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(*a small story by my player, re: binding an elemental)
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Latest revision as of 02:20, 20 July 2004

The Binding of Shadi Ibn Zalla

Although the binding of Demons from the various circles is an option that many Sidereals choose, Rook abhors the very concept of drawing the Yozi’s back into creation for whatever purpose. ‘The path of good intentions…’ blah blah blah whatever the rest of the saying is. Regardless, Rook has always believed it to be inanely stupid to summon and bind Demons.

The binding elementals who are about their duties is traditionally frowned upon by the celestial hierarchy, yet many of the exalted perform these bindings routinely. As a Sidereal, Rook has decided to avoid potential audits and the overall distaste, which accrues to servants of heaven engaging in such rituals.

There is however something of a loophole in the viability of elementals and their relative disposition to the servitude of their courts. There are a number of elementals of all forms that are among the ‘disenfranchised’ spirit folk of Yu-Shan and creation. These are elementals no longer considered ‘useful’ to the political hierarchy of the Celestial Bureaucracy. They may have achieved this status as the result of a severely failed audit, they may have rebelled against the current order at one time or another, they may be the victims of political battles and intrigues, they may have become criminals engaging in less than scrupulous practices such as forcing mortal worship, or they may have simply lost the original object of their duties and been unsuited for another opening.

Shortly after the encounter with the Anathema, Rook decided it would be wholly appropriate for him to have an Ombudsman, a shield-bearer or if one disdained tact, a bodyguard. Thus did he seek out one of these ‘disenfranchised’ elementals, for the purpose of both aiding himself, and possibly to bring a spirit who’s purpose has been lost back into the service of Heaven, of Fate, and of Creation itself.

Naturally, the search for such a companion required time and effort, combing through the vast records of the Celestial Hierarchy and the Bureau of Heaven to find a likely candidate. For Rook did not want just any elemental who would serve after being beaten in a duel of wills and shredded by the power of sorcery at Rooks command. No, Rook was familiar Cselenite Bargains, and the ways in which an Elemental and a Sorcerer might choose to work together for mutual rewards. It was this type of arrangement he would require. In addition, he needed an elemental of sufficient might and combat ability to be of use in a battle in which Rook might find himself outmatched. (For this was precisely the fear, which was leading Rook to summon the elemental in the first place.) Yet the class of elemental from which he was forced to pick was notoriously full of losers, cheats, misfits and thugs. Rook needed to find a diamond in the rough. An elemental that had the capacity for nobility, but for one reason or another was denied it.

Yet Rook had no contacts in the Bureau of Heaven, nor did he have the time required for extensive research. Even now he was being requested to keep his affairs in order such that should he be called away to a mission of special importance, a subordinate might manage his regular duties in his absence. Thus it was that Rook stood upon his manse in Yu-Shan, and with a quiet prayer to the pattern spider who governed the Astrological House of the Quiver, he called down one of the effects of that resplendent destiny, for in the instant after he invoked this effect, the Quiver shone just a little bit brighter in the sky, and a swift beam of starlight shone upon Rook’s face as he suddenly knew the answer to his query.

Thus it was that Rook learned of Shadi Ibn Zalla, an Ifrit who was currently serving The Court on Creation’s Fringe. Shadi had once been a great warrior of the Ifrit. When the Great Garda was shattered he had been one of the few fire elementals who had had the presence of mind and capacity to continue the battle against the Primordials. Thus it was that he had gained much respect and recognition in the first age. In fact he had been the adjunct ruler of a middling kingdom under Shin’balla Nostal, a powerful first age twighlight. And so too, did his ego blaze, feed by the praise and recognition of those who had not his power.

Shadi Ibn Zalla saw much in his time as regent of the Citadel of Hidden Blossoms, he watched as the solars he had so respected turned from the very saviors of creation into twisted madmen each to his own obsession. Yet Shadi remained loyal to his leaders, even arguing and fighting other elementals and spirits who spoke out against the solar deliberative and the atrocities that were being carried out against mortals and other parts of creation.

Thus it was when the usurpation came, Shadi attempted to defend his master. His physical form was destroyed and his spiritual form confined for the duration of the uprising, and when it was over, his political enemies and rivals stepped up to remove this arrogant elemental and put him in his place.

It was a cold day as Shadi stood before the higher elemental courts. He was not bound, for he had nowhere to run that he would not be hunted down like a dog, and this time his very soul obliterated. The lords of the various courts tore from him his very essence, and he was brought down in might to the standard powers of an Ifrit of his type. They took from him, Blazing Triumph, a Daiklaive forged from pure fire for him by Shin’balla Nostal, and Cinderfane, his breastplate forged from hundreds of fire opals. When he left the proceedings one of the other Ifrit handed him a brass blade.

In order to make the request formal, Rook sent forth a prayer to The Court at Creations Edge, requesting the services of one Shadi Ibn Zalla. (He will have set Methodology of Secrets to Performance: ‘Petitioning the Court’, and normal prayer roll, spending willpower and health level to make it a perfect success. The petition formally requests the services of the Ifrit, Shadi Ibn Zalla, for purposes of maintaining the weave of fate as ordained by the Bureaus of both Heaven and Destiny, for an indefinite time as determined by his summons and binding. Rook will attempt to make this appear like an opportunity for the Ifrit to better himself without making it sound like a very important duty. Also he will intimate if he can that this will remove the Ifrit from the Court’s hair.)

