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The Broken Blade Reforged In Shadow

Caste: Abyssal Moonshadow\\ Nature: Bravo\\ Concept: Cultured Duelist\\ XP: 9\\

The Broken Blade Reformed In Shadow was the sole heir of one of the more power Harbourhead houses, grown wealthy from the slave trade and in his youth he lacked for nothing, the finest foods, the best tutors...all were his. Not that he cared about any of it bar his lessons with the blade. As his skill grew, so did his pride, and this in many ways lead to his fall, refusing as he did to back down from any duel he was called too, and his desire to prove to his opponent and all who watched that he was the better swordsman, leaving those who opposed him humiliated. Until one of the Royal Guardswomen challenged him, and bested him, and when he refused to back down, left him near dead.

After the crowds had gone, he picked himself up and deciding he couldn't face his father as he was, wandered, all the while the wounds weakening him until he crossed the boundaries of one of the shadowlands that dot the South. There he sat, as the blood drained from him, and the life faded, the Eye came to him and offered the Black Exaltation and the chance to become greater than those about him. He accepted, and after a short time of training, returned to his family home in the hills above Kirighast, arranging an ...accident for his dear father, leaving him the sole owner of the manor in the hills, the better to serve his new master's will, as well as whatever passing fad takes his fancy.

The Broken Blade Reforged In Shadow is a tall man in his early twenties, possessed of the milk chocolate skin of the South East, his long tawny hair worn in a top knot or allowed to flow free over his shoulders as it takes his fancy. His face, as befits his good breeding is pleasing to look at, deep dark eyes, cheek bones suggesting command without overwhelming and full lips, often bearing a faintly pleased smile. He dresses, always, in fine silks, though the colour of them varies with his mood, though black and white comprise much of his wardrobe. Whatever he might wear undeath he is rarely without a long black cape to cover it, and the elegantly crafted Soulsteel Reaper Daiklaive at his side. Adorning his fingers there are usually several rings, though he is never without the signet ring of his house.

Broken Blade's anima is a sleek black-furred wolf, with dripping red jaws and black pools of void for eyes.


Strength: 3, Charisma: 4, Perception: 2
Dexterity: 4, Manipulation: 3, Intelligence: 2
Stamina: 2, Appearance: 4, Wits: 3


  • Dusk
    • Brawl 2
    • Melee 4
    • Thrown 2
  • Midnight
    • Endurance 1
    • Performance 2
    • Presence 3
    • Resistance 1
  • Daybreak
    • Craft 1
    • Lore 1
  • Day
    • Athletics 4
    • Awareness 2
    • Dodge 3
    • Stealth 2
  • Moonshadow
    • Bureaucracy 3
    • Linguistics 2
    • Socialize 3


Essence: 2\\ Willpower: 7/7

Compassion: 3, Conviction: 1, Temperance: 2, Valor 4.


Essence pool:\\ 13/13 Personal | 26/31 Peripheral | Committed 5

Health Levels:\\ -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap



  • Melee
    • Furious Blade
      • 1/d Supp, adds dice up to dex+melee to melee attacks.
    • Slashing Ghost Talon
      • 1 Supp, gain 1m per HL inflicted + soulsteel motes (if any).
    • Crimson Banquet Method
      • 5+wp Scene, as Slashing Ghost, but drain only Ess+Lore motes max per turn.
    • Blade-Summoning Gesture
      • 1 Simple, calls blade to you.
    • Elegant Flowing Deflection
      • 1/2d Ref, buys parry.
  • Performance
    • Morbid Fascination Style
      • 5 Scene, all mortals have to pay attention and not heckle.
  • Presence
    • Elegant Tyrants Majesty
      • 6 Hour, adds Ess dice to 1-on-1 interaction, or to Intimidation.
  • Athletics
    • Enhanced Dexterity Discipline
      • 5/dot Scene, adds to Dex.
  • Awareness
    • Fivefold Sensory Exercise
      • 5 Scene, adds Ess to Awareness rolls.
  • Bureaucracy
    • Authority Eroding Technique
      • 1/d Ref, sucks dice from Bureaucracy rolls, to no lower than targets Ess in dice.
    • Arguement-Slaying Remark
      • 3 Ref, ends arguement with best possible resolution, instantly
  • Socialise
    • Exquisite Ettiquitte Style
      • 3 Scene, act in proper and precise way for those about you's culture.
    • Impreciation of Ill Manners
      • 1/d turn, sucks dice from Socialise pools.
    • Loyalty Withering Technique
      • 3 Ess Hours, Roll Man+Soc. if suceed target becomes distrustful/hostile toward target. if succeed well, duration is days.


Artifact		*	A potent Reaper Daiklave, "the Twice-Forged Blade" (level 3), which you now wield in battle.
Contacts		**	You know a number warriors and duellists, former rivals and once-friends.  You also know
				a few other young nobles, mostly attractive young women.
Followers		**	A number of servants and servitors at your manor, who are also available for other tasks.
Influence		**	You are noble, of Birth, and have made sure to maintain your standing in society.
Liege			**	The Deathlord takes only infrequent interest in your doings, leaving you largely
				to your own devices.  You still receive a moderate amount of support from him, however.
Manse			*	A small Manse, in the upper reaches of the Mountains, that has been corrupted to the Abyss.
Resources		****	Much of your wealth was had even in your living days, for you were the sole living heir of a
				powerful noble family and thus inherited a small fortune.  With the backing of the Deathlord,
				you've become even more wealthy!
Underworld Manse	***	In the Shadowlands and Underworld, your power is quite impressive, for you bear a number
				of potent Hearthstones!

Expanded Backgrounds

"the Twice-Forged Blade"; level 3 soulsteel reaper daiklave\\ Speed +7, Accuracy +4, Damage +4L, Defense +3, Speed +7\\ Commitment 5; Minimum Dexterity 3, Minimum Strength 2\\

Quick Combat Stats

Reaper Daiklave		7L (+4L)	+5 (13)	+3 (11)		5	+7 (14)
Excp. Knife		5L (+2L)	+1 (9)	-1 (7)		4	+9 (7)