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Teresu Sou Vana

Name: Vana
Aspect: Fire
Nature: Follower
Concept: Abused Lookshy Runaway
House: Teresu - Lookshy
Anima: A faint vibration to the air, which quickly becomes an audible hiss. Small sparks start appearing as her anima rises; red, yellow, and white. They become much more rapid at higher levels, until she is covered in a cascade of flashing light. Her totemic image is a great white phoenix, wings covered in markings much like her tattoo.

Merits: Prodigy: Melee (2), Hidden Manse (2)
Flaws: Nightmares (3), Enemy (2)

Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Archery 2, Athletics 4 (In Combat +1), Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Bureaucracy 1, Craft 1, Dodge 5, Endurance 1, Larceny 1, Linguistics 3, Lore 2, Medicine 1, Melee 5 (Reprisal +3), Performance 1, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Ride 1, Socialize 2, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Thrown 3

Allies 1, Artifact 4, Breeding 1, Connections (The District of Barracks) 1, Manse 2, Mentor 1, Reputation (Far Too Quiet) 1, Resources 2, Retainers 1

Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 2

Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4, Incapacitated
Essence: 3
Personal Essence: 10
Peripheral Essence: 15 (25)
Committed Essence: 10

Bellows-Pumping Stride
Effortlessly Rising Flame
Falling Star Maneuver
Flickering Candle Meditation
Safety Amongst Enemies
Wind-Carried Words Technique
Elemental Bolt Attack
Stoking Bonfire Style
Loquacious Courtier Technique
Distracting Breeze Meditation
Seeking Throw Technique

Equipment: Red jade reaper daiklave (Reprisal), red jade reinforced breastplate (Cardinal Virtue)

Base Initiative: 9
Soak: 11L, 11B, 10A (Cardinal Virtue)
Dodge: 13
Reprisal: Spd 21, Acc 17, Dmg 6L, Def 14, Rate 4
Punch: Spd 9, Acc 8, Dmg 2B, Def 9, Rate 5
Kick: Spd 6, Acc 8, Dmg 5B, Def 5, Rate 3

Current Banked XP: 10
Total Spent XP: 66
XP History: 76

Experience Usage: Awareness 2>3 (3), Stealth 2>3 (3), Thrown 2>3 (3), Charm: Safety Amongst Enemies (10), Essence 2>3 (20), Charm: Falling Star Maneuver (10), Dodge 4>5 (7), Charm: Bellows-Pumping Stride (10)

Character Description

Many of the officers in the Seventh Legion have remarked upon the fact that Vana’s father, Teresu Lir Zaran, has become surprisingly controlled in his passions for a Wood Aspect. He never uses any of his leave to visit the whores in nearby towns, nor does he bring other women to his home. In fact, he’s probably the most restrained officer in the Legion… at least outwardly.

The reason for this is simple: he sates himself on his daughter. A girl of low breeding, Zaran assumed she would never Exalt, and thus, would never be in a position to expose him. Sadly (for them both) he was wrong. Vana Exalted in her early teens, a fairly quiet yet driven Fire Aspect. She entered the ranks of the Legion as was expected of her, proving to be a capable swordswoman, but rather too meek to lead men efficiently. As it happened, this timidity kept her alive… as long as she held her tongue, her father wouldn’t have her killed.

Eventually, though, the passion that is intrinsic to all Fire Aspects began to come to the fore. She grew closer to her unit, becoming more capable and confident, better able to hold her own. Of course her father noted his, and rather than risk her telling someone of his habits, he sent an assassin after her, a man from his unit. This man was rather noted for his sadistic tendencies, having been reprimanded for them several times in the past, and as such was well-suited to the job. He took his time about it, using Vana in ways even her father had never done, until she was barely able to move. Yet not too sorely wounded to slit his throat as he lay atop her.

Knowing that killing another member of the Legion was a death sentence, especially with her father wielding as much power as he did, she simply gathered her gear as best she was able, and fled for the Realm.

