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King Hakon was weary. Many in the threshold would scoff and the great cheiftain's title, but not the many warriors that sat in his halls. He was proud of his luxurious fur cap, his fine iron crown, and his beautiful wife. Wisdom had given him many grey hairs in his beard, and battle had given him many scars across his face and body. He had much to be proud of.

But now he was weary. Around him, in his large hall that stank of cooked meat and sweaty men, there raged a debate. His finest advisors argued with rune-casters of the various tribes he had gathered together under his rule, who argued in turn with belligerent warriors. Each had their own worry. Some said the warriors were growing restless, and needed battle. Others claimed that the Realm was mounting an offensive this very moment, and defenses must be made.

But Hakon could hear none of it. He was old. He was tired. As he sat in his high throne before the feast table, his eyes spotted a raven, hopping amongst the food. It eyed him back, tilting its head to watch him for a moment. That moment seemed to tell the raven all it needed to know, and it hopped closer to the king.

"The Wyld is making it's incursion. A plague born of its insanity is already twisting the minds of good men. We must put them to the sword before they turn on us."

King Hakon jerked himself back into reality. He didn't know who had said that, but he would have none of it. Rising to his full, and still considerable stature, his presence demanded attention.

"No! I have heard this before, but still, I see no proof. No insidious murders, no wyld mutation. Nothing. I will not see innocent people butchered needlessy because of fear."

His deep voice demanded the silence of the hall, but when the last echo faded, a new voice rose, quiet and sure.

"But innocent people are already dead, good king, they just don't know it yet."

All turned to face the newcomer, standing near the kings throne where the raven had been. Black hair surrounded his face, and a black beard gave the slender man a sense of wisdom. He had only one eye, the other lost to a long scar, but that remaining eye was dark and intense, as though it could see through you. He was clothed in a simple, brown robe, and leaned upon a staff.

One hand, gripping the staff, stood out though: it was not a human hand, it was a raven's claw.

"The fair folk already move secretly among your people, spreading their dissension and taint. You must act, your majesty, now, before all is lost."

The king worked his jaw, slowly, hearing the being's words, his demands. Part of him, the part that was a king, rebelled against the arrogant way this being spoke. But the part of him that was mortal bowed his neck.

"I hear you, god of ravens. Tell me what I must do."

Mingunn One-Eyed

Symbolism : Creation, magic, illumination

The raven is frequently associated with powerful magic and omens. Its symbolism parallels that of the coyote and rabbit in Native American myths, and it is worshipped as a deity. The Haida and Tlingit peoples of western Canada and Alaska revered the raven as a hero and a helper of human beings, a role reflected by the bird's prominent position in the totems of the Northwest. The raven is believed to have placed the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, bringing light to the people both day and night.

Charms :
Finding the Spirit's Form: the Raven
Humble Mouse Shape
Tale Spinning Mastery
Lore-Speaking Method
Divining the Hidden Truth
Sense Sharpening Change
Ever Wary Fox Method
Unerring Earth Direction Sense
Beast Insticts Method

Raven form : Strength 1, Stamina 3. Reduced soak (-1L/-1B), can fly.

Tell : Raven's claw instead of hand

Obviously, this character was a homage (homage, NOT ripoff. REALLY!) to a Warcraft III character, and also inspired by the Norse myth of Odin's ravens.

This character displays the "fount of wisdom" concept well. Next to the Siderial, I haven't seen any Exalted with a better set of "prophecy" charms than the Lunar Charm "Divining the Hidden Truth." And so, I set about creating a "prophet" character, one who could take his considerable knowledge, and bring it to those who needed to know about it. This is why I chose his awareness charms (for navigation) and survival charms (for long trips).

I've barely tapped the raven for concepts. While the raven seems strongly no-moon, with magic of the heavens and helpfulness, he is also strongly associated with trickster totems, making a cunning changing moon quite possible. Further, the raven as a carrion animal allows for more gruesome concepts, such a full moon killer that feeds upon the corpses of the dead for strength.