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A curse in the language of the Foreign dog whizzed by Tepet Ihalo as a bit of sling shot followed. She growled an order to the slaves rowing her river galleon, and the drummer increased tempo. She then barked at her troops, "You talon are all that stand between civilization and destruction!" An arrow whizzed by, striking the mast, and causing a slight shift in her company, she continued on, unblinking. "We have suffered losses in the North, I know, but you are loyal to me, and for that, I thank you. But now, a new threat dawns..." she raised her daiklave, Skips-enemies-as-a-stone, and it's burnished black surface glinted in the sun, "Over the river, an Anathema awaits, it has threatened the holiest order of things..." she glanced towards Peleps Deled, who gave a mocking twirl of his fingers in bow, definatly not happy to be here. Insolent little shit. If only she didn't need an immaculate.

"We must stop it. We will put down it's uprising, and ensure that it no longer threatens the Isle..." *BOOM* the crowsbeak slammed into the far shore, "I wish you all good luck, may the Dragons smile upon us!" As the first rows of the Talon met opening small missle fire, she and Deled blazed their Animas, his, a stark, cold wave crashing against rocks, hers the length of the Serpentine river, working it's way through the terrain, and both launched themselves overboard.

As they surfaced on the shores of the river, screaming filled their ears. Tepet Ihalo swung her Daiklave high, severing an onrushing wildwoman's arm, then, spinning her Daiklave around, and impaling a second escaped gladiator. The screams were not from the slaves.

The first three rows of legionarres scattered. He stood. Broad, grey, caked in river mud. A huge, mudcaked fist tore through the next row of legionarres, denting armor, and leaving legionarres bleeding and screaming, limbs pulverized and armor piercing their flesh.

Then, Peleps Deled leapt at it, dire-lance fueled by the power of the Water Dragon. It struck pure and true, deep through the demon's side...but, like water, the demon's already thick flesh thickened. In one swing, the Immaculate's skull was crushed, and TziTzik turned to the Tepet...

TzitTzik No-Property

Charms :
Find the Spirit's Shape: Rhino
Deadly Beastman Transformation (x3)
Towering Beastform
Body Weapon Technique
Ox-Body Technique (4 lvls of -1)

Beastman Form : Str +7, Dex + 1, Sta + 4, Horrifying Might, Resiliance of Nature, Wound-Knitting Power, Rugged Hide

I don't really have much of an explanation for TziTzik. He's an escaped gladiator who drank the heartsblood of a Rhino after his Exaltation. He's leading a slave rebellion in the heart of the realm, and carving out a tiny enclave near Lord's Crossing.