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Amber Flower's Previous Incarnation - Blossoming Zephyr - Sometime in the early First Age

Ahead of her the Citadel stood at the head of the valley, golden crenelations gleaming in the sun. Atop all the bastions great white banners of the finest silk were held aloft by the breeze, threads of gold and sunlight tracing out the symbols of the dawn and her own sigil, her mate's sigil picked out in fine silver below. She rode on a pure white horse, a dawn light mane flowing in the wind, the horse conjured from her own essence, her own desires. She was clad head to toe in armour of perfect Orichalcum, patterns in white jade decorating it, showing her victories, palest blue jade depicting the zephyr of her name. Behind her rode two-score of her most trusted bodyguard, all bearing her banner on their backs, all sheathed in armour of polished jade, weapons at their side. Behind them rode a host of mortal troops, her device over their hearts on the dress uniforms, Gunzosha-Amulets concealed below everyone. Zephyr was returning home in victory, after her triumph against the fey hordes of the Lord of Unyielding Anguish. She had met him on the battlefield on the edges of the great forest, met him and annihilated him, shattering his forces. Her mate was waiting just inside the golden doors of the fortress Manse, dressed in loose fitting blue robes, silver hair unbound, a tiara of moonsilver on his brow. His hands were on the shoulders of her son, his golden curls contrasting with the silver of his father. Reaching them she dismounted, kneeling to hug her son then standing to embrace her mate. Her guards outside the manse and her servants within all standing to attention. Fin.