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Magic rocks. So, here's my little store of it. And I mean little. I'm not exactly the most skillful when it comes to mechanics, so any help would be appreciated.

Terrestrial Circle

Razor Breeze (15 motes + 2 motes per target)

A somewhat lesser-known spell in the Second Age, it is well-valued by those military companies lucky to have a sorceror. (more to be done...)

Celestial Circle

Solar Circle

Candle in the Darkness (60 motes/30 motes committed)

This spell has not been created. No research has been performed on it. It exists only as the barest glimmer of hope in the minds of the most optimistic of the deathknights. It is the cure to the Abyssal taint.

There are two versions of this spell. The first is the one that will likely be the most common, that of the ritual that cleanses Abyssal taint, with an accompanying Zenith prayer and the blessing of the Unconquered Sun. This costs 60 motes, and is a relatively short term spell, as it is unspecific in its cleansing power.

The second version of the spell is much more precise, but the constraints it places on both the spellcaster and the intended target are extreme, and carry severe risk. First, the target must be cleansed in a similar fashion to that of Soul Seal, as they must remove all taint other than that to be targeted by the spell, and locate themselves to a room that is similarly prepared, though this is mostly for their own protection. Then, the ritual may be started: the sorcerer spends 60 motes, as above, but 30 of them must stay committed throughout the spell’s duration. After this, the spell will be free to run its course, and the sorcerer may do whatever they wish, save that each month they must return to the Abyssal and allow the spell to renew the ties between them.

The searing power of the spell will proceed to work their way through the deathknight’s mind, methodically cleaning away each portion of darkness it encounters. Each week the spell is in effect, the recipient loses 1 dot in an Ability, to a minimum of zero. This will generally start with the Abilities rated lowest, then work its way into the more powerful parts of the deathknight’s soul. For instance, if the Deathknight has 10 skills rated at 3, it would take 30 weeks to cleanse them.

When the soul is cleansed, the spell may work on the body. For each fortnight after this that the spell is in effect, the Abyssal loses one dot in an Attribute, to a minimum of zero. This works as above, starting with the weakest statistics and working it’s way to the strongest. Finally, once the body and mind are clean, the spell may work on the Abyssal’s soul. For each month after these two sections of the spell, the Abyssal loses one dot of Essence.

This is a highly unpleasant experience, as the deathknight feels their entire being scoured away. For every month this spell runs, they must make a Willpower+Temperance roll at a difficulty of (months spent under the spells effects). On a failure, the deathknight gains a derangement. This difficulty does not lower once a failure has occurred; it only increases.

The sorcerer acts as the vessel for this cleansed spirit, holding them in his own soul as the spell runs its course. Whilst he does not have access to the Abyssal’s skills and thoughts, he may occasionally experience strange flashes of memory not their own, or find themselves doing things in an unfamiliar fashion. There is no danger of spillover, but the episodes are quite unsettling, and tends to create an extremely strong bond between sorcerer and target.

Once the effects are done, the prayer to the Unconquered Sun may take place as normal, and has no better chance of success than usual. If his blessing is granted, the sorcerer may transfer back the (no-longer) deathknight’s spirit. They return to their own self, albeit as a Solar Exalted and likely a rather deranged one, with all skills and abilities possessed before the spell began. Charms will be converted to their appropriate counterparts, but as stated the user forever loses all access to necromancy. Whilst Abilities and Attributes will not harm the new Solar upon transferal, as it is simply a returning of the user’s self, the searing touch of Solar essence is extremely painful: for each dot of Essence they possess, they take one die of aggravated damage.

As a side note, the sorcerer casting the spell has full power over what portions of the spirit are returned; if they wish to leave the new Solar with a single dot in each attribute, that is their choice. Anything not transferred when the sorceror releases his committed motes is lost.


Don't slam me too hard for this one, please. I know it's badly written, I know it breaks canon, and I know I may seem like a twink. But I'm a nice guy, really.

Ok... basically, canon is all well and good with its reasoning behind the redemption power drop. Doesn't stop it from sucking, however. Who wants to play an Essence 3 weakling after that huge story arc? Especially when all your mates are Essence 6. So, here's the solution. Please, feel free (in fact, feel obliged) to propose changes to this, or even suggest outright deletion. The main one I'm pondering is that, barring outside influence, it keeps the target alive for the duration. Also, that it cures the derangements gained when the actual conversion happens.
