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Ashraielle listened to the ending prayers of the Hierophant without fidgeting. She wanted to toy with her hair, or play with the gold necklace around her throat, but she was still considered young, and she needed to make a good impression with the others of her caste. She could feel the eyes of a few of the others watching her, and so she forced herself to keep still. Maenin, however, was acting oddly. Through out the entire meeting he had not looked at her, and when she had spoken of the southern trade routes he had been distant. She did not need to use any of her charms to know that what was on his mind was not her. A glance at the balcony where the Chosen of the Moon sat to watch was the only clue she needed. Hikari, the lovely Lunar woman, sat with her gaze on Maenin. Ashraielle understood and stood with the others as the prayers were finished. The other Eclipses filtered out, talking amongst themselves. Ashraielle stayed behind and took her time to pack her things. Finally Maenin approached her,

“May we speak alone, Ashraielle?”

“Of course, Hierophant.” She followed him out of the chamber to his office, hoping that he will not notice that she was walking rather stiffly.

“Please, sit,” he said, gesturing to one of the comfortable chairs in his office. She sat and crossed her legs properly at the ankle. Maenin shut the door and then sat at his desk with a tight smile.

“How may I be of service, my lord?”

“You’re being transferred,” he said happily. He handed her a document which she opened and read.

“To the North, my lord?” she asked when she was finished. Maenin nodded.

“We are having a problem with the Fae up there. You’re good at handling people and you’ve got some fresh outlooks. You practically look like a Fae yourself, or one of the loveliest nymphs ever. You’ll do wonderfully. Besides, if things get out of hand, you’ll be working among some rather famous people: Shining Star, Dancing Ruby Phoenix, Seventh Sun, Nine Lives, and Suns Setting.” Ashraielle knew she was starring with an open mouth, but she could not help herself.

Shining Star was possibly the greatest sorceress in Creation, and because of her the Chosen of the Sun would never be lacking in the army of the Dragon-Blooded. She was a near legend in her own time, and her mate, Nine Lives, only aided that belief by fighting tooth and nail for her at every junction. Dancing Ruby Phoenix, the oldest of them, was possibly the greatest swordswoman to ever live. Ashraielle did not approve of fighting, but if Dancing Ruby Phoenix was on their side, it all but sealed the victory. Suns Setting, her mate, was just as deadly with sword, fangs, claws, and talons. Seventh Sun was the assassin’s assassin, and was married to the night and all its perfect darkness.

“My lord I am flattered, but I really don’t think I’m ready for such things.”

“I say you are. You doubt me?”

“Of course I do not, it is only,” Ashraielle stopped.

“I understand that it is a big assignment, but I have faith in you. So cheer up and look forward to the ride north, eh?”

“Yes my lord.” Maenin’s smile melted away and with it went all heat in the room. This was it, she told herself.

“Ash, it was fun, you know it was, but,” he sighed. “Its tradition, you know and I am the last one who can break tradition.”

“My lord, I understand. I hope you and Hikari are very happy. If it’s not too bold of me, I would like to see the wedding.”

“Well you see, that’s the thing. Hikari and I have been married for years. She had to leave to help some friends. She’s back now, and she doesn’t know about you. I’d rather we just left it at happy memories, rather then you worrying about your life every time you came back.”

Ashraielle felt her world shatter.

Ashraielle had kept to herself through out her trip to the North. She had been sent away so that Maenin would have a clean marriage with his wife. She had always expected they would be over when one of them decided to marry, but she had never thought that he was already married. The only comfort she had was that the trip north allowed for a new wardrobe. The normal therapy of shopping, however, had not soothed her hurt pride. There was only one solution to solve that: to make herself invaluable to him, and then deny him any further chance to touch her. Briefly she debated with herself if she should send a fake wedding invitation that would arrive too late for him to actually arrive, or that she should send a notice that she was pregnant. Both of those options were quickly dismissed. She could not be bitter because she had not had the foresight to look before she leapt.

As her ship landed at the port of Cherek, she found there was a welcoming party of sorts at the dock. A lone figure, standing with his hands clasped behind his back, watched her ship pull in. He was handsome, she admitted to herself. His blue-black hair was to his shoulders and his face and body were finely designed. He was not as muscular as the sailors around her, but every inch of him spoke of strength. He bowed to her as she descended the gang plank of the ship.

“My lady Ashraielle,” he said, his voice soothing. “We have been expecting you eagerly.”

“Thank you,” she said kindly. Up close she realized he was a Lunar with a silver disc showing he was a No Moon. His canines were fangs; like a serpent’s and up close his eyes reminded her of a snake as well, deep green and slightly hypnotic.

