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Lord Dreeva

Name: Lord Dreeva
Concept: Megalomaniac Revenge Fueled Noble

Though a mere moral in house of Dragon-blooded Dreeva commands the sort of respect a Immaculate would wield. Despite being rather rotund and balding, his well trimmed goatee and piercing gaze can quickly whittle down the defences of a subordinate. His skills with weapons are poor and the only weapon he carries is a letter opener. Often surrounded by up to six Dragon-Bloods hand picked from his forces, his subtle word play can come to full effect (Loud mouthed captives are usually castrated before they can utter a single syllable of protest).

With the death of his only Dragon-Blooded son at the hands of the heroes, Dreeva has become more introverted and people whisper about his dealings with the Guild. One day Dreeva may control a large area of land but until that day he will continue to scheme his way to even greater power.