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Compassion Charms

Extend senses, administer succor, heal others.

Exalted Corebook (page 291)

Measure the Wind - Compassion 1, Essence 1, no prereqs - sense nearby Essence.

Stoic Endurance - Compassion 3, Essence 2, no prereqs - Improve Stamina by one dot per success. Fades over the course of several turns.

Touch of Grace - Compassion 4, Essence 2, no prereqs - Heal himself or others.

Games of Divinity Appendix
Dreamspeak - Compassion 1, Essence 2, no prereqs - Speak with the target in his dreams.
Dreamscape - Compassion 1, Essence 4, Dreamspeak - Manipulate target's dreams.

Natural Prognostication - Compassion 1, Essence 1, no prereqs - Behavior reflects things to come.
Foretell the Future - Compassion 1, Essence 3, Nat'l Progn - Goes comatose; sees what may come.
Hand of Destiny - Compassion 1, Essence 6, Foretell the Future - See the hand of Destiny; get caught up in it.

Landscape Travel - Compassion 1, Essence 1, no prereqs - travel quickly, comfortably, and easily through preferred element. Works up to Bordermarches.
Landscape Camoflage - Compassion 1, Essence 1, Landscape Travel - raise diff. to notice spirit hiding in its natural element.
Landscape Hide - Compassion 2, Essence 2, Landscape Camoflage - Hide inside of a solid portion of its element.

Tracking - Compassion 2, Essence 1, no prereqs - Super-tracking in the spirit's domain.

Sense Domain - Compassion 2, Essence 1, Measure the Wind - Get a feel of what's going on inside the spirit's domain. Can sense Wyld in his domain.

Summon Food - Compassion 3, Essence 2, no prereqs - Summon a meal for one person.

Tiny Gift - Compassion 1, Essence 1, no prereqs - tiny blessing, lasts a day.
Benefaction - Compassion 1, Essence 2, Tiny Gift - greater blessing, lasts a week.
Largess - Compassion 2, Essence 4, Benefaction - potent blessing, lasts a week. Can give resistance to Wyld (Lunars, page 222.)
Endowment - Compassion 3, Essence 5, Largess - A great blessing, with usually permanent duration. Also affects Wyld.

Lunars (page 223)
Wyld Armor - Compassion 3, Essence 2, Sense Domain - Protect number of people from the Wyld.
Wyld Shield - Compassion 3, Essence 3, Wyld Armor - Defend a tribe or other large group from the Wyld.
Wyld Barrier - Compassion 3, Essence 4, Wyld Shield - ...Apparently identical to Wyld Armor.


Attack opponents mentally, elicit or alter emotions, create illusions, inflict derangements, possession.

Exalted Corebook (page 291)

Harrow the Mind - Conviction 3, Essence 2, no prereqs - Create mental illusions only the target can see.

Possession - Conviction 4, Essence 1, no prereqs - Manip + Convict extended vs. target's will; exceeding temporary will allows spirit to control his target for the scene.

Stoke the Flame - Conviction 2, Essence 1, no prereqs - inflame target's emotional state. Increase Exalt's Limit.

Games of Divinity Appendix

Confusion - Conviction 2, Essence 1, no prereqs - confuse the target, difficulty of their essence.

Memory Mirror - Conviction 2, Essence 2, no prereqs - touch target to permanently duplicate their memories.
Memory Sponge - Conviction 4, Essence 3, Memory Mirror - as per Mirror, but target loses the drained memories.
Memory Transference - Conviction 4, Essence 4, Memory Sponge - transfer memories between two targets.

Instill Obedience - Conviction 3, Essence 3, Stoke the Flame - Instills desire to obey the spirit.
Lend Authority - Conviction 3, Essence 3, Instill Obedience - Raise target's Presence for days equal to spirit's will.
Geas - Conviction 5, Essence 4, Instill Obedience - Gives target a compulsion that may last up to a month.

Soul Rapt - Conviction 5, Essence 4, Possession - More potent possession, making host incapable of regaining willpower and reducing permanent willpower over time.

Worldly Illusion - Conviction 4, Essence 3, Harrow the Mind - Cast the target (may be multiple targets) into an illusory world. Lasts up to a day in the target's mind.

Dreambane - Conviction 3, Essence 6, Dreamscape - As per dreamscape, but dream damage may leak through to real body.

Player's Guide (page 159)
Ride - Conviction 5, Essence 2, Possession - Allow the spirit to possess someone indefinitely, laying the groundwork for a fusion of spirit and mortal form. Requires host's consent.

Sidereals (page 61)
Binding - Conviction 3, Essence 2, no prereqs - Physically or psychically bind a target.

Ruins of Rathess (page 66)
Hollow Out the Soul - Conviction 4, Essence 4, Ride - Destroy the soul of the victim, creating a host unable to regain control.


Dodge and reflect attacks, steal essence.

Exalted Corebook (page 292)

Cunning Thief - Temperance 2, Essence 1, no prereqs - Touch target, drain essence.
Host of Spirits - Temperance 2, Essence 2, no prereqs - Form multiple images of himself to fool attackers.

