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If We Destroy the Underworld

arsaidh: I want to seee Abyssal Charms of Essence 6 and 7.
Miedvied: Grusome Head Tumor would be decent Ess. 6
arsaidh: Heh. I am watching an episode of Buffy in which she is confronted with a bunch of fanboys who think that vampires are the Beautiful Fags of Anne Rice novels. (^_^)
Miedvied: See, I want to see a high-high essence Abyssal combat charm that's like, "I hit you. 8 HL damage." "Damn, I die." "No, that damage is applied to All Your Hopes For the Future."
Miedvied: Sidereal-esque abyssal combat charms.
arsaidh: Heh heh.
Miedvied: I'd run around killing peoples Hopes, Dreams, Ideas, Concepts, Relationships.
Miedvied: Memories.
arsaidh: Tainting destiny would seem to be in for Abyssals, since their own destinies are tainted.
arsaidh: Basically spread Resonance-like effects to other people. A great and stylish way to help Kill the Universe.
Miedvied: Ooh, or local destiny destruction.
Miedvied: I mean, Sidereals can sneak destiny into the wyld or the underworld, right? With their Larceny charms?
Miedvied: Why couldn't an Abyssal sneak some of the Underworld stars/destiny into Creation?
arsaidh: Sort of. Sidereal fate-bending does not work on things outside of Fate.
Miedvied: Cloak a village in Underworld-Destiny for a night, and see what havoc you can wreak when the gods are blind.
arsaidh: Heh. Yeah. That would be awesome.
arsaidh: But that sounds more like Void Circle Necromancy to me.
Miedvied: I wonder what would happen if an Abyssal stole the blueprints for the loom of fate.
Miedvied: And built one in the underworld.
arsaidh: Dunno. I doubt even a god could build one.
Miedvied: But the Underworld has access to Primordials.
arsaidh: Autochthon's handiwork can't be easy to duplicate, even with the plans.
Miedvied: It has access to neverborn, in fact.
arsaidh: Makes a great plot idea, doesn't it?
Miedvied: Sheeeeit, I'd try it.
Miedvied: Hell, I'd try it as a Solar.
arsaidh: Heh heh.
Miedvied: If you could weave Fate in the underworld, you could weave in the Deathlord's demises.
Miedvied: Theoretically, if not practically.
arsaidh: Or maybe just fuck things up beyond repair. (^_^) Remember, without PC intervention, the Solars do fuck the world...
Miedvied: Eh, it's the underworld. There's nowhere to go but up.
Miedvied: "You killed everyone!" "They were already dead." "Oh. Never mind then."
arsaidh: Not necessarily. What if it is like a house-- damage the foundation and the rest starts crumbling?
Miedvied: That would work, except Creation's inverted that way.
arsaidh: Or like Orpheus? Destroy the Underworld, and then the ghosts start hanging around the living?
Miedvied: Craetion is the foundation.
Miedvied: Ghosts already hang around the living.
arsaidh: But they could do it more. What if ghosts were suddenly solid in Creation all the time, without using Charms?
Miedvied: Creation is definitely the foundation. Yu-Shan is the pretty porch, and the underworld is the shadow in the back.
Miedvied: But that's got nothing to do with the underworld.
arsaidh: Just an example. (^_^)
arsaidh: The possibilities are endless, of course. Exalted is designed that way. (^_^)
Miedvied: I figure, you can't really destroy the underworld.
arsaidh: I like your ideas. I am just tossing out other ideas. (^_^)
Miedvied: The best you can do is have oblivion swallow all of it.
arsaidh: See, I like interesting complications.
Miedvied: And then all the Shadowlands become like... black holse.
Miedvied: black holes*
Miedvied: Localized Oblivion at night
Miedvied: Creation at day.
arsaidh: I like the idea of a Blight-like effect that causes Shadowlands to start spreading, and fairly rapidly.
Miedvied: Except, you know, every time night turned to day you'd get this momentary vacuum effect as Creation rushes to fill in oblivion.
arsaidh: Fast enough to be scary, although not fast enough to make it impossible to counter. Like, a few feet per day.
Miedvied: I'm thinking out loud at this point. And this vacuum effect, it's humongous, 'cause we're talking localized black hole
Miedvied: So really, land shatters and gets pulled in.
Miedvied: What happens if you have little pockmarked black holes all over creation?
Miedvied: The land isn't meant to take that kind of stress.
Miedvied: You could have cracks running through ... everything.
Miedvied: What happens if Creation shatters?
arsaidh: Hmmmm. A few score years down the road, Creation is an archepelago of islands of Reality in a sea of Nothing.
Miedvied: Islands that move about all the time, because they're floating on nothing
Miedvied: And someone's gotta steer, or you might steer into one of the old shadowlands.
arsaidh: You sail from point to point in Oblivion-proofed Abyss skiffs made of bones and soulsteel.
Miedvied: And this is only temporary, of course; with every generation, a few more souls that fail to go to Lethe go into the Underworld. But there is no Underworld, only Oblivion, so they immediately get turned into nothing.
arsaidh: The only major landmass remaining is the Blessed Isle, held together by the stabilizing influence of the Elemental Pole of Earth.
arsaidh: And it too is slowly dying, because there aren't enough souls left to fill all the bodies being born.
Miedvied: And the ones that are born without a soul? Some of them are stillborn. Others are born with something else.
Miedvied: A new breed of God-Blood; it's parent? Oblivion.
arsaidh: Hmmm. And the Unconquered Sun and most of the gods have given up. They believe that Creation is now damned, so they are passing their time playing the Games of Divinity and just generally having a huge orgy until the universe ends. He no longer shows his face to the world, so the illumination is the Elemental Pole of Fire, always a bloated, sickly red ball on the southern horizon. No day, no night... it's always dusk.
arsaidh: Call them the dead-born. Or the Neverlived.
Miedvied: I think I'd just call them the Hollow.
arsaidh: By the way, post this chat to a.g.ww. (^_^)
Miedvied: Because they're not like other god-blooded; they're not marked by being something more, but by being something less.
Miedvied: I had every intention, heh.

Comments, thoughts, and extrapolations are most very welcome.

This is so god damn COOL! - Epsilon