Vana is a small girl, face framed by short brown hair that never seems to hang straight down. Her eyes are the same brown, though fiery sparks dance within them when she angers (which is rarely), and her skin is a fair white, slightly lighter than the Lookshy norm. She has a small tattoo under her left eye, nothing more than a line across, then another down the side of her face. This was the result of a typical Dragon-Blooded party weekend, though not one she willingly went on.

Her usual garb was a loose orange tunic and matching pants, but since her flight to the Realm she has discovered the Lookshy emphasis on practical clothing is not just for show. She now typically wears the undersuit for her armor, a black, rubbery, form-fitting outfit with an orange torso covering, which buttons up the front and has various connection points to link with her breastplate. She wears little jewellery, perhaps a bracelet or two on occasion, and her footwear is rarely more than a pair of comfortable boots.

She may be a youthful 17, but Vana is a long-acknowledged master of the blade, and it shows in her slim and well-built body. She spends many a day practicing her fighting skills, honing her form into a lethal fighting machine, and as such her grace and skill is evident with every movement.

Pic 1 Pic 2

Expanded Backgrounds

  • Allies

(Teresu Viers, to be done)

  • Artifact

Both Reprisal and Cardinal Virtue are ancient artifacts of the Teresu line, passed down to the most powerful swordsman of each generation since the time before the Contagion. They are rumored to have passed through the hands of Teresu Mitaki himself, though due to their red jade construction this is unlikely. When Vana joined the Legion, it was quickly apparent that her talent with the sword was far beyond any of her compatriots… despite her father’s assertions that she was not worthy of such a gift, she was presented with them as soon as she finished her training. Though it angered her father, she did not dare refuse, and carries them to this day. Abilities: Cardinal Virtue adds 1L to the anima damage of any Fire Aspect wearing it. Reprisal removes the need to subtract an attack success for causing bashing damage.

  • Breeding

Due to her father's indiscretion, Vana was born to a mortal woman, diluting an otherwise fine bloodline. The woman herself was never named, and it is entirely possible that she never will be, if Zaran's past methods of solving problems are any example. In any case, Vana's weak blood is the main cause of her father's hate for her, as it is a stain on his reputation that he cannot remove (killing a newborn child of a major Gens is far more difficult than removing an unnamed mortal woman), and thus he made his daughter suffer for it. Naturally, her Exaltation was an unpleasant surprise for both of them, coming as it did a bare month before she joined the Legion proper (and could suffer an 'accidental' death in training), but they have made of it what they can. Meaning, of course, that Zaran's threatening of her has become both more subtle and more intense, and that Vana's fear of him has increased tenfold.

  • Connections (The District of Barracks)

Losing herself in the life of a simple soldier was Vana's escape, keeping her away from her father and focused on a basic routine. She has picked up a few friends here and there among the regular staff; no-one particularly important, but friends are friends no matter their rank.

  • Manse

The Tower of Hanged Vines

  • Mentor

The Teresu swordmaster, Malthuesa, took Vana under his wing not long after her Exaltation, noting with a practiced eye her natural talent for martial combat. He tutored her well, holding many long early sessions to keep her fit as well as sane, and shaped her into the fighter she is today.

  • Reputation

Just as many have remarked upon her father's self-control and discipline, so have many talked about his daughter, and her quiet and fearful nature. Doubly strange is this, as both are powerful individuals, Zaran with his grasp of politics, tactics and command and Vana with her transcendant mastery of the blade. Yet Zaran is proud of his skill, whilst Vana tries does her very best to fade into the background. Sadly, this has had the adverse effect of bringing her to people's notice, though they often quickly tire when they realize she is actually as timid as the stories say.

  • Resources

Vana's few short years of service were enough to earn her a small wage, which she has mostly saved on account of not really having anything to spend it on (logically). In the Realm, she has only what she can carry, but should she return to Lookshy she will have access to all her former savings, assuming the Legion heads haven't confiscated it.

  • Retainers

Thought she never did, if she requested it Vana could have access to a couple of personal assistants out in the field; an advantage of being born to the Teresu Gens. As with her money, this is unavailable given her current circumstances.