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Lost Years

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The Lost Years is the formal name of nearly a century of constant strife that plagued the area of Creation that was once known as the Bitter Flower Empire, following the use of weapons that were never meant to be used in an attempt to drive a Fae invasion back to the Wyld where it belonged.

Though a host of weapons contributed to ruining the land and its surroundings, the most potent of these was the Standard of Righteous Being. While it was effective against the Fair Folk, the collateral effects of its use had not been anticipated. After the weapon had been used, the land was, indeed, finally free of Fae, but strange effects remained and defined life for all those who lived during the Lost Years.

The most obvious effect the weapon had on the land was to take much of the nourishing characteristics out of water. Though rainfall in this area was abnormally high by the standards of the rest of Creation, farmers had to work their land twice as hard to get any crops to grow at all. As a result, not only did many die in the days that followed due to unexpected dehydration, but, for years afterwards, famine plagued the land.

This was, however, as I have stated above, only the most obvious effect. Far more subtle was the toll that it exacted on the minds of those born within the area that had been affected. Just as it reduced the nourishing effect of water, it also reduced the nourishing effect of memories. People who lived in these lands could no longer remember the most potent events in their lives -- the more emotional an event was, the less likely those who experienced it were to remember it. As a result, almost all records from this time period are of the most mundane variety. If any great wars or celebrations happened during these lost years, they went unrecorded. This is the origin of the name The Lost Years.

The Lost Years finally came to an end when a Shogun decided to flood the land with memories in an effort to claim the land for proper use. In a twenty year long project he commissioned no fewer than a thousand great libraries to be built throughout the region, celebrating each of these with a great and wonderous festival. When the thousandth library had been built, the spell on the land was finally broken, and the Scholarly Shogunate was born.

See Also:

-- SandJack

No signature?\\ ~ Shataina\\ PS: This is a really great entry.

Thanks. And I Havn't come up with a decent Pen Name yet. --SandJack

You should also sign your actual wikiname at the end, though.\\ ~ Shataina