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The Lightrider

Artifact level 4

The lightrider appears like a skateboard at first glance. Roughly 36 inches long and eight-and-a-half wide, mounted on high trucks (at about 6 inches off the ground) and on fairly large wheels - almost at 70 mm - it's not the sort used for tricks.

No, this is definitely a riding board. This is the sort of baby that can ride you over rocky ground without missing a beat. The fact that both the wheels and the board are made entirely out of moonsilver add to its abilities; given the fact that the board can actually melt and reform in small amounts, wheels included, so as to aid the rider in maneuvering obstacles, and shifts the rider's weight so as to reduce the amount of actual balancing neccassary, the board is any rider's wet dream.

The fact that, with a small expenditure of essence, the wheels melt into the board, motes of silvery-purple essence waves begin to flitter from the back of the board, and it takes off into the air, only makes it that much better.

When in its normal (wheeled) form, it has a speed of Dex+18 yards. The character can battle while riding - following normal mounted combat rules (Fighting Mounted: All combat abilities limited by their Ride. Ride score of less than mount's control must make Wits + Ride roll each turn to stay mounted during combat. Typical control value 3. Roll to stay mounted is action, causes split pools.) save that the control value of the board is 3, and the combat abilities are limited by Athletics, Ride, or Sail - whichever is highest. Opponents do not get the -2 die penalty associated with fighting a mounted character, but do get a -1 penalty. Every turn in which the character is hit, he must roll Dex + Ability versus the control rating to keep from falling (and suffering the immediate effects of fighting prone.) If the character uses the board in combat (for riding), he may ride up to (Dex+18)/2 every turn; which may be enough to allow him to make a strafing attack and be out of combat range again, depending on the situation (or, it may just leave him open to getting nailed in the spine. Shit happens.) He may split pools to take a move action, in which case his speed is not halved; he goes at a full Dex+18. The character may choose not to ride past the opponent, or to keep going in a curve around the opponent. As long as the Lightrider-rider wins initiative and can keep sweeping around his opponent, he will gain the mechanical benefits associated with flanking one's opponent. This riding each turn is considered an action, and requires one to split pools. The board can be picked up and swung at an opponent, for Spd -3, Def -1, Acc -1, Dmg 8B.

The lightrider can not be used unless attuned - for 3 motes, committed. Otherwise, the wheels simply don't turn.

The lightrider can also be harmonized (for an additional 3 motes, if not a lunar.) In that case, the control rating is 1, combat pools are no longer limited by one's Ride / Sail / Athletics rating, and the board can now handle itself - the Lunar no longer needs to split pools to keep moving in combat. Failing a movement roll brings the lightrider to a stop, and calls for an immedaite knockdown check). It's speed is upgraded to Dex+22 (as a free action; a split pool is no longer required). A character riding a harmonized Lightrider need never roll to resist Knockdown - it simlpy won't happen. Knockback still needs to be rolled for, but should it happen, the character lands on the board and may resume movement. A character stunned while riding a harmonized lightrider will continue moving, but only in the direction he was headed - which includes right off the edge of a cliff. An attuned but not harmonized lightrider will come to a shaky stop if the character is stunned - and he will immediately have to make an additional roll against knockdown. Finally, the Lunar gains the ability to make the Lightrider leave the ground - and fly through the air.

For 5 motes (not committed), and only at night, when the moon's light is shining, the Lightrider can be converted into it's aerial form. It's control rating is now 2, and it's speed is Dex+30 (even in combat). It can fly as high as ten feet off the ground, with an additional number of feet equal to twice the permanent essence of the person riding it. At this point, melee attackers are simply out of range - and, if they have an initiative equal to the rider's, and can attack him while he's coming down, or have Charms allowing them to jump up and attack him, they are at -2 pools. Thrown and Archery attacks are as normal.

All dodge attempts while riding the board on the ground are at +2 difficulty. This difficulty is negated while flying.

Upon the setting of the moon, or the touch of true sunlight (such as a Solar anima banner), the board immediatelyconverts to its wheeled form. On nights without a moon, or on a solar or lunar eclipse, the board is entirely inert, as if it is not attuned.

The following charms have special effects as noted below:

Lunar Charms

  • Predator Grace Method can be used on all dex rolls related to the Lightrider. It can also be used on Knockdown rolls, with Stamina acting as the cap, instead of Dex. It can also be used for Control rolls.
  • Unmoving Bear Defense negates the dodge penalty on the wheeled board

Solar Charms

  • Graceful Crane Stance acts as automatic success on all knockdown rolls. The board's control rating becomes 0.//
  • If Monkey Leap Technique is used, it can not jump farther than the board can move to keep up with; if the character misses the board on landing, and does not remount before the next round, the board falls inert (thus, if he jumps farther than the board can move, and doesn't immediately jump back on, the board falls inert. It is, however, possible to split pools to jump off, and then in the following round, slay the opponent standing there, and jump up to catch the board.)
  • Lightening Speed effects the board on the ground, but not flying.
  • Flow Like Blood does not suffer the difficulty penalty of 2.

Abyssal Charms

  • All Charms that include dematerialization and teleportation affect only the character, and not the board, unless the board is Harmonized.
  • Raiton's Nimble perch acts as Graceful Crane Stance.
  • Spider Pounce Technique is treated as Monkey Leap.
  • Shadow Races the Light treated as Lightening Speed.
  • Incomparable Phantom Form treated as Flow Like Blood.


  • Any turn where Effortlessly Rising Flame is used reflexively in reaction to a knockdown roll, the character need not roll. It can not be used /after/ the knockdown roll; if the character fails, he falls off the board, and it is too late to use the charm to stay on.
  • Bellows-pumping Stride treated as Lightening Speed
  • Incense Smoke Ladder and ensuing charms in that cascade can be used while the board is in wheeled form.
  • Threshold Warding Stance negates the difficulty penalty of 2 for dodges.