Difference between revisions of "Miedvied/Phaelon"

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Latest revision as of 07:34, 10 January 2005

Phaelon the Red Death

Caste: Full Moon
Concept: Wandering wise man
Nature: Savant
Totem: Tiger

Strength 3 - Dexterity 5 - Stamina 4
Charisma 3 - Manipulation 3 - Appearance 2
Perception 2 - Intelligence 3 - Wits 5


 Brawl               [F]2
Dodge [F]2
Resistance [F]3
Presence [F]2
Survival [F]2
Martial Arts 5
Athletics 2
Awareness 2
Endurance 2
Larceny 1
Investigation 1
Lore 1
Medicine 1
Occult 1


  • Heart's Blood 3
  • Artifacts 3
  • Manse 1

Finding the Spirit's Shape
Crimson Leaping Cat
Striking Fury Claws
Tiger Form
Raging Tiger Pounce
Spine Shattering Bite
Celestial Tiger Hide
Ox-Body (-2x4)

Deadly Beastman Transformation

  • Rugged Hide
  • Terrible Beast Claws
  • +2 Dexterity
  • +1 Strength

Health Levels: -0 x 1 / -1 x 2 / -2 x 6 / -4 x 1 / Inc.

Willpower: 7
Compassion: 1
Conviction: 2
Temperance: 2
Valor: 5

Perm Ess: 3
Personal: 17
Peripheral: 46