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Latest revision as of 23:02, 16 June 2004


Staring across the Trial Arena Grounds, Himiko felt a coldness seep into his gut as he spied his opponent in the Gladiator ring.

Buros the Bear was not just huge, he was massive, easily eight feet tall, and wide enough to frighten a real bear, the hairy Northern Behemoth of a Gladiator wielded a Greatsword so large it could have once been used by a Warstrider. No real armour fit the over sized fighter, so piece meal armour had been crafted for his massive frame. With hair sticking out from the gaps in the armour, Buros looked like a comedic attempt at squeezing a real bear into armour for sport. But the notches on the blades haft spoke of a real deadliness and skill that no mock up could ever achieve.

"I feel like I have just gone through puberty backwards...rapidly" Himiko muttered to his friend Taber, "my nuts just went up into my body so fast they hit my heart on its way down like a hammer."

Taber just laughed, "he's big, but not overly intelligent, watch for the lunges though, he's right swift with those and I won't be able to patch up a huge gaping hole in your chest."

Scowling at his closest friend, Himiko grunted, "very reassuring. Answer me this. How many kills does he have to his name in the Arena?"

As he finished buckling on Himikos armour, Taber paused and thought, "umm, seventeen I believe."

"I have two. How the hells did I let you talk me into challenging that monstrosity?" Flexing to calm himself down, Himiko picked up his two short blades and sighed.

"You wanted fame and glory, money and adulation, well, killing the reigning Champion of the Arena is going to get you that....if you survive." Tabers voice was sugary sweet and his green eyes sparkled with mischeviousness.

Glowering at Taber, Himiko prepared to step out onto the Arena, "remind me why I like you?"

Pushing Himiko forth into the sunlight and out into the Arena, Taber grinned, "because, I keep your ego in check."

Shaking his head and laughing, Himiko pulled his cunningly crafted Fox Helm over his head and stepped out to meet Glory.

Himiko Bladesworn

Charms :
Finding the Spirits Form (Fox)
Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Ox Body Technique
Shaping the Ideal Form
Predator Grace Method
Sensing the Deadly Flow
Striking Mospid Method
Bowing Reed Technique
Tale-Spinning Mastery

Fox Form : Str: 1, Stam: 2, Teeth, Claws, Heightened Sense of Smell

Tell : Enlarged Fox Canines.

Glory, Adulation, Money, Women, Constant struggle to survive. These are Himikos drives. He loves civillization and thrives on the challenge of constant battles with strange and dangerous foe. Sometimes Dragon-Blooded Outcastes, Wyld Twisted Barbarians, Fae, Monsters and more. Himiko is the side of the Fox that thrives on challenges, dangerous, sneaky, swift and cagey. Charming and attractive, his face is well known in the city he makes home, and he is invited to all the best parties, given attention and adoration. Until he falls.