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Lunar Melee Charms

Serrate Moonsilver Razor Strike</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes per factor, 2 Willpower
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Manipulation: 4
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Deadly Moonsilver Affinity, Surprising Moonsilver Deformation

By forming a near-uncountable number of serrated edges upon the length of his blade, a Lunar may inflict truly dolorous blows upon even the most well-armored of opponents. After successfully hitting, a Lunar may spend four motes per damage factor of multiplication, up to the limit of his Manipulation Attribute, for the amount by which the Lunar’s damage after soak is multiplied. Thus, doubling the damage would cost 8 motes and 2 Willpower, while tripling it would increase the mote cost to 12, quadrupling it would bring the cost to 16, etc. This Charm may not be Comboed with other Charms that enhance the effectiveness of damage dice.

Uncanny Moonsilver Onslaught</b>
<b>Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Manipulation: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Surprising Moonsilver Deformation

Shifting and glinting like mad, the Lunar’s argent blade swerves around and through his target, striking a blow that generally cannot be avoided. If the Lunar scores even one success on the attack roll to hit, the strike lands with all of the successes on the roll adding to the damage of the strike, as if the defender had made no attempt to defend; this is a perfect effect.

Bladed Hurricane of Limbs Attack</b>
<b>Cost: 8 motes
Type: Extra Actions
Duration: Instant
Min. Dexterity: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Lightning Sword Technique

Utilizing a multitude of limbs flashing with weaponry, a Lunar may use this Charm to make an incredible number of attacks, so long as he bears an arsenal in his grasp. This charm provides a flat number of actions for every limb the Lunar possesses, used in the same manner as Lightning Sword Method. This charm’s use is typically isolated to beastman form, though a Charm that supplies extra limbs could also conceivably benefit. Example: Sho the Tempest, in his beastman form, has five pairs of arms and wields swords in all of them. Using this Charm, Sho could attack ten times, reflexively parry ten times, or make any number of attacks and parries adding up to ten, regardless of whom he might have parried or attacked.

Brute Power Blade Kata</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Strength: 5
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Ferocious biting Sword

Striking with the power of a berserk behemoth, the Lunar using this Charm cannot have his steel locked by any opponent short of a god of war, and even then, the outcome is in doubt for the deity in question. The attack enhanced by this Charm is too powerful to parry and too quick to dodge – neither form of defense is applicable. The trump-all Solar Heavenly Guardian Defense (and its Abyssal equivalent Incomparale Sentinel Stance) can still stop this Charm, as can perfect soak Charms.
