their Shape. Characters protected from Wyld Energies are similarly immune to the effects of this Charm.

Flowing Wyld Motion</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Five Turns
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: None

The Sidereal flows and flickers like her body were composed of the dream-stuff of the Wyld itself. While under the effects of this Charm the Sidereal can ignore the applicability of her dodges and parries, allowing her to dodge undodgeable and parry unparriable attacks.

Wyld Surging Defense</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Lethal Health Level
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Flowing Wyld Motion, Warping Body Strike

The Sidereal's body mutates and changes adapting to the perfect form of the incoming attack. Any damage from the attack is totaled negated, though other effects function as normal. The Sidereal's own pattern of Essence is damaged by the energies that they channel (represented by the Lethal Health Level cost of the Charm above), but this distortion visits equal corruption upon the pattern of their attackers Essence, and the attacker is automatically effected as if by the Charm Warping Body Strike, unless they use a Perfect Defense. Tattooed Lunar Exalted are unaffected by the Warping Body Strike part of the effect as normal.

Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Form</b>
<b>Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereqs: One Complete Martial Art (all charms), Corrupting Essence Blow, Wyld Surging Defense, Wyld Warping Defense

Letting the power of the Wyld Energies controlled by the kata of this form, flood into their body the Sidereal chooses two other Form-Type Charms that she knows. Their patterns of energy become corrupted, while the Sidereal is using the Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Form she cannot activate the two Form Charms they have selected however she gains the effects of both Forms as the effect of the Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Form. The Sidereal can drop the effects of one of the Forms that she is imitating and trade them out for the effects of another Form that she knows for an expenditure of 10 motes and 1 willpower as a reflexive action. The new Form becomes corrupted just as the original ones did, however the Form that is released remains corrupted until the Sidereal releases the Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Form.

The Sidereal gains the effects of Flowing Wyld Motion every turn while under the effects of Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Form.

Chaos Defeats Order Attack</b>
<b>Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Five Turns
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereqs: Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Form

With a successful Martial Arts attack the Sidereal strikes the seven vital points that comprise a Lunar Exalted's tattoos focuses attempting to disrupt them and negate the protection they afford the Lunar Exalted against external attempts to modify their shape. The Sidereal's player rolls her Essence + Martial Arts against a difficulty of the Lunar's Permanent Essence score. If the roll succeeds then the Lunar Exalted's Charms are negated for the duration of this Charm, they are no more protected against the Wyld or Charms that modify their shape than any other being. However the Lunar Exalted can bolster their protection by spending a number of Willpower points each turn equal to the number of net successes on the Essence + Martial Arts roll. So long as they pay this price their tattoos protect them normally. Against non-Lunars this Charm automatically shatters any ongoing Charm, Effect or Artifact that provides protection against the Wyld.

Reality Shattering Motion</b>
<b>Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Extra-Actions
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereqs: Chaos Defeats Order Attack

The Sidereal performs a kata that shatters the fabric of reality around her and permanently removes the motions she performs from the Creation to the Wyld, as such the movement is never the same twice. The Sidereal's player rolls her Permanent Essence and for the rest of the Scene she gains a number of Fully Independent Actions (Per Charcoal March of Spiders Form) equal to the number of successes she scores.

Pattern Rebuilding Touch</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 experience point
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereqs: Emerald Dreams of the Wyld Form

The Sidereal touches a target and uses her transcendent knowledge of order and chaos to restore the balance to the pattern of the target. The target gains the following benefits; o The target looses all Wyld Mutations permanently. o Any Glamour Sorcery or affect currently affecting the target is shattered.

  • Any derangements or addictions that the target suffers are removed permanently.
  • The target is healed of any and all lethal and bashing damage they are suffering from and a number of Aggravated levels of damage equal to the Sidereal's Essence score.
  • The target regains any lost limbs or other missing components of their physical form.
  • Any undesired changes that have been made to the characters form (Charms such as Pattern Spider Touch, etc) are undone, without further effort. (I.e. even if they are turned into wind and scattered thought the world the Charm instantly rebuilds them in the place that it is enacted rather than turning them to flesh spread across the globe.
  • Undesired Changes that have been made to the characters Essence (Such as the effects of Immunity Decaying Mutation). If the target of this Charm is a Fair One or other denizen of the Wyld then they are instantly destroyed. Tattooed Lunars are immune to the effects of this Charm as they are all external attempts to change their Shape. Unwilling targets must be hit with a successful Martial Arts attack. The Sidereal can use this Charm on them.

Pattern Destroying Touch</b>
<b>Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereqs: Pattern Rebuilding Touch

The Sidereal touches a target and uses her transcendent knowledge of order and chaos to disrupt the balance of the targets pattern. If the target is successfully hit by the attack supplemented by this Charm his Patten is unmade by the rending forces of chaos. The target must roll his Essence against the Sidereal's Essence + Martial Arts. If the target fails the target unravels into motes of dream and vanishs. This is considered an infectious Martial Arts attack (per Citrine Pox of Contagions style). Tattooed Lunars are immune to the effects of this Charm as they are all external attempts to change their Shape. Characters protected from Wyld Energies are similarly immune to the effects of this Charm. Even if the target succeeds his opposed roll or is immune to the primary effect of this Charm he is racked with the terrifying power of the Sidereal's blow, suffering twice the Sidereal's Essence in dice of aggravated damage that may not be soaked with armor.

