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Altend, City of

A mythical city, with no proof of any actual existence. Most evidence points it toward lying somewhere in the vicinity of the area now known as Calan’s Loss, if it does indeed exist beyond the fancy of a few rogue scholars and bards. Occasionally referenced in writings such as the following:

From the personal writings of The White Hand

The city of Altend was dark and dreary, smelling of death. I was traveling from Chiarscuro incognito. Something had definitely overcome the city; the very people seemed downtrodden by the air. My keen nose picked up something malignant coming from the temple.

I approached with caution, moving in a way that none could see me. As I peered in through the skylight, I could see the statue to the Unconquered Son had been desecrated by the Mark of Defilement. Then I saw something most disturbing: the Zenith of the area began sacrificing to this darkened altar a blood sacrifice of the most unholy sort. I burst down through the window, striking the Zenith on the temple with my Lightning Chain before he even looked up. He roared with a rage unnatural to even Exalts, and a swift battle broke out. Without much problem I slew him. I sent off a quick Infallible Messenger to my Circle's Zenith, so he could arrive and reconsecrate the statue.

The pure, maiden Air Aspect I saved took me away to thank me in private, and I sighed in relief as I realized the air lightened.

See Also:
