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The Sharp Manor

This Manse is located not far from the city of Onyx, one of the first the Bohdisattva acquired. A thin triangular tower of black diamond, stained with red, it allows a view of the entire area, standing on one of the highest hills in the region. Only half of the tower is visible, though, the other half buried underground. On the hillside, there are many long shafts of scorched glass, speared deep into the earth at an angle, piercing the lower segment of the tower before emerging again from the other side. These shafts are hollow, drawing in air from outside and driving it into the tower’s depths with surprising force, blowing about the lower levels like a hurricane. Any air remaining in the shafts departs with a whistling noise, different for each one, which chills the souls of those nearby (-1 Valor when within hearing range). The two halves of the tower are fairly similar, apart from the spears in the lower half, and the holes in the upper, used for the same purpose as the spears. There are few rooms, except for the two hearthstone chambers, and long black hallways weave in and out of each other continually. Both chambers are the same, with spikes of diamond pointing towards the center of the hexagonal rooms, where the stone rests on a crystal podium.

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