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Anyone attempting to use a lightsaber without the required initiation charm roll 3 less dice, to a minimum of 1. Lightsaber wielders who botch in this fashion injure themselves with the saber.
#REDIRECT Eniko/LightsaberCombat
Mortals can on rare occasions buy a lot of merits that will allow them to raise their essence without being force sensitive. This would allow them access to lightsaber styles.
===== Initiation charms =====
'''Lightsaber Handling'''
:Cost: None
:Duration: Permanent
:Type: Special
:Minimum Lightsaber: 1
:Minimum Essence: 2
:Prereq Charms: None
This charm allows the character to diminish the default three dice penalty when using a lightsaber by her awareness score, to a minimum of zero.
'''Lightsaber Deflection'''
:Cost: 1 mote
:Duration: Until next action
:Type: Simple
:Minimum Lightsaber: 2
:Minimum Essence: 2
:Prereq Charms: Lightsaber Handling
The character has the ability to use her lightsaber to deflect ranged blaster fire. Until her next action she may parry blaster fire as normal using her lightsaber.
'''Lightsaber Reflection'''
:Cost: 3 motes
:Duration: Instant
:Type: Reflexive
:Minimum Lightsaber: 3
:Minimum Essence: 2
:Prereq Charms: Lightsaber Deflection
The character has learned how to deflect blaster fire back at her assailants. Whenever she succesfully parries a blaster bolt she may use this charm to make an immediate counter attack against her enemy at full Dexterity + Lightsaber. Damage is determined using the weapon the character was attacked with rather than her lightsaber.
===== Lightsaber Forms and Stances =====
Characters may take lightsaber form charms once they have taken the initiation charms, not before.
Unlikes Martial Art form charms, practitioners of lightsaber combat can have multiple stance charms active at any one time. However one can only enjoy the benifit of any one stance charm at a time. If the character has multiple stance charms active they may reflexively switch between any of them once per turn.
When using a certain stance (or not using any stance at all) charms from other stances may be used as well. However, using them without switching stances requires a considerable amount of focus and can be draining and carries a mote cost surcharge equal to half the required Lightsaber skill - rounded up - to signify this.
Activating stance charms however does not receive this mote cost surcharge.
=== Form VI: Niman ===
'''Niman Stance'''
:Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower
:Duration: One scene
:Type: Simple
:Minimum Lightsaber: 3
:Minimum Essence: 2
:Prereq Charms: None
Form VI's stance, also known as Niman or Diplomat form, reduces the mote cost surcharge for using out of stance charms by 1. However, when using this stance the practitioner can only activate charms with a maximum required lightsaber skill of 3 or less.

Revision as of 22:00, 18 March 2008

  1. REDIRECT Eniko/LightsaberCombat