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(*More spell goodness. When I rack up a half-dozen or so, I'll compile them into their own subpages.)
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Besides the benefits that may arise from gaining an increased Inheritance, this spell confers no additional merits, flaws, or charms to the target; any benefits of being a Half-Caste must be learned with time (or with the additional freebies, assuming that the target's Inheritance is raised; if the target's parents were of such Essence that the target's Inheritance with the Sidereal parent remains the same [or gets lower] he obviously receives no benefits. If his Inheritance is lowered, he must sacrifice dots/merits/etc. appropriately.
Besides the benefits that may arise from gaining an increased Inheritance, this spell confers no additional merits, flaws, or charms to the target; any benefits of being a Half-Caste must be learned with time (or with the additional freebies, assuming that the target's Inheritance is raised; if the target's parents were of such Essence that the target's Inheritance with the Sidereal parent remains the same [or gets lower] he obviously receives no benefits. If his Inheritance is lowered, he must sacrifice dots/merits/etc. appropriately.
It is appropriate when this spell is cast that the target is allowed to trade around some Merits/Flaws/Dots (without changing overall value of the character) so as to reflect the character's new parent / loss of the old parent (if one had Elemental Control - Fire from a Fire Elemental parent that was replaced with this Spell, it would be appropriate to remove that elemental power from the character sheet.)
It is appropriate when this spell is cast that the target is allowed to trade around some Merits[[/Flaws/Dots]] (without changing overall value of the character) so as to reflect the character's new parent / loss of the old parent (if one had Elemental Control - Fire from a Fire Elemental parent that was replaced with this Spell, it would be appropriate to remove that elemental power from the character sheet.)

Revision as of 09:04, 3 April 2010

Claiming the Fallen Mount
Shadowlands Circle Necromancy
Cost: 15 motes

The necromancer using this spell targets the Ghost of a person that has died by means of a suicide. Upon casting this spell, the ghost is whisked away on the winds of Oblivion to the nearest crossroads, and interred there until the next sunset.

Upon the coming of sunset (whether it was an hour's wait or twenty-four hours' wait) the ghost slowly digs its way out from the ground; however, it is no longer that of a human, but that of a horse. Standing easily twenty hands at the shoulder, it is a magnificent steed - but no more than that, at appearance. It does not breathe fire, and it does not dance on shoes of soulsteel - it is merely a most exemplary horse (Well, ghost horse - but who can really tell?).

Strength: 4, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 4
Charisma: 2, Manipulation: 1, Appearance: 3
Perception: 3, Intelligence: 1, Wits: 2

Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Valor 3, Temperance 3

Abilities: Brawl 3 (Hooves +2), Athletics 2 (Running +3), Awareness 2, Stealth 2, Presence 1 (Intimidation +1), Craft 3 (Pandemonium +3)

Permanent Essence: 3
Willpower: 6
Essence Pool: 58

Health Levels: -0x3, -1x2, -2x2, -4x1, Inc.
Charms: Corpse-Fed Radiance, Hand of the Wind, Strike of Dead Hands, Flying Time Technique, Ebon Grasp of Oblivion, Black Breath of the Abyss, Materialize

Master - 5 pt.

To Serve Master (Temperance) - 3 pt.
To Serve Master (Valor) - 3 pt.
To Serve Master (Conviction) - 3 pt.
To Not F'n Die Again (Compassion) - 1 pt.


Inexorable Creeping Doom</b>

<b>Labyrinth Circle Sorcery
Cost:45 motes

This spell can see use in peacetime, though it's uses are found almost exclusively during wartime; for when massive forces come riding across the field of battle to find bloody resolution, this spell can tip the odds deeply in favor of the Undead among them.

The casting of Inexorable Creeping Doom requires the necromancer to be in such a position as to oversee at least the majority of his forces. The casting takes no less than an hour, and fails to function inside of the Underworld (though it will function in a Shadowland.) Over the course of an hour, all of the insects within several miles of the combat will be drawn to the undead forces; creeping over and under and around (and through, yerk) the undead marching under the necromancer's aegis.