Wyld Storm Method</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Five Turns
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prereqs: Reality Shattering Motion, Pattern Destroying Touch

The Sidereal Exalted strikes the air and shatters reality in a cascading shockwave away from the point of impact in an expanding area of effect. This attack takes the form of a standard Martial Arts attack, that effects everything within the area of effect and does base aggravated damage. The first turn after the strike the shockwave strikes everything within a cone ten yards long and five yards wide at the far end from the character's fist. Each successive turn for the duration of the Charm the cone moves another ten yards and widens another five. The cone passes through each area as it affects them meaning that unless a target keeps moving with the effect each turn, they are only effected once. The attack can be blocked or dodged normally, but if a given character parries it, the effect still continues as normal. Any mortal weapon used to parry the effect perishes in the attempt.

Addiction to Wyld Method</b>
<b>Cost: 12 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 7
Prereqs: Wyld Storm Method

Emulating the addictive powers of the Wyld the Sidereal charges her blows with a preternatural attraction that causes their opponents to wish for the strike to land. When the Sidereal makes an attack enhanced with this Charm her opponent must roll his Wits against the Sidereal's Manipulation + Martial Arts, if the Sidereal wins the roll then the target may not defend himself against the attack, either physically or with a Charm. Even if the roll succeeds the defendant must raise his difficulty of whatever defense he uses by the Sidereal's Essence score. Furthermore if the attack enhanced by this blow hits the character immediate suffers from Wyld addiction as if he had failed their roll against the Pure Chaos level of the Wyld.

Persistent Immunity Mutation</b>
<b>Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower, 1 experience point
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 7
Prereqs: Wyld Storm Method

Using her control of form and function the Sidereal mutates her own Essence to render herself immune to the patterns of an opponents Essence driven attacks. When subjected to an effect that causes the Sidereal to loose traits other than Health Levels (Such as Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Soul Mastery, or Hyena Jaw) she may reflexively activate Persistent Immunity Mutation to permanently render their Essence immune to that particular effect. This does not grant immunity to the normal damage from such an effect.

Immunity Decaying Mutation</b>
<b>Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 experience point
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Martial Arts: 7
Min. Essence: 7
Prereqs: Persistent Immunity Mutation

Drawing upon her mastery of form and function the Sidereal mutates the pattern of an opponents Essence to permanently impair his defenses. When an opponent is struck by a Martial Arts attack enhanced by this Charm the Sidereal may choose a permanent immunity he possesses and remove it. Examples of things that can be affected by this Charm are;

  • A poison that the target is immune to due to use of the Glorious Sidereal Protection Charm.
  • A Charm the target is immune to due to the effects of the Persistent Immunity Mutation Charm.
  • Earth Aspects Immunity to some of the effects of Petrifying Charm.
  • Death Knights Immunity to a specific disease due to the Plague knows its Master Charm.
  • A Lunar Exalted's Immunity to effects that alter its form.

It cannot totally remove multiple immunities provided by a single effect or Charm (Removing a Lunars immunity to external shapeshifting does not remove their immunity to the Wyld or visa versa). Though multiple uses of the Charm could remove all the immunities provided by a single effect over time, it cannot remove temporary immunities provided by Charms or other effects only permanent immunities. The target can restore the immunity given time and effort (a full scene of training time and a single experience point of effort). This is considered an infectious Martial Arts attack (per Citrine Pox of Contagions style). Tattooed Lunars are immune to the effects of this Charm as they are all external attempts to change their Shape (unless that is the immunity being removed). Characters protected from Wyld Energies are similarly immune to the effects of this Charm.

Heart of the Wyld Places</b>
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 7
Min. Essence: 7
Prereqs: Addiction to Wyld Method, Immunity Decaying Mutation

Emulating the transcendent embodiment of all possibilities the Sidereal reshapes herself into an idealized, almost god-like form from her dreams; practically invulnerable to harm and able to recover from almost any loss. For the remainder of the scene, the Sidereal gains the following benefits;

  • She soaks all damage of any kind with her bashing soak.
  • Her soak cannot be bypassed or ignored.
  • She adds 20 to her bashing soak.
  • She regenerates one Health Level or any other Trait of their choice that she has temporarily lost (including Willpower or temporary Essence) each turn.
  • She ignores any effect that would impair her Mind, Body or Essence (Though Charms can still be canceled etc, they simply cannot be impeded. I.E. Essence Dousing Wave attack still works, but Water Spider Bite does not.)

While under the effects of this Charm the Sidereal's Appearance, Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina are temporarily raised to equal their Essence score (unless they are already higher) as she physically takes on her ideal form.