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Brief history of the Kivsungai cult and some of the current leader's background.

KIVSUNGAI AND THE FIRST AGE: Spirits and Sidereals schooled in the great crafters of the First Age do not often speak of the first Lunar to go by the title of Kivsungai. He was a great crafter of advanced weapons, an artist with Moonsilver, and held a love of Luna that exceeded the love of his own life. Yet he never gained accolades for his work since they were rarely as grand as the works of the Solars. Instead he focused on designing devices to empower lesser creatures not blessed with Celestial Exaltation. Creating devices that enabled a few blessed mortals to become as gods on the battlefields though the costs were sometimes high.

Eventually the Lunar grew bored with making things purposely built for the sake of taking life and reaping innocence and sought to make a new creation which would give the world joy and cheer which, at the close of the First Age, was becoming harder to find. Facing exile for his refusals to build more powerful weapons for the deliberative he fled to the Holy City of Moonsilver.

Inspired by the Chillikin that had been made for the purpose of making the golden children's lives happy Kivsungai set out to build creations unsurpassed in cuteness. While no records exist which directly confirm that these prototypes were successful it is known that when the Lunar fled to the Wyld and left the city of Moonsilver to slowly fade away he brought with him none of his weapons but a great number of tribesmen and offspring.

THE USURPATION AND THE SHOGUNATE With the Solars dead, the Lunars fleeing and the Sidereals fading from existence the Dragon Blooded moved into the now mostly abandoned city, slaying the Moon (and Sun) Born they found and searching the ruins for dangers. They found the once great Lunar Manses sealed, the mines collapsed, the healing moon pools empty, and numerous wards beyond their power to overcome blocking further progress into the under city.

So the traitors decided to post a garrison to watch over the ghost town and reaspected what manses they could and essentially forgot about the place for centuries.

THE CONTAGION When the Great Contagion struck reality and the Fair Folk tore their way across Creation even ruins were not spared their wrath. Though the survivors of the horrible disease fought bravely they were torn apart by the flying cephalopodic troops arrayed against them and the city was forgotten by all but heaven.

THE REBUILDING As the Scarlet Empress made her initial moves into the Scavenger Lands a great many people migrated east. Of these one was a No Moon Lunar who had lost everything in the battles between the Realm and the rebels. Lost and despondent he followed a song line he had gotten from a spirit over a game of cards and found the now crumbling towers to be a perfect place to hide in his sorrow.

One day while meditating under Luna's gentle light he received a vision which led him deep into the under city past the protections Kivsungai had placed there and ignoring a room of Moonsilver he instead took one moldering book and retreated to the surface.

Devouring the formulas and ideas in the ancient tome the Lunar gained a new purpose in life and taking the name Kivsungai. It took him only a few short years to begin his plans by gathering the cutest and fluffiest lapines he could from around the world, and then using techniques detailed in his book, creating a new type of beastman. Unfortunately after establishing his initial colony in the under city Kivsungai fell prey to another Lunar's claws over an unknown reason.

THE OTHERS ARRIVE As the centuries passed the bunny person population fluctuated up and down. Every century or so a new Lunar would arrive and adopt the naive creatures taking the name Kivsungai before eventually falling to the dangers often associated with the barbarian lifestyle The young and purposely innocent race had several minor calamities during the periods in which no Lunar rose up to champion them. An ancient city in the Scavenger Lands is a tempting target for treasure hunters of all kinds and despite their passive approach to life the lapines were forced to defend themselves and so began to slide away from their original ideal.

Finally in RY 566 after a plaque killed off the small male population in the under city the rabbits had no choice but to go searching for alternative mates. coming out the night silently and bedecked in ancient scrounged armor the fluffy creatures tore into several towns and began capturing as many cute boys as they could fit in their sacks before retreating to their burrows.

Numerous groups took notice of these raids and months later a mercenary band marched on the haunted city intent on wiping out the beastmen population. Fortunately a newly tattooed Lunar pack had been sent by their elders to gather what tribes they could under their banner for raiding into the Scavenger and Linowan lands. The No Moon of the pack led the group into the ancient city just in time and in less than an hour the mortals had retreated back to their base.

Recognizing that a new god had arrived the cuddly creatures swarmed from their holes and mobbed the stupefied Lunars who had been hoping to find a group of sturdy fighters and instead happened on a group of cute and seemingly useless aberrations.

After several weeks of bunny hospitality and finding that they had yet to amass the power to gain access to the choicest ruins most of the pack decided to head deeper into the heart of the Eastern plains. The No Moon who had found a group of beastmen similar to his own totem decided to stay and explore the ruins while his companions moved. This proved fortuitous as the pack tried raiding the vaults of Lookshy and was never seen again.

So the centuries passed and in time the latest Kivsungai grew into his power and began shaping the beastmen to his own will and plumbing the secrets of his new home. Though restoring the city proper was beyond them the mines were reopened, the Manses resanctified if not exactly restored, and the ancient moon pools once again flowed with clean moon touched water, and trading deals worked out with nearby villages.

Not all went perfectly for the new tribe however. In RY 642 a rival Lunar tribe moved in and claiming that the bunny women were abominations against the holy mother they waged a war that forced the jovial and shy creatures to arm themselves in ways their creators had not intended and take to the field. though they won the war the rival retreated and still harass the surrounding lands with pin prick raids. Through all the trials and hardships these creatures of blessed peace continued their tradition of descency, honesty, and snuggling

THE CURRENT TIMES Ten years ago a boy was discovered hanging from an oak tree in the woods. Discovered by a foraging team and having the chubby cheeked cuteness that the bunny beasts find so appealing the maidens of the party brought him before the lunar lord. Kivsungai claiming to have had a vision upon seeing the nine year old gathered up his fluffiest warriors and taking what weapons he had recovered over the years proclaimed that the child would be his heir if he proved worthy and that he must leave for his last quest. With much weeping and blowing of noses the tearful bunny women said good by to their master who was last seen heading west in the direction of Thorns.

So the boy grew up and though it pained them terribly the beast people raised him in hopes of his ascension as their new god. Finally in his fourteenth year while out on a lone hunting trip the boy was attacked by wild boars and would have been slain if not for his Exaltation which gave him the speed and instincts to escape his murderous pursuers. Wandering to the east the newly made demi-god followed fever dreams and half remembered memories till he found an elder to conduct the trials.

Returning to the ruins of Moonsilver the young lad immediately took control raiding ancient libraries in search of First Age secrets, robbing tombs to outfit his soldiers, and making deals with the weak civilized humans to gain mates for his people, and spreading the Cult of Kivsungai to places beyond the Scavenger Lands and ancient savant houses.

Skirting the edge of descency the young lord is preparing his not so innocent followers for a vicious war he sees coming, though he knows his people are not the type for the horrors of an all out war.