When coming into close combat with opposing forces, the insects will set to swarming the opposing enemies; feasting on their flesh hungrily, and draining life-nourishing essence as they do so, before returning to their undead hosts to deposit this flesh and energy. In mechanical terms, on the second round of combat, the opposing forces all take one health level of unsoakable lethal damage (or the opposing commander automatically takes an unsoakable health level of damage, if using Mail and Steel). On the third round of combat, the Undead (or their leader, if using Mail and Steel) each heal one health level of damage (lethal included, though aggravated will not be healed through this method.) This is repeated for the remainder of combat; damage occurs to the enemy on each even-numbered round, and healing occurs on each odd-numbered round (except round 1; at least one round of damage must occur before the undead can begin healing.) The above assumes the spell is cast on round one; if it is cast prior to the beginning of combat, then damage occurs on round 1 and every odd round thereafter, and healing occurs on round two and every even round thereafter. (I just made all that sound so much more complicated than need be.)

The spell ends after several hours, usually long after the end of the battle. All of the insects involved fall dead at the conclusion of the spell, and casting the spell again is impossible until at least twenty-four hours have passed, or some other magic has been used to replenish the amount of insects in the area.


Silvered Webs of the Creator
Celestial Circle Sorcery
Cost: 35 motes

The enacting of this great sorcery causes the immediate appearance of a flood of silver metallic spiders across the sky, clinging upside down to the clouds and blue sky as if skittering across some unseen cieling. The spiders cover an area of the caster's Permanent Essence in miles in every direction (this occurs during the two rounds neccasry to cast the sorcery.) Once they've taken their places, the begin the weaving of a mad web; silvery netting is seen to slowly descend from the clouds, only to fade into invisibility a few yards below the sea of spiders.

The spiders will continue to weave for the remainder of the night and day, to cease their work with the next evening's fall (they will work for at least 24 hours; possibly 36, if cast at just the beginning of one evening; the spell would continue through that night, the following day, and the night after). Throughout the time of their weaving, everyone and everything within the area affected is considered to be part of Fate; they would suffer (or benefit from) Astrology effects and any charms that explicitly do not function against beings outside Fate.

The casting of this spell often causes a deterioration in the weaving of destiny throughout Creation for the time period it is being enacted, due to the heavy taxing on the Weaver spiders; though this has no mechanical effects per se, the Storyteller should keep in mind that Destiny, Lucky, Unlucky, Prescient Dreamer, etc... backgrounds may temporarily falter; Gods under great Astrology effects and curses may escape from them (perhaps passing off that particular unlucky thread in the loom to some other God), and so on.

It is rumored that Abyssals have a Void Circle Necromancy spell similar to this, that removes portions of Creation from Fate.


Late Memorandum
Celestial Circle Sorcery
Cost: 15 Motes

This sorcery causes a ripple in the Looms of Fate, which travels - specifically - backwards in time. Though very few changes can be made in time, a few are occasionally possible - Sidereal Awareness charms being an example of the small amounts of Essence that can traverse time periods; small amounts of Essence can indeed successfully travel through time, though anything greater fails miserably.

It is thus not surprising that it was the Sidereal Ice Twice Fallen that first crafted this sorcery. The spell turns the caster into the biological parent of the target. This spell requires a) The killing of the parent to be replaced (actually, it is theorized that the Parent need only be removed from Fate at the time of casting, so a parent in the Underworld would suffice), and b) That the target be willing to take on the caster as a parent (though he need not know the particulars of the spell, such as the requirement that the original parent be slain.)

The target then becomes, for all intents and purposes, a child of the caster (with the other parent remaining their original parent.) The target becomes a Half-Caste (or God-Blooded) of the appropriate sort, with an Inheritance as appropriate to a child of the target's parents (let us say that the target's parents were an Essence 3 god, and a mortal, resulting in an Inheritance 2 God-blood. The Sidereal slays the mortal, and casts this spell; the child is now a God-Blood and Half-Caste, and recalculates her Inheritance, as she is now the child of an Essence 3 God and an Essence 4 Exalt.)

Besides the benefits that may arise from gaining an increased Inheritance, this spell confers no additional merits, flaws, or charms to the target; any benefits of being a Half-Caste must be learned with time (or with the additional freebies, assuming that the target's Inheritance is raised; if the target's parents were of such Essence that the target's Inheritance with the Sidereal parent remains the same [or gets lower] he obviously receives no benefits. If his Inheritance is lowered, he must sacrifice dots/merits/etc. appropriately.

It is appropriate when this spell is cast that the target is allowed to trade around some Merits/Flaws/Dots (without changing overall value of the character) so as to reflect the character's new parent / loss of the old parent (if one had Elemental Control - Fire from a Fire Elemental parent that was replaced with this Spell, it would be appropriate to remove that elemental power from the character sheet.)