“I am called Alaethis,” he said with another bow. “It is my pleasure to escort you to your new home. Please,” he gestured to a waiting team of horses. “I hope you ride.”

“Of course I ride,” she replied, almost insulted by his suggestion. She looked down and noticed that there was no ring on his finger. He appeared to be young, but it was always hard to tell with Lunars. She noticed he was looking at her form underneath the fur cloak she wore. Quickly she dropped her hand and pulled her cloak close to her.

“Shall we?” he asked, gesturing. Ashraielle followed him to the horses, noting wagons to keep her things with them. She rode in silence next to Alaethis.

“Have you ever been this far north, my lady?”

“No.” Her tone rivaled the air in frostiness.

Alaethis grinned.

“Well, you’re in for a treat, my lady. It’s cold here most of the year, but it’s not so bad really, once you get used to it. And, of course, there is always the hot springs.”

“The hot springs?”

“Yes, areas where the water is naturally hot. They are like nature’s own baths. I’ll make sure that you are taken to one. You’ll never feel so relaxed ever again.”

“I’ll take your word on it,” she replied frostily.

“I hope you take care of the fae problem soon. They really cause no end of trouble around here, what with the Wyld so close to us.”

“It is my job to handle the problem of the fae and that is what I intend on doing.” She realized she was being unnecessarily cold to him. “Forgive me, tell me about the area.”

“Well there isn’t really much to tell. The mountains keep us trapped for most of the year. There isn’t a lot of trade of anything that isn’t needed. Sometimes we get luxury goods, but that’s rare really. Your home is the best we can give you. It’s not what you’re used to I’m sure, but it’s comfortable enough.” He chuckled. “At least, I’ve tried to make it comfortable. A fine lady like you though, I will understand if you aren’t comfortable.”

“I’m sure it will be fine.”

The palace was not as grand as anything she had seen farther south, but she was pleasantly surprised at its comforts. After a warm bath and a hot meal, she decided, things would be better again.

Alaethis smiled to her as she entered the dining room. His appraisal was soothing to her ego, and she smiled in return.

“Is everything to your liking?” he asked.

“Very much so, thank you.”

“Good. Dinner is all set for you, and now I will leave you in peace if you wish.” Ashraielle held out a hand to stop him.

“Actually, I’d like it very much if you would join me. I don’t like the idea of being alone in such a strange place.

“It would be my pleasure, my lady Ashraielle.”

It had been three weeks since she had arrived in the North and she was getting more comfortable with her surroundings, and with the company of Alaethis who seemed to go out of his way to make her more comfortable. She had met with Seventh Sun and found that he was a loner and as such was quiet, but was dedicated to his causes. Her meeting with Shining Star had gone well enough, but Ashraielle got the impression that Shining Star did not trust her. The way her eyes looked over her was uncomfortable. It was not as if Ashraielle had been the one to make her so plain. Nine Lives was pleasant enough, but Ashraielle could not figure out for the life of her why he had chosen Shining Star, outside of her skill with Essence.

Dancing Ruby Phoenix, however, had proven to be the most enjoyable meeting of all. She had arrived on her own, a powerful woman which carried a large sword with her at all times. She was pleasant to Ashraielle, and her mate, while distant and rather irritating to Ashraielle, was loyal to his mate’s every breath. The most amusing part of it was the way the Alaethis left the room when she had entered for Ashraielle’s welcoming party. It was obvious then that Alaethis liked Ruby and the sight of her with Suns Setting was painful.

“I know what that’s like,” she said as she came up behind him. He was sitting outside, the night warm for the North and the stars were out. He looked at her,

“What do you mean?” She came to stand next to him.

“To want someone you can’t have. I understand that.” He looked her up and down.

“My lady, I find it hard to think that anyone could say no to you.”

“It doesn’t happen often, but it happens.” They stood in silence for a while, looking up into the stars together. “You know, I’ve been here for three weeks and I have yet to see these hot springs you told me about. Why don’t you and I leave and go talk about the pain of lost loves while you show them to me.” Alaethis looked at her, seeing through the rouse.

“Thanks. I’d like that.”

Together, Ashraielle and Alaethis approached the large lake. The scent of brimstone was in the air and smoke rolled off the water into the night sky.

“Can we go in?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied. “But, um, I don’t suggest doing it with clothes.”

Ashraielle laughed,

“Good.” Ashraielle stripped out of her clothes and slid into the water, her skin glowing slightly in the light of the moon. Alaethis looked away until he heard her gasp. “It’s really hot!”

“I told you.”