Games of Divinity Appendix

Donning Spiritual Armor - Temperance 2, Essence 2, no prereqs - armor equal to Temp+Ess.

Hoodwink - Temperance 2, Essence 1, no prereqs - distract the target.

Stillness - Temperance 1, Essence 1, no prereqs - stay still.
Camoflage - Temperance 3, Essence 2, Stillness - Hide in any environment.

Hurry Home - Temperance 2, Essence 1, no prereqs - Escape any given situation and go home.
Portal - Temperance 3, Essence 3, Hurry Home - create portal home for one turn.
Transport - Temperance 4, Essence 4, Portal - Transport itself wherever it wishes, with passengers.
Banish - Temperance 4, Essence 4, Transport - Banish targets to random habitable location up to a mile away.
Capture - Temperance 5, Essence 6, Banish - Banish targets to location up to spirit that isn't immediately lethal.

Sustenance - Temperance 1, Essence 1, no prereqs - Tough a mortal, drain motes of essence.
Steal Sustenance - Temperance 2, Essence 1, Sustenance - Steal essence and impairs the mortal in some way.
Essence Inveigle - Temperance 3, Essence 2, Steal Sustenance - Has sex with target, drains essence, target wants more.


Do harm or affect the physical world.

Exalted Corebook (page 292)

Essence Bite - Valor 3, Essence 2, no prereqs - Touch attack.
Materialize - Valor 2, Essence 2 - Expend great amount of Essence to take material form.
Principle of Motion - Valor 2, Essence 2 - Extra actions pool.
Words of Power - Valor 2, Essence 2 - Verbal attack.

Games of Divinity Appendix

Uncanny Prowess - Valor 2, Essence 1, no prereqs - Add Valor to a dexterity roll.

Creation of Perfection - Valor 2, Essence 2, no prereqs - Perform feats of supernatural skill / creation.

Details - Valor 2, Essence 2, no prereqs - Change small details of physical appearance.
Form Match - Valor 2, Essence 1, Details - take on another person's physical form.

Weather Control - Valor 3, Essence 2, Affinity Element Control - Create weather phenomena.

Ignite - Valor 2, Essence 2, no prereqs - Set fire to any item.

Element Touch - Valor 2, Essence 2, no prereqs - Person takes on attributes appropriate to God's element.
Element Kiss - Valor 2, Essence 2, Element Touch - lasts longer. May include hallucinations.
Element Infusion - Valor 3, Essence 3, Element Kiss - Lasts for a month. May be potent enough for target to harm himself.

Tiny Damnation - Valor 1, Essence 1, no prereqs - tiny curse, lasts a day.
Imprecation - Valor 1, Essence 2, Tiny Damnation - greater curse, lasts a week.
Malediction- Valor 2, Essence 4, Imprecation - potent curse, lasts a week.
Scourge - Valor 3, Essence 5, Malediction - A great curse, with usually permanent duration.

Spirit Cutting - Valor 3, Essence 2, no prereqs - Allows materialized spirit to attack unmaterialized spirit.

Elemental Abilities

Games of Divinity (page 56)
Consume Element - Absorb any elemental attack; add 1 soak / 2 motes.
Day to Night - Blacken the sky in a one mil radius for an hour.
Elemental Unction - Grant one of it's own elemental powers to another.
Foul the Waters - Cause rivers and streams for miles around to turn black and undrinkable.
Immolation ( Garda birds only ) - Detonate itself in a flare of Essence. Elemental is destroyed; big damage.
Plague of Menaces - CAuse an onrush of annoying creatures associated with its element to overrun a village or town for a day.

Exalted Corebook (page 296)
Aegis - element forms a thin armor.
Coarse Skin - Elemental damges anyone that touches it.
Dragon's Suspire - Ranged elemental attack.
Element's Domain - Assume form of it's element, with bonuses appropriate to element.
Enshroud - causes fog/mist/etc. to cover area, increasing diff. of Awareness rolls.
Mobility - Move more quickly or gain new mode of transport, according to element.
Rejuvenation - Regenerate one HL/turn when in contact with appropriate element.

Spirit Sheet

Description: ___
Attributes: Strength X, Dexterity X, Stamina X,
Charisma X, Manipulation X, Appearance X, Perception X,
Intelligence X, Wits X
Virtues: Compassion X, Conviction X, Temperance X,
Valor X
Abilities: _____
Charms: _______
Elemental Powers:_______
Cost to (de)Materialize:__
Base Initiative: X
Punch: Speed X, Accuracy X, Damage X, Defense X, Rate X
Kick: Speed X, Accuracy X, Damage X, Defense X, Rate X
Dodge Pool: X
Soak: XL/XB (Armor)
Willpower: X Health Levels: -0x10
Essence:X Essence Pool:XX
Other Notes:XX

Notes: Spirit Essence Pool: 10Essence + 3Willpower +2SumVirtues health Levels = Will + Conviction