A few days later, (After healing and regaining willpower.) Rook had descended to Creation and at the Heptegram he donned a destiny, which allowed him access to the summoning chambers. He was alone in the Star Blossom Chamber for Summoning Elementals of Pretentious Import. Setting the great braziers in the five corners of the elements, he lit the scented and oil soaked wood chips. Then he took a small bag of powdered agate and laid it out in the great pattern of Destiny’s Calling. Then casting aside his resplendent destiny he drew forth his power. Like a blazing star in the night sky, he flared forth in scarlet hues. His eyes flared in a great starry swirl. And weaving his essence with the ancient tongue and magical sigils it wove into a small bird of blazing essence, which leapt out and sought to present the request to Shadi Ibn Zalla.

With a grand fiery blaze, Rook’s essence opened the gateway, and a mighty Ifrit stepped through. “Greetings Sorcerer, can I assume that it was you who sent the petition… and the gift to the elders of the court, for my services?”

Rook nodded. “Indeed, I have need of a retainer, and my research has suggested you might be a fitting match.”

“I think not! Do you even know who I am?” The Ifrit blazed in glory.

“Actually I do, Regent of the Tal’ Noir, Also known as the Citadel of the Hidden Blossoms, lost to the Wyld shortly after the outbreak of the Great Contagion. Discredited and cast down. I believe your current title is Curator of the Third Eternal Flame Burning in the Depths Unseen and Beyond Knowing? Is that close? I am aware of the Cselenite Bargains and would seek to make one with you.”

The Ifrit began to flare up. “You seek to make me your slave?! I care not about the maiden’s choice of you, I will not be the slave of a mortal.” With that, the Ifrit began to rage against the holding diagram inscribed on the chamber floor.

“Ah, I see we are going to have to do this the hard way. So be it, remember when this is over, that you chose the trial of wills.” And with that Rook’s anima flared mightily about him. It was fortunate that the chamber had no windows and the only door was sealed. For the great scarlet hues would be unmistakable as the power of an anathema.

The battle of wills was mighty. The Ifrit blasted Rooks psyche with the heat of a thousand years of rage and pain at his demise. Using his pain and torment to tear at the sorcerer’s mind and force the exalt to release the elemental from this summons. Rook in turn accepted the rage and pushed back with compassion and understanding, steering well clear of pity. As his essence restrained the full brunt of the mighty will that the Ifrit, creating a barrier which absorbed much of the onslaught of emotion and will. Meanwhile his own mind sought the flaw he had researched in the psyche of the elemental. It was slow going as he must reserve enough of his will to fight off the constant beating his mind was taking from the Ifrit. Centuries of torment and rage at being unjustly censured gave the Ifrit plenty of fuel for his mental assault.

Yet Rook found the crack he was looking for. Reaching in he placed his own mind into the break and slowly pried it open to allow the “Warden” nature of the Ifrit’s nature to assert itself and aid in the completion of the binding.

In the end, Rook triumphed, and the energy flares between the two beings ceased. The Ifrit was beaten, and as Rook opened his eyes (He had not realized he had closed them, but the battle had been more intense than he had expected.) and saw the Ifrit was standing before him, significantly diminished from his original position.

“You have beaten me sorcerer, what is the task I must perform?” The Ifrit would not even look at Rook.

“No, Shadi Ibn Zalla, I will not force this mission upon you. I have need of an assistant, a partner, an Ombudsman, whom I can trust to guard my back. I will not have this be a service forced upon anyone who is not willing. I am willing to reward my Ombudsman, and they will act under the auspices of the sorcerous binding, but I will not lord over any member of the Celestial Hierarchy simply because I have access to powers that allow me to do so. The choice was yours to suffer the battle of wills, and I will certainly use all the means at my disposal to ensure victory, but I will not hold you to your defeat. I now release you from your summons.” With a gesture, the glowing pattern of crushed agate in the floor faded, though the wards of protection remained firm. The Ifrit nodded in appreciation for the caution.

“You may simply state that your task is complete, and you may return to the bowels of the earth, where I believe you watch over an ever-burning flame, or you may remain with me for One Lunar month, per the terms of the sorcery as my defender, and I we may discuss your reward for service, and how we might work together to improve your station in the hierarchy. The choice is yours.”

Shadi ibn Zalla glowered at Rook from beneath his thick, fiery brows as he considered the Chosen's offer. At length, he nodded slowly. "I will stay with you," he said gravely. "I do not entirely trust you, Chosen of Mars, but in truth, I grow weary of tending the Third Eternal Flame Burning in the Depths Unseen and Beyond Knowing. If I find your company or your commands untenable, then I will return to the Court at Creation's Edge." He bowed his head and crossed his hand over his heart. "I swear I will serve you for one month's time, by the Great Garda, by the Dragons and by the Celestial Gods."