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~ [[Shataina]]
~ [[Shataina]]
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Revision as of 07:01, 19 February 2005

Seven Hymns Princess

Excerpt from a rare written narrative by Shataina, Singer of Sagas, Lady of Legends

... "I've never understood," whispered Seven Hymns Princess, "never understood why I couldn't have Exalted sooner. They say that the Sun Exalts us when we need it the most -- so why did I spend all those years in the brothel? Why couldn't I have come into my birthright when I was kidnapped off the street, or dragged to the pits and sold? Why --" her voice raised itself to a plaintive, ragged cry -- "why did the Unconquered Sun force me to live through that before he raised me up?"

Even while weeping, Seven Hymns Princess retained a dignity that was impossible to ignore. Queen Sep stared across into those celebrated, tear-filled golden eyes -- exactly like her own -- and wondered what to do. She had never felt so utterly at a loss. The Fair Ones never wept like this -- never, at least, around each other; they never wanted comfort. She felt like a fool.

"I feel like a fool," said Seven Hymns Princess, and turned away. Crossing to one of the exquisite gold end-tables that dotted Sep's room, she lifted a goblet of purest liquid smoke and drained it in a single draught. "It must," she said thoughtfully, staring into her glass, "have been almost two hundred years since I last cried."

I have never felt anything like this before, Sep thought. Not in thousands of years. And certainly not -- oh, especially not -- for a ... fixed thing. She had to suppress her horror at the thought ... this creature, who looked and sounded like -- even seemed to understand her -- this creature was a fixed thing.

It occurred to her briefly to wonder if Seven Hymns Princess might be the result of Dreaming Steel's machinations. It would be like my uncle to do this ... but she quickly dismissed the idea. The Iridescent Decade only stretches so far, she thought. And why would he want me to come to Creation?

"Did you get your revenge?" she asked. It was the only thing she could think of.

"Oh, yes," said Seven Hymns Princess, and sighed. "I found the man who enslaved me and I killed him, and fed his body and soul to the Flagrant Malevolence. Still." Silent for a long moment, she picked up a second goblet and swirled the smoke-wine absently. "I feel that my Lord -- the Sun -- I feel that He betrayed me far more than that man. But, as the Zenith Caste is so very fond of reminding us, he is the Lord my god, who has Exalted me and brought me immortality." Her mouth quirked bitterly. "So I mustn't ask where He was all my life. I must simply thank Him for showing up eventually. ... And fear to speak these words save in a chamber in the depths of the Wyld, where His light cannot shine."

"Why," asked Sep, measuring each word, "do you serve Him?"

Seven Hymns Princess's eyes widened. "Well -- it's what Solars do. Serve the Sun. He made us. What am I supposed to do? Spit on Him and walk away?"

Sep considered. "You're the foremost expert on the Wyld," she said.

"Yes. I wrote the Codex. I was selected for this diplomatic mission because of my expertise .... What are you getting at? You know these things already."

Standing, Sep walked slowly across her chamber, carpeted in the thousand colours beyond sight, and parted the curtain to look out across the lake of flame which guarded her Court. "Ever since the incident with the Weird Sisters," she said quietly, "my status has been declining. I know that I will soon be stripped of my sovereignty and cast out."

Seven Hymns Princess came to her feet, her hand to her mouth. "But Creation --"

"-- is death to me. Yes." Sep nodded slowly. "I must flee back into Chaos and become unfixed once more, or find a source of Essence strong enough to support me."

The silence stretched. The two exquisite women stood across from each other in the soft-lit, smoky room, identical down to the expressions that flashed across their faces.

"You're thinking of the Brazen Lands, in the southeast," said Seven Hymns Princess -- a statement, not a question. "The place guarded by On-Wings-of-Brass-and-Truth. The Manse made by She Who Lives in Her Name, a legendary place in the centre of a concentrated and contained Wyld zone, which may only be operated by two Essence-wielders working in perfect trust. You're thinking that I should leave my Circle -- leave the Realm -- and go and take the Manse with you, and conquer the Brazen Lands."

Sep smiled.

"I have known my Circle and served my god for two hundred years," Seven Hymns Princess said, "and I have only just met you tonight."

"And you had only to look at me to know that our fates are one," answered Sep.


~ Shataina