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Caste: Night<br>
Caste: Night<br>
Concept: Master thief<br>
Concept: Master thief<br>
Anima:  Turns her into anonymous Wire-frame/Polygon mode, with a sort of purpley blacklight background radiation <br>
Anima:  Turns her into anonymous Wire-frame[[/Polygon]] mode, with a sort of purpley blacklight background radiation <br>
Line 83: Line 83:
Clinch (Speed 5 ; Accuracy 10 ; Damage 4B ; Rate 1) <br>
Clinch (Speed 5 ; Accuracy 10 ; Damage 4B ; Rate 1) <br>
Soak: (In chain shirt: 5B/5L/4A, Piercing 3B/3L/2A, Hardness 0) (In obsidian armour: 14B/9L/8A, Piercing 8B/5L/4A, Hardness 4B/4L) (Unarmoured 2B/1L/0A)<br>
Soak: (In chain shirt: 5B/5L/4A, Piercing 3B/3L/2A, Hardness 0) (In obsidian armour: 14B/9L/8A, Piercing 8B/5L/4A, Hardness 4B/4L) (Unarmoured 2B/1L/0A)<br>
Health: 0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap/Dying/Dying<br>
Health: 0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4[[/Incap/Dying/Dying]]<br>

Revision as of 09:03, 3 April 2010

Jian-Ni Kureko

Player: damion4242
Experience: 0 spent, 0 banked

Caste: Night
Concept: Master thief
Anima: Turns her into anonymous Wire-frame/Polygon mode, with a sort of purpley blacklight background radiation


||Str 4||Cha 2||Int 3|| ||Sta 2||App 3||Wit 3|| ||Dex 5||Man 2||Per 3||


Dodge 5 (Supernatural Attacks +2)
Stealth 5
Larceny 5
Awareness 3
Athletics 3

Martial Arts 5
Thrown 5 (Javelin +2)
Resistance 3
Presence 1
Integrity 3

Lore 1
Occult 1
Linguistics 2 – Flametongue, Riverspeak, Old Realm
Bureaucracy 2


Whirlwind-Armor-Donning Prana
Hauberk Lightening Gesture
Second Thrown Excellency
Joint Wounding Attack
Monkey Leap
Foe-Vaulting Method
First Larceny Excellency
Shadow Over Water
Seven Shadow Evasion
Striking Cobra Technique

Backgrounds Mentor 1 - Pen Yuan (He's a nice guy, but not really usefull you know )
Artifact 2: Orichalum Spear Throw of Exalted Prowess - Ray of Light
Artifact 2: Red Jade Bracers - Twin Dragons - A souvenier of Jian-Ni's exaltation, these
Artifact 5: Armor of the Unseen Assassin -Obsidian Armor (damaged artifact -2) Jian-Ni got bonked by this armor while learning to use her charms. She decommited a mote and nearly got clobbered. She realized it needed work, so she went searching. It appears to be a black, obsidian suit, covered with faint silver lines(similar to her anima). (+2 Str, +4 Dice to Stealth, Cloaking: 5m/hour, Difficulty 4 to notice while moving, Diff 8 while stationary (Even when spotted, attacks have -2 External penalty due to Blurred Form), +2 Dice to awareness, Essence Sight, Destiny Interdiction Field)
Manse 3: Stone of the Revolutionary Dog (raises Willpower regain by 1)
Resources 3

Merits and Flaws

Unbidden Oracle +1
Hunted +2 -(The Guild and the DB, only 2 as they don't know where she is)
Damaged Artifact +2

Other Traits

||Compassion 1(1)||Conviction 4(4)||Temperance 1(1)||Valour 3(3)||Willpower 7(7)|| Virtue Flaw: I Needed That (Conviction) ; Limit: 0

Gains limit when she tries to nick something, and fails.

Break: Tries for Big Score. Basically, impulsive precipitous action. Exact mode depends on the situation. Feel free to suggest stuff.

