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Lunar Defensive Charms by Quendalon

Parry Tree

Ever-Ready Mantis Block

 Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Dexterity: 4
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Ground-Denying Defense, Feline Guard Technique

The Lunar paws the air in a defensive crouch, perpetually ready to defend against all attacks. She adds her Dexterity to all of her parry attempts for the rest of the scene. She may also reflexively parry attacks with her Dexterity score. While this Charm is in operation, the Lunar may not move more than half of her normal movement allowance. If, at any point, the character makes a dodge attempt, this Charm ends immediately.

Dodge Tree

Darting Fish Defense

 Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Dexterity: 4
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Bending Before the Storm, Flowing Body Evasion

With preternatural speed, the Lunar moves to avoid attacks almost before they are launched. She adds her Wits to all of her dodge attempts for the rest of the scene. She may also reflexively dodge attacks with her Wits score. If, at any point, the character makes a parry attempt, this Charm ends immediately.

Dwindling Body Escape

 Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Wits: 4
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Flowing Body Evasion, Humble Mouse Shape

With a sudden transformation, the character diminishes in size as a blow descends, so that only empty air remains where the attack was aimed. The character automatically dodges any one attack that she is aware of, with the exception of area-affecting attacks and attacks that are specifically noted as being impossible to dodge. This is explicitly not a perfect defense.

Soak Tree

Flesh-Hardening Method

 Cost: None
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Stamina: Varies
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

Attuning herself to the Essence of earth, the Lunar transcends the limitations of mortal hide, fur and scale. Each time she purchases Flesh-Hardening Method, her maximum soak increases by three. For example, a Lunar with two levels of Flesh-Hardening Method may have a maximum soak of 18. Raising her soaks above 12 increases her hardness as normal. A character may purchase this Charm a number of times equal to her base Stamina in human form.
