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One Hand Clapping

What is the sound of one hand clapping?


"Sorry! I'll fix it!"


"Ah, sorry!"



"Got it!"



In other notes, One Hand Clapping is probably the only character I've allowed myself to give a starting Attribute of higher than four. OHC has a Stamina of 5, to better invoke the image of a guy who can just fall down over and over and not seem hurt by it in the least.


One Hand Clapping is a tall and somewhat gawky teenaged boy with obvious Realm ancestry. He has dark, almond-shaped eyes and black hair that's growing out from a previously shaved scalp - he has a habit of running his hand over his newly-grown hair when he's idle. If he put his mind to it, he could probably be moderately attractive, but for the time being he's still stuck in that awkward stage between child and adult. However, despite his general clumsiness, he does carry himself like a monk - but only when he's not trying to. If he ever tries to act like an Immaculate, he usually ends up tripping over his robe and falling flat on his face in the mud.

He wears a travel-worn robe over loose-fitting and comfortable clothing - he removes the robe when it looks like he's going to be exerting himself (mostly if he's going to be climbing something or (more likely) falling down). He also tends to have a look of paranoia when in a place he's unsure of.


One Hand Clapping is sweet and generally lovable in a clumsy, awkward sort of way. He would make an excellent leader if he ever put his mind to it; however, he's got something of a self-esteem complex and never believes he's ever going to amount to anything, even if there's glaring evidence of the contrary. He's also not the brightest book in the library, but sheer determination keeps him from getting himself into too much trouble concerning that. Most people who meet him find that underneath the gawky teenager on the outside, One Hand Clapping is a humble but capable individual who might actually go places, if he didn't keep falling down all the time.


One Hand Clapping was born into one of the Realm's wealthy patrician families, but left it all behind the day he joined the Immaculate Order to become a monk. He was never expected to amount to anything, and the sighs of his family grew ever louder as news of his mediocre martial arts and less-than-stellar mental skills reached their ears. However, One Hand Clapping loved the monastary and worked as hard as he could to make his sifu proud.


Name: One Hand Clapping
Caste: Zenith
Nature: Follower
Concept: Clumsy but Sincere Monk

Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 1

Martial Arts 4 (When Cornered +2), Thrown 1, Endurance 2 (Staying Awake +1), Resistance 1, Survival 2, Lore 3, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Athletics 2, Awareness 3 (Discovering Ambushes +1), Dodge 4 (When Outnumbered +2), Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 2

Artifact 4, Resources 2, Mentor 2

Striking Cobra Technique, Serpentine Evasion, Snake Form, Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2, -2), Durability of Oak Meditation, Essence-Lending Method, Will-Bolstering Method, Sensory Acuity Prana, Surprise Anticipation Method, Body-Mending Meditation

Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 1
Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion
Limit Break:

Willpower 7

Essence 3
Personal: 16
Peripheral: 37


  • Redo Charms?