Less Break: Similar to Foolhardy Contempt, but more focused. Would act like the controlled version of Heart of Flint, if thwarted, from frustration.

||Essence 2||Personal 13||Peripheral 7(30||Committed 23||

Join Battle: 6
dDV = 10 (9 against supernatural attacks)
Javelin – real (Speed 3 ; Accuracy 16 ; Damage 11L ; Rate 2 ; Range 110 ; P)
Javelin – Essence (Speed 3 ; Accuracy 16 ; Damage 12L ; Rate 2 ; Range 160 ; P)
Punch (Speed 4 ; Accuracy 11 ; Damage 4B ; pDV 8 ; Rate 3)
Kick (Speed 4 ; Accuracy 10 ; Damage 7B ; pDV 6 ; Rate 2)
Clinch (Speed 5 ; Accuracy 10 ; Damage 4B ; Rate 1)
Soak: (In chain shirt: 5B/5L/4A, Piercing 3B/3L/2A, Hardness 0) (In obsidian armour: 14B/9L/8A, Piercing 8B/5L/4A, Hardness 4B/4L) (Unarmoured 2B/1L/0A)
Health: 0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap/Dying/Dying

pMDV = 2, dMDV = 6
Motivation: finding other Solars
Intimacies: Survival, Nicking stuff, Current Mission, Friends, Pen-Yaun


Perfect Target Shield
10 Fine Javelins
Exceptional Lock Picks
Fine Chain Shirt(4L/2B)


Jian-Ni grew up as street rat in the Firewander District of Nexus. She learned to aquire items to survive, she noticed that sometimes she would say things she did not mean to, which would occasonally interfere with jobs. While in Nexus she met Pen Yaun, a minor god.

One day she learned of the of a big score. A shipment of artifacts was being moved through, on it's way to the Realm. This was Jian-Ni's big chance. So, she took it. She snuck past the dragon blooded guard into the vault like room in the night and grabed a golden spear thrower, which was the only thing she could lift. As she was leaving, she was caught by the guard. She dodge the knife he threw at her, but yelled in. "This is the only way out. You'll have to get past me to leave." Unfortunatly, he was right, there was not other way out of the room. She waited. So did the dragon blooded. Half an hour passed before the Prince of Earth spoke. "I know you are there little one. I can see your heat. I an wait here all night." He was right, so she chucked a spear at him, hoping to wound him enough that he would leave. It took him in the shoulder. She waited long enough for him to drop his guard before doing it again. "I did not want to do this, as it will create much work in the morning. " Said the Dragon Blooded, as he burst into flame. Lighting several pieces of wood, he chucked them into the room. "The fire will not hurt our cargo, although it will need repacking. I advise you to leave soon. " She tried to extinguish the flames. That did not work. Thinking quickly, she climbed up onto the ceiling. Balancing on a thin stone arch, she hurled a flurry of spears down uppon the guard, dropping him. Quickly taking his bracers, she drag the body a little bit away and fled. Unfortunaly her haul was to "hot" to sell. She barely evaded capture several times.

It was Pen Yaun who finely told her what to do. "I think you should go to the South. There are others like you there, perhaps they can help. I can tell you five things that will happen to you, but I do not know how helpfull they will be, as I do not know when, or under what circumstances. In all of my visions, your anima is flaring, so I don't even know your age. I will tell you what they are anyway, however." Which he did. One led to her finding the armor, and one the manse. The other three have not yet occured.

Now, Jian-Ni travels to the south, seeking a new place in the world, and others like her. She is also seeking someone who can repair the armor, which is down 2 repair cycles.


Jian-Ni has wavy brown hair and green eyes. She normally wears a red long coat and red fedora. This serves to conceal her features and the coloring attracks attention away from her face. The right sleeve has a catch that allows her to use the spear thrower.

Personality: As Solar, Jian-Ni does't really need to steal stuff anymore to survive, so now she does it to mess with people. Especially people who deserve it. Goal wise, Jian-Ni is drifting, looking for a purpose to use her Exaltation for. (Petty thief is a fine occupation for a Nexus street rat, but doesn't seem to cut it for a Solar.) She's also a bit worried about being evil and all that, so she's trying to stop taking stuff.