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(*IMeet Skull Daughter, No-Moon demonologist.)
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Latest revision as of 06:09, 8 February 2005


Rash o-no Trevalk took a deep breath as he swung the copper brazier to and fro over the ritual circle at his feet. The scent of jasmine, hot metal, and baby fat filled his nose and he allowed himself a tiny smile. He was sure that this island would be ripe for recruitment.

Trevalk had come into the Yozis’ service only a decade prior; in that time he had committed atrocities that were still whispered about through the scattered, Southwestern islands. He had left a trail of demon worshippers and murder cults behind him, always working to further his own, selfish aims. And those of his masters, of course.

Slowly, he turned to the young woman bound by ropes of catgut, as she lay off to one side, quivering slightly. He walked toward her, his steps ringing in the carefully prepared laboratory. The sound of waves crashing outside broke Trevalk out of his murderous reverie and he raised the athame dagger high above his head.

The dagger never descended. It was ripped backward, dragging with it the rest of the demon-worshipper’s arm in a bloody gout. Rash o-no Trevalk was vaguely surprised for a few moments when he felt wet, dark tentacles wrap lovingly around his skull, crushing it.

“I do not,” rasped a voice from behind, bubbling slightly through the fluid in Trevalk’s ears, “take kindly to amateurs intruding upon my island.”

Skull Daughter dropped the corpse behind her, then made her way to the ritual circle.

“But it would be criminal to let such careful preparation go to waste…”

She knelt to retrieve the fallen dagger, a smile upon her face.

Skull Daughter, No-Moon Demonologist

Symbology : Darkness, Secrets, Things Man Was Not Meant To Know
Not to be Lovecraftian or anything, but I've always thought that octopi were secretly keepers of black magic. I mean, they skulk around on the ocean floor with their tentacles and their big, advanced eyes, brooding. They live in skulls too. Thus Skull Daughter was born.

She's a tough customer, presumably travelling around with a retinue of Erymanthoi or Tomescu, most often in her war form. Her big, tentacly, bulbous, rubbery, scary war form. She's almost worse than the demons. Don't get me wrong though; she's not evil. She's just ruthless. Also, she happens to desire knowledge of the sort that must normally be wrested from the entrails of insane sorceror-gods or horrors from outside the world. So she's just your average power-hungry demonologist. Only she can turn into an octopus and follows a barbarian code of honor.

Charms :
Finding the Spirit’s Shape: Octopus
Deadly Beastman Transformation x3
Ox-Body Technique
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
-Demon of the First Circle
-Emerald Countermagic
Spirit-Scenting Technique

Beastman Form: Strength +5, Dexterity +1, Stamina +4. Gifts: Aspect of the Gillman, Gift of Hands, Arm-Array, Rugged Hide

Tell : Hair made of writhing tentacles.