“Come in with me,” she purred. Alaethis looked at her in shock. She gestured with crooked fingers, glistening and wet in the light of the moon. Alaethis stripped and joined her hesitantly.

“Who said no to you?” Alaethis asked. She swam towards him gently and smiled.

“Just a man who had his head too far up his ass to see what he could have had.” Her arms glided around his shoulders and he could feel her body pressing against his. “It’s foolish to ask you to forget about her, but I’ve been lonely…” Her lips were mere breathes from his.

“My lady?”

“Ashraielle,” she corrected in a whisper.

“Ashraielle,” he repeated before their lips met and they distracted themselves from their broken hearts.

She was combing her hair as the sun peaked through the curtains. He watched her, the covers of her bed around his waist. She was beautiful when she was dressed only in the cloak of her hair. She was beautiful any time. The attempts to distract each other from their broken hearts had become almost nightly. Ashraielle was all poise and paper during the day but in front of Alaethis, alone, she was a completely different person. Alaethis could believe that he could love this woman.

“You’re beautiful,” he said softly. She looked to him and smiled,

“Thank you. I’m going to be busy most of the day. The fae have finally decided to meet with me, and I need to give them all of my attention. Unconquered Sun keep me, though, I don’t want to.” She set down her brush and came to sit next to him on the bed.

“I’ve been thinking, Rai-chan,” he said, sliding his arms around her.

“Yes?” she asked. Alaethis’s lips came close to her ear and whispered softly in a way that made her giggle.

“Marry me, Ashraielle,” he whispered. She gasped and looked at him. Alaethis smiled. “Be my mate, Ashraielle.” Her gaze met his briefly before her lips spread in a wide smile.

“Yes!” she replied in a laugh. Alaethis grabbed her and pinned her down on the bed to kiss her. She giggled, and then became serious, “under a few conditions.” Alaethis smiled still, conditions were just a part of Ashraielle.

“What is it, Rai-chan?”

“We are completely honest towards one another. We never leave for more then a few days without telling the other.”

“Of course my love,” he kissed her all over her face.

“And one more,” she said, smoothing his hair. “You don’t speak to Ruby alone, and I don’t speak to the Hierophant alone.”

“Agreed,” Alaethis said. He kissed her again and Ashraielle was late to her meeting with the fae.

“So you’re marrying the pup?” Shining Star asked as she sat with Ashraielle in their weekly discussions of the situation of the North. Ashraielle looked up from the document she was reading.

“Alaethis and I are going to be mates, yes,” she replied calmly.

“Suns Setting and Nine Lives nearly choked on their beers when he told us last night. Ruby and I could hardly believe it.”

“Mmm, I hope they did not hurt themselves choking. I might have to feel bad.”

“Well that would be a change for you indeed. I think I should warn you, keeping a Lunar is difficult, and there is always the temptation to get back at them when they stray.”

“Revenge is for the weak, Shining Star, and certainly below the likes of us. Honor is most important of all things in this world. I should think that your Lunar mates would understand that better than anyone else.”

“Some of us are not idealists, Ashraielle.”

“And some of us are. Anyway, at least my pup will be properly house trained. Now clarify this for me, how would the defense grid work again?”

“Ah, Rai-chan,” the Hierophant greeted her as she stood in his presence. Beside her, Alaethis rose slowly, looking menacing while at the same time looking as if he was simply bored. Maenin paused at the sight of the snake Lunar.

“So the rumors are true, you did meet someone.”

“Yes, my lord. This is my husband, Alaethis of the No Moons. Aleathis, you of course, know Hierophant Maenin.” Alaethis bowed to Maenin deeply.

“Hikari has told me about you. She’ll be upset not to have met you, but she is away at the moment. Well, Ashraielle, shall we?” He gestured to his private office.

“Of course, coming my love?” Ashraielle looked at Alaethis. Maenin stopped and scowled slightly,

“Surely you do not need your mate beside you for everything.”

“Alaethis is a No Moon. It is his job to pass on the lore and law to his fellow Lunars. I think he has every right to be in this meeting. After all, we’re only talking,” Ashraielle met Maenin’s eyes, both looked at each other with daggers. Ashraielle knew perfectly well Maenin had not planned to talk to her at all, there were better things he wanted to do with his lips.

“Of course you’re correct,” he said stiffly. He gestured and Alaethis entered first.

“This course of action is not like you,” Maenin said to Ashraielle. She looked at him.

“What, no jumping on top of your desk? Those days are behind us, by your doing.”

“They don’t have to be,” he offered softly, touching her arm.

“Perhaps you should have thought about that before you broke my heart.” Ashraielle entered his office and